Chapter 101
Mo Yang looked at the sky full of stars, and thought of the days at Blood Moon Cliff, where she spent three years in a mediocre way, but it was very comfortable, but it was a pity that Xiang Ting, thinking of this, she would inevitably feel a little bit disappointed.

Bei Yeying looked at the night sky and said: "When I was a child, my parents often went to see the stars with me. I was really happy at that time, but after they passed away, I never looked at the sky seriously again."

Mo Yang was startled after hearing this, and said after a long while: "Then let's watch the night scene tonight."

Hearing this, Bei Yeying couldn't help feeling warm and relieved. He thought he would never feel this way again after his father and mother left.In my memory, my father loved my mother very much. After my mother left, my father became depressed and soon left with my mother, but they didn't know that he was left alone to live in pain. Sometimes he hated them for being selfish.

"Mo, I never heard you mention your family."

"They're all dead, there's nothing to mention." Mo Yang said calmly, she thought she had forgotten it, but now that she mentions it, it is still clearly imprinted in her mind.

After hearing this, Bei Yeying felt inexplicably distressed. He never thought that Mo Yang would have such a great influence on him. Forget it, it’s good to have friends, as long as that friend is Mo Yang, a friend forever, "My mother said that the dead People will become stars in the sky, and they will watch you from the sky."

Mo Yang didn't speak, because she knew that the stars were just some luminous celestial bodies, ignorance may be the best, just like when she was ignorant at her age, it was the most cherished memory in her life.

The moon was already in the middle of the sky, and the originally gloomy night sky seemed to become brighter at this time.

Bei Yeying and Mo Yang didn't return to the post house until the sky turned white.

Mo Yang was about to go back to the room to sleep, but as soon as he entered the room, he smelled the smell of blood, and saw a man in white lying on the ground, Mo Yang walked over and saw that it was Gu Yuexie, whose white robe had been stained with a large amount of blood blood.

"Hey, don't die here with me." Mo Yang went over and pushed Gu Yue obliquely, but there was no response, he checked his breath, he should be dying soon.

Mo Yang sighed, and hugged Gu Yue to the bed, "It's just as if you saved me once, but whether you live or die in the end has nothing to do with me."

He took out the medicine to clean the wound, fed pills, cleaned up the blood-stained clothes, sneaked to the kitchen to fry a bowl of medicine, and forcefully poured it into Gu Yue's slanted mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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