Chapter 307 Absolute
Shen Muyu's carriage stopped in front of a lively restaurant called Xianhe Tower in the city, Xiao Muying got off the carriage first, greeted Shen Muyu who got off the carriage afterwards, and left along the busy street.

Xiao Ji looked at Xiao Muying's handsome back, looked away coldly, and began to order a group of guards and coachmen to arrange the carriage and horses.

It wasn't until everything was arranged properly that Xiao Ji followed Shen Muyu into the Crane Tower.

At that time, it was the time for lunch in the Crane Tower, and the living room on the first floor was almost full. Shen Muyu and Xiao Ji searched carefully for a while, and finally found an empty table in the corner. After walking over.

Shen Muyu and Xiao Ji took their seats one after another. Xiao Ji called the waiter to order a few dishes. After the waiter smiled and turned around and left, Xiao Ji turned his gaze to Shen Muyu who was facing him. Pour tea calmly.

Shen Muyu first poured tea into the teacup in front of her, and then poured a cup of tea for Xiao Ji.Xiao Ji quickly took the teapot in his hand, and said, "Let the subordinates do it by themselves."

Shen Muyu didn't make much concessions, and let go of his hand.

Xiao Ji quickly poured a full cup of tea, and he put the teapot aside. Concerned that there were too many people in this restaurant, he changed his address on purpose, and asked Shen Muyu, "My lord, Xiao Muying has gone. where?"

Shen Muyu turned her head and casually looked at the guests sitting behind the table next to her, and replied: "She said she wants to wander around the city, looking for birthday gifts."

Xiao Ji's face was a little gloomy, and he continued to ask: "When we were in the Fire Phoenix Forest, for Xiao Muying's behavior of pushing us into a dangerous situation when she claimed to come to rescue us, did you see that she did it on purpose?"

Shen Muyu quickly averted his eyes from the guests who were chatting and laughing around. He quietly listened to Xiao Ji's question, his eyes fell silent for a while, and he replied in a low voice: "I can see it."

"In this case, why do you still go with her?" Xiao Ji said indignantly: "Instead of killing such a person who is hostile to you, you insisted on walking with her, even riding in the carriage with her, my lord , how can you not take your own safety into consideration?"

Shen Muyu picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea, then he shook the cup gently in his hand, and said with a smile: "Xiao Ji, you and all the guards are following the carriage, even if she wants to kill me, She definitely wouldn't dare to do it...but why is she so hostile to me?"

Xiao Ji looked at the puzzled expression on Shen Muyu's face, and he was very puzzled in his heart. As far as Xiao Muying's life background he found out, she and Shen Muyu had no chance of intersection, let alone such life and death hatred.

Xiao Ji frowned and thought for a while but couldn't think of a reason, so he stopped thinking, but lowered his voice and said coldly: "Young master, since you have also noticed her hostility, we can't find out what is going on. Why, then why not just kill her, and it's over!"

Shen Muyu shook his head, and said word by word: "Xiao Ji, remember my order, you must not kill Xiao Muying. Absolutely, do you understand?"

"Young Master..." Xiao Ji said helplessly: "This subordinate knows that you are in love with that woman, but she will eventually become an unpredictable variable for your road to supremacy!"

(End of this chapter)

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