Happy Farm Ranch

Chapter 182 Xiaohuashan Villa Area

Chapter 182 Xiaohuashan Villa Area
Su Mu considered more comprehensively. First, he was worried that some people would take advantage of the good policy. After all, after learning that the village will provide for the elderly, he naturally has no worries.

Want to use the reason of going out to work and leave, and leave the old man in the village for everyone to take care of. Wouldn't this breed a bad trend?

Another point is that there was no plan in the village before, anyone who wants to farm can open up wasteland; if he doesn't want to plant, he can leave it alone and let the land become wasteland.

Now that I have opened a farm and pasture, it is better to solve the land problem in the village in a unified way, so as to avoid all kinds of troubles in the future.

"Speaking of it this way, we have taken advantage of it. In the past, it was enough to grow enough land to eat. Anyway, it depends on the sky, and I didn't expect how many acres of land to plant. It's just the same. According to what you said, what should I do if I want to grow land in the future? "A few young men muttered a few words in a low voice, and then one of them stood up and asked.

Farmers have a deep affection for the land and it is difficult to let go of it. Now it is only temporarily contracted out. In their hearts, the land is still their own. Whenever they want to plant it, they can get it back.But if according to what Sumu said, the right to own and manage the land is controlled by the village, what should I do if I want to farm in the future?Is it possible to spend money to redeem it?

"If you want to plant land, you can follow the original contract we signed. You can still take out how many acres of land you signed at the beginning, and the village has no right to ask. The root of this article is to restrict those who want to take advantage of the loopholes. , Think about it, if there are people like Wang Ergou who leave the elderly behind to enjoy themselves, who will plant the land in the village? Who will raise the elderly?

We can't keep the old man in our village, and I also contract the land with money. When Wang Ergou comes back to ask for the contract fee, I have to give him another sum of money, right?
Think about it, everyone, is this the truth?You can't let this kind of person take all the benefits.As long as our new regulations on land contracting are finalized, in this case, the land will be directly confiscated, and I will pay the contracting fee to the village. It has nothing to do with Wang Ergou's half a dime, and he will never come back to make trouble. "

The villagers thought about it carefully, and what Su Mu said was indeed right.

At the beginning, Wang Ergou also contracted the land to others, but now he left as soon as he said it, and the old lady left it to be raised in the village.

If the land problem is not resolved, after the old lady is gone, Wang Ergou will come back to ask for the contract fee, who will Su Mu ask for reasoning?

"This statement is pertinent, I agree!" Liang Dayong was the first to vote.

Afterwards, the villagers also became angry. The village is so big, and there are too many people. Who can guarantee that there are not many scumbags?Besides, if Su Mu had money, he earned it himself. It was his duty to help the village if he gave money.

Therefore, this article was also passed by a 100% show of hands.

The village chief breathed a sigh of relief. Speaking of this, he was most worried about some people playing tricks and deliberately tripping them up.Fortunately, everyone in the village knows the general situation, and no one stands up to mess around.

Put a check mark to indicate that this item has also passed.The village head smiled into the microphone and said: "Next, Muzi's speech will be the finale of the new regulations, so listen carefully!"

"In fact, our pension mechanism is related to many problems. It is like a machine. If one part fails, other parts will stop. Now that the pension problem has been solved, and the land contract problem has no worries, it will involve other problems. One item - the housing issue!
I remember that some time ago, there was a gang fight in the village over who owned the house of the deceased widowed old man.

In fact, this is related to human relations and maintenance issues.

Now it is still the situation of Grandma Wang, Wang Ergou left her and left, but Grandma Wang still lives in the three adobe houses.When the nursing home is completed and the old man is asked to move to a new house, who will own the remaining adobe house? "

"Of course I have to go back to the village. The village has taken care of the elderly, and he didn't take care of him!"

"What if Wang Ergou comes back again? Although the villagers helped build the house back then, the land belongs to the old Wang's family..."

"That's right, it seems really worrying to say that. He's patted his butt. He's gone to enjoy his life, and when he comes back to ask for a house, won't he still have to fight?"


When the villagers yelled, Grandma Wang sighed and stood up, "Everyone, listen to me. Everyone helped to build the house at the beginning. Who knew that Er Gouzi married a wife and forgot his mother, and I lived a good life with him. No way! Now he left me and left, thanks to Muzi's thoughtful thinking, all he came up with were ways to take care of us.

After I die, although those broken adobe houses are not worth a lot of money, I want to leave them to Muzi for disposal.

Since he came back to the village, he has given us a lot of money, including food and drink, and even let me go to his house for a good meal from time to time.

To put it bluntly, I am not afraid of your jokes, I will eat well at Muzi's house all my life!Just like this, the land will be confiscated to the village, and my dilapidated house will be given to Muzi! "

"Grandma Wang, sit down first." Su Mu motioned An Lu to help the agitated old lady to sit down, and then said, "I will accept her as much as she wants. Now I have to explain, Wang Ergou's family of three The contracting fee is confiscated, and the contracting fee for the ten acres of land under Grandma Wang's name is still her own;

In addition, regarding the housing issue, I actually have a bigger plan.

Have you all seen the waterwheel mill I built?When it was first built, many people said that if they could live in such a house in the future, they would be satisfied in this life.

Now I want to tell everyone that I am going to build a new village on Xiaohua Mountain!It just so happens that the construction workers are getting along well with us these days. When the school, nursing home, and my floating restaurant are all built, they don't need to move the place, and the construction of Xiaohuashan here will start directly!
I guarantee that the houses built on Xiaohua Mountain are no worse than Waterwheel Mill at all!
How will these houses be divided?Because I paid for the building of the house myself, so in order to avoid someone taking advantage of the loopholes, I want everyone to exchange their old houses.

Take each household as a unit, because the new houses built are similar to waterwheel mills, let alone a family of three with old people, even if there are three more people, they can still live there.Therefore, starting from tomorrow, the statistics will show that one yard for one family can be exchanged for one house in Xiaohuashan.

That is to say, in the future, everyone will live in the same place as they do now, only in a different place.You guys can't bully me. When I heard about the house change, everyone moved out to order a new courtyard. Then I can't afford that much money! "


Hearing him say that, everyone was happy.

After laughing, the villagers who were immersed in the new joy hurriedly asked: "What about our sons? They are almost old enough to hold weddings. Will the house be open then?"

"Yes, what if the child gets married or wants to move out in the future, what should I do?"


The house problem is obviously more difficult than the land, and various questions soon follow.

(End of this chapter)

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