Chapter 16

"The crown prince sent a message, saying that the distinguished guest has left for something, and he doesn't plan to take you out for the time being. Let Mother Feng take good care of you, and stay in the building to recuperate during this time..."

He Hua spoke carefully, looking at Liu Yue's expression from time to time, for fear that this girl would be overwhelmed, and was already ready to persuade her.

"Oh? Is this true?"

Liu Yue's eyes flashed, and she suddenly raised her head, the lotus flower couldn't let go, the long hair in her hand suddenly tightened, Liu Yue grinned her teeth in pain.

"Girl forgive me."

Startled, He Hua quickly let go of her hands and fell to her knees on the ground with a plop, which made Liu Yue very speechless.

The ancients really liked to kneel down at every turn. She really hated this kind of behavior.

"Get up, isn't it just a few hairs, as for the kneeling ones?"


He Hua was startled, looked up cautiously, and was secretly relieved to see that Liu Yue was indeed not angry because of this incident, then got up and hesitated for a while before touching Liu Yue's hair, and smoothed it out more carefully.

"Girl, I have really wronged you by letting you stay in this Wanhua Building, but if there is a prince, Mother Feng will definitely take care of you well, so don't worry too much about it, just stay in the building for a while Bar."

He Hua thought that upon hearing such news, Liu Yue should be very uncomfortable, so she summoned up the courage to speak out to comfort her, but in exchange Liu Yue rolled her eyes.

The distinguished guests left, and the prince was going to raise himself in Wanhualou.

This news is completely irrelevant to Liu Yue, but in this way, she will have to wait for some time to leave Wanhualou, and she doesn't know if it will be a month, a year, or a lifetime.

But a prostitute who is given as a gift may be forgotten after a while.

So Liu Yue had figured it out a long time ago, it was unreliable to wait for someone to pick her up, and she had to think about leaving, so she ran to the yard to observe it.

Otherwise, she wouldn't be full and go for a walk with her cartilage-lost body on her back. Not to mention tired, it would be easy for Nima to attract attention.

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

Seen by He Hua's worried look, Liu Yue uttered a word angrily.

After hearing this, He Hua carefully looked at Liu Yue's face, and was relieved to make sure that she was not sad. After pulling up her hair, she went to fetch food diligently, while talking about the interesting things that happened in the building these days.

"Peony is now clearly priced, 300 taels a night?!"

"That's right, Miss Mudan is now a celebrity in the building, and she's almost catching up with Miss Meier."

Lotus said enviously, 300 taels is enough for an ordinary family to spend for decades, and if it is lowered, it is enough for a farmer's life.

Liu Yue drank the porridge slowly while thinking about it.

Wanhualou is indeed a good place to make money. It seems that you need to find some way to earn some money, otherwise it will be difficult to move without money after leaving Wanhualou.

Turning her eyes, Liu Yue put down the bowl in her hand, "Lotus, go and invite Mother Feng over, and tell her that I have something to discuss with her."

"Now? Mother Feng was busy very late last night, and she probably hasn't woken up yet."

He Hua paused for a moment, and replied in a low voice, Liu Yue realized that this Wan Hua Lou was originally engaged in the wine and meat business, and it usually opened very late.

It's just like seven or eight o'clock in the morning, and those night owls should be sleeping deeply.

(End of this chapter)

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