The ammunition expert in One Piece

Chapter 184 The Coming Demon Slaying Order

Chapter 184 The Coming Demon Slaying Order
"The entrance has been opened! We are saved!" Everyone was yelling wantonly, this kind of joy of seeing the light of day in deep despair, emotional ups and downs, there is no suitable words to express it .

Jess silently watched the soldiers of the CP troop pouring out of the research institute, but he didn't care much, these people were no longer their enemies.

After a while, Xiong and others who were behind also trotted out from the passage where he appeared before. Seeing this, Jess couldn't help showing a smile on his face. After so much effort, he finally got Dr. Punk They were brought out.

"Let's go." Xiong came to Jess and said to him lightly.

Jess glanced at everyone and smiled: "Then let's go."

Two minutes later, Jess and the others arrived at the coast, and the expressions on their faces became gloomy again. The boat they had hidden in advance was gone!Not only their boats, but there is not even a small sampan on the entire coast. It is obvious that people from CP2 did it.

At the same time, the self-destruct device of the research institute finally activated by itself, and a huge mushroom cloud of smoke, dust and flames with a diameter of more than one kilometer soared into the sky!

The whole island was trembling under the impact of the explosion, the ground was cracked, the soil turned over, and the ring-shaped shock wave with a scorching breath swept out in all directions, uprooting the trees and soil all the way, and the accompanying high-temperature breath could wipe out the land in just a moment. The tree soil became carbonized and scorched black, and when it spread to the sea, it even stirred up water columns soaring to the sky on the sea!
The scorching air currents burned the surface of the sea to the point of bubbling, constantly bubbling heat upwards, and many fish living in the offshore were either killed by the shock wave or scalded to death by the high temperature, and the white fish maws on the sea surface were bleached.

When the shock wave hit, the bear used the old method to compress a ball of bear paw bubbles with a diameter of more than [-] meters, which stood in front of him like a shield, but even with the strength of the bear, it was still pushed back by the shock wave. Not only that, the two legs plowed two long and deep furrows on the ground!

Jess came, and he also put his hands on the air bubbles. With his feet hard, he sank deeply into the ground, and was pushed back and slid away quickly.

"I'll help you too!" baby-5 also trotted all the way to Jess's side, putting his hands on the air bubbles.

Vegapunk's expression changed, and three pacifists joined in.
More and more people ran up, resisting the powerful impact together with Xiong and Jess. Even the CP troops, which belonged to the hostile forces before, also ran up hundreds of people.

If Jess hadn't broken the exit passage, they would have been reduced to ashes and dust with the big explosion just now. Doing your part for him should be regarded as a small repayment.

Combine the strength of the people to fight against this natural disaster-like force. Although they are still invincible, the situation has stabilized. The power of the shock wave is gradually attenuating, and everyone has already stabilized their figure.

A few minutes later, the shock wave dissipated completely, and the bear slowly let the air bubbles in front of him dissipate into the air.

It finally stopped. The ground of the entire island was divided into two distinct areas with the place where Jess and the others were standing. The barren land, the plowed land, the scorched vegetation.

But behind them, they were preserved. Although the ground was a little cracked and the turf on the ground smelled of burnt yellow, at least the last ounce of vitality was preserved for this small island, so that the whole island did not turn into deadly.

Only the seeds of life were left behind. After ten or twenty years, I believe this island can return to its lush and lush appearance.

Although the crisis on the island was resolved, Jess and the others faced another problem, which was the ship!
When the top leaders of the CP troops retreated, they sank or towed away all the ships on the nearby sea for safety reasons. This made Jess and the others face the dilemma of having no ships available. Without ships, they simply could not Get off this island.

If the explosion didn't destroy all the trees on the island, then Jess could let everyone make a raft, and then use the powerful power of the Lamborghini to pull the raft away, but now there is no one on the island that can The wood used!
Xiong suddenly moved: "Jess, you, Dr. Punk and Miss Baby-5, leave first, leave it to me to find a way."

"Xiong, are you kidding!" Jess frowned, "How can I abandon you in this situation!"

Xiong glanced at Jess and said, "Listen to me, our mission is to bring Dr. Punk back. This is the most important thing. In this situation, we are helpless. Only you, Jess, can complete the task." , so don’t be impulsive, and everything should be focused on the task.”

Jess turned his head to the side: "Needless to say, I am the highest officer here. If I don't want to leave, no one can order me."

"However, if it drags on, none of us will be able to leave."

It is conceivable that the support fleet sent by the world government is estimated to be on its way here, and the group of CP0 must have not left the nearby sea area, waiting to meet with the reinforcements of the world government, and then send Jess and the others caught them all!

Jess was right. The group of CP0 did not leave. Their four ships were scattered in four directions in this sea area. They needed to intercept all ships that might enter this sea area, and then send Jess and the others were trapped to death on that small island!

On a world government warship, the CP0 senior officials evacuated from the research institute were all there.

"How's the situation?"

"Jess the Lawless and the others have escaped from the research institute, and are now looking for a way to leave the small island on the coast."

"Oh? The luck of these guys is really good. Didn't such a big explosion kill them?" The detonation sound and flames of the explosion, even if it is twenty nautical miles away I can hear it!

Another person chuckled and continued: "But that's it, those guys can't find any way to leave the island, once our reinforcements arrive, they will immediately execute the demon-slaying order on the island! Blow up Jace the Lawless and them all to pieces!"

From the beginning to the end, these people have not advanced the scientists of Vegapunk, and the soldiers of the CP army have long been forgotten by them. Obviously, since they decided to abandon those people, they have already made Vegapunk They and the soldiers of the CP troops are also listed as objects that need to be eliminated.

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(End of this chapter)

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