Chapter 216

When Qing Xiazi and Yuan Tiangang were rehearsing the "dance", Jin Yu was not idle either. He had classes in the morning and discussed with Chen Rui how to work on Xia Harvest in the afternoon.Most of the wheat has been planted in Zhuangzi this year, and the gust of wind blows, setting off waves of wheat, which is heartwarming to see.

Originally, the farm households planted winter wheat reluctantly, but only now did they realize how correct the owner's decision was.Half a year is enough for farmers to accept the benefits of flour. The children's bodies are getting stronger day by day, and the death rate of newborn babies has hit a new low.The ideals of the farmers are the real "wives and children on the kang", and now that the children have books to read, who would dare to think about it before?
With hope in life, everyone will be more energetic.Since Yang Ying and other three people jointly opened the "Beauty Makeup Pavilion" to occupy part of the female labor force, this year's summer harvest seems to be slightly insufficient.The result of Jin Yu's discussion with Chen Rui was that Zhuang school will take a few days off in advance, if it is still short of manpower, it will hire some mikes to pay for the farmer's expenses.It's not that Jin Yu loves the money, people these days have a backbone, no matter how hard their life is, they only talk about borrowing, not begging.

Let's talk about the "Beauty Makeup Pavilion". Since its opening, the benefits can only be said to be mediocre. After all, it is a new thing, and it is easy to be slandered by some conservative literati.When this symptom first appeared, Jin Yu decisively asked Yang Ying to send it!This delivery is not aimless, the first choice is the literati family members who are the most clamorous.

Yuzhang is in charge of dealing with the nobles in the palace. Women use these things not only to comfort themselves, but more importantly to please men. Which man dares to stand up and say that he is not good?
Since Yang Ying and the others followed Jin Yu's suggestion and dealt with it in a timely manner, even if there were some different voices, they were drowned in the sea of ​​silence after everyone was happy.Eat others with a short mouth, but take others short.After all, there are only a small number of people who have no taste, and no one will be pitiful if they use some tricks to tarnish his reputation.

Since the last farewell, Hongxiu Zhao hadn't seen Jin Yu again, and gradually her heart became cold, how could she be worthy of Jin Yu if she had an underground status?Hongxiu Zhao waited for a few more days, but still did not see Jin Yu appearing, and cried out in grief, only redeemed himself at the urging of the mysterious man, and began to focus on the business of the beauty shop.At this time, she restored her name to her original boudoir name—Xuanxuan.

However, Xuanxuan still had a glimmer of hope. She would rather not be the shopkeeper, regardless of the five-point shares, and instead be a maid beside Jinyu. My mental work suppressed this unrealistic idea in my heart, and I didn't dare to think about it.It was also because of Xuanxuan's efforts that the Beauty Pavilion was able to keep the balance in a short period of time, and guaranteed not to lose money.

Regarding Xuanxuan's future, Yang Ying, Cheng Wenshi, and Princess Yuzhang had discussed it.From the point of view of people in the Tang Dynasty, Xuanxuan is already an old girl. Although Yang Ying redeemed the deed of selling her body, it still can't stop her from marrying, right?If one day Xuanxuan gets married, she will be an outsider at that time, what will happen to the rest of the mess?
The ancients had their own limitations in thinking and dealing with problems. It was a bold gamble when Jin Yu insisted on returning the contract of sale to the shopkeepers. Fortunately, nothing went wrong.The three of Yang Ying did not have Jin Yu's courage, so they dared not return the contract of sale to Xuan Xuan, so how to arrange her became a headache.

As I said just now, the ancients had their own limitations in dealing with problems. They believed that the safest way was to tie people to their belts, so when discussing Xuanxuan's resettlement method, Cheng Wen joked: "Sister-in-law It's up to the decision to accept Xuanxuan as the eldest brother's roommate, isn't it settled?"

Yang Ying was unwilling to adopt Cheng Wen's method, but it was the most reliable method.Yuzhang has a special status, and the maids around him are all carefully selected, it is impossible to keep Xuanxuan by his side.Qin Huaiyu is not yet married, and he has a good relationship with Yuzhang. Isn't Qin Huaiyu taking a concubine now to add to the trouble?

Cheng Huaimo already had a concubine's room, and Cheng Wen didn't want her family to be too chaotic, so she suggested Yang Ying to take the initiative, and she made her opinion clear.

If you want to betroth Xuanxuan to any of the servants, it is estimated that many things will be added, so no one mentions this idea at all.Coupled with Xuanxuan's own thoughts, Yang Ying knew that it seemed that Cheng Wen's suggestion was the best way, but Yang Ying didn't want to adopt it at the time.

As the saying goes: this moment is that moment.Before there were no rumors, Yang Ying was absolutely unwilling, absolutely unwilling.After that scare, what could be more important than family?So Yang Ying has a reason, even if she is giving herself a reason, she is also giving Jin Yu a reason``````
In the Tang Dynasty, ancestor worship to ancestors was generally done three times a year: Qingming Festival, New Year's Day and death day.On the day of Grandpa Tang's death, Yang Ying planned to get drunk and get drunk together with Jin Yu.

Facing Grandpa Tang's memorial tablet, Yang Ying blamed herself very much. She has been married for more than a year, and her stomach has not moved at all. The same diet, tiger penis wine, and even her godfather and Uncle Cheng are going to be fathers again. How can you let your husband be in love?
"My lady, don't drink any more, you'll drink too much." Jin Yu was already a little tall, and he blushed and wanted to take the wine from Yang Ying's hand.

"No, I want to drink, it's rare to be happy today." Yang Ying wobbled away from Jin Yu's hand, "I never realized that my husband is so important before, so important that I am willing to do anything for my husband. "

"You're just talking stupid things, can the husband still leave his wife behind?" Jin Yu stretched out his hand to pinch Yang Ying's nose, but touched the red lips, his hands and feet were a little disobedient, it seemed that he was really tall.

"The concubine will haunt my husband for a lifetime! The husband can't dislike the wrinkles on his face." Yang Ying picked up the wine glass and touched Jin Yu again, and it was done.

"At that time, my husband will be a dry old man, and no one wants to dislike anyone!" Jin Yu also cleared the wine in the glass, but what Yang Ying drank was wine, and what she drank was white wine``````It seemed a little strange equality?

"The husband will take a concubine in the future, and he can't neglect the concubine." Yang Ying said seriously with drunken eyes.

"Haha! The lady is really drunk, why did you ever think about taking a concubine?" Jin Yu stretched out his hand and pinched his little face, his eyes were full of doting.

Jin Yu took another drink: "Did the lady do it on purpose tonight?"

"Of course! Husband just found out now? It's too late, hehe." Yang Ying filled Jin Yu again.

"If you drink again, you won't have to sleep tonight." Jin Yu's tongue is a bit big, but it can't match Yang Ying's enthusiasm
"I don't intend to sleep tonight``````"

Cup after cup...

There are two flowers on each table.

Xuanxuan squatted on the head of the bed, and clearly remembered what Yang Ying said when she met her: "My husband likes you very much, but I can't bear to make me sad, so I haven't looked for you again. Now we have been married for more than a year. But I have never had a child. I will give you this opportunity now, whether it is a man or a woman, I will not lose you, and let you stay by my husband's side. There is only one chance. If you don't nod this time, I will arrange other things for your husband. woman."

Xuanxuan's heart is moved, her status is low, and it would be nice to have a good home, but can she still ask the Ming media to marry her?So she obeyed Yang Ying's arrangement and waited nervously for this moment.

Now that the opportunity was in front of her, Xuanxuan didn't know how to do it well, she was at a loss, the training she usually received was gone, and she looked like a lady.

Xuanxuan didn't know what to do, but Jinyu was very clear, but he was a little stunned by the alcohol paralysis.Yang Ying replaced the white wine in the back with medicinal wine, feeling a little uncomfortable in her heart...

Yang Ying helped Jinyu into the house, and left the rest to Xuanxuan...

One is an old driver who is drunk, and the other is a theoretical king who has been trained for many years.Practice has proved that a single spark can start a prairie fire...

(End of this chapter)

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