Chapter 135
"Hello, welcome, how many sirs are you?"

Today is the off-season for tourism, and the business in restaurants is naturally not as good as in other seasons.The manager of the lobby was wandering around the lobby, and when he saw them coming in, based on his experience in the service industry, he immediately concluded that although there were a few bumpkins who had never seen the market, there were some rich people in this group!

Sure enough, he walked towards Su Mu directly, and asked with a smile, "Sir, do you want to stay in the lobby or go to the private room?"

"Let's find a big private room, there are nine of us." Su Mu looked at some scattered guests eating in the hall, fearing that Che Boss and the others would not get used to it, it would be better to have a closed space.Even if you say something wrong, it is always in front of your own people, and you are not afraid of being laughed at.

The lobby manager nodded and led them the way. "Then go to the Peach Blossom Pavilion on the third floor. The Peach Blossom Pavilion is relatively large and can usually seat twelve people. A larger place is more convenient for more people."

Su Mu led Che Boss and the others to the front, waiting for the elevator to go upstairs. He noticed that all the decorations here were themed with peach blossoms.

There are wallpapers with dark patterns of peach blossoms on the wall, the color is light pink, very elegant; from time to time, there are some freehand peach blossom paintings hanging on the wall, adding a lot of literary heritage; even the elevator doors are carved with peach blossom patterns in gold , the elevator buttons are also in the shape of petals; the private rooms of all sizes are named after "peach blossom".

Among them, there are many nice and easy-to-remember names such as "Drunken Peach Blossom", "Peach Blossom Fan", and "Peach Blossom Spring".

Ou Chen walked a little behind, as the young owner of Yan Laiju, since he entered the shop of his colleagues, he naturally had to check some doorways, so he just watched silently and did not chat with everyone;

Liang Fei and An Lu were whispering about their private affairs at this time, they didn't care about this restaurant at all, they just followed them and walked inside.

"Sir, take the elevator up to the third floor and turn left and the second room is the 'Peach Blossom Pavilion'. There are dedicated waiters in the private room. You can just go in. I still have some things to do, so excuse me."

The manager of the hall had just brought them to the elevator, but he turned his face and saw another group of guests in the hall.

The leader is a regular customer here; he is also the magistrate of Taohua County. Since there are distinguished guests coming, he, the hall manager, will naturally show his face, so he hurriedly left Su Mu and his party and went to the door to greet them.

"Hey, why did he leave? The door hasn't been opened yet, how can we go in?" The owner of the car saw that the store had left, and the big iron door in front of him was still closed. There is no doorknob, let alone the keyhole, so he whispered, "Muzi, you don't want us to eat here?"

"Look at what you said, how can there be any reason to push out the guests who come to the door?" Su Mu pointed to the elevator button and explained: "This is an elevator, fully automatic. Press the up button, and the elevator will come down by itself to pick us up No, no need to climb the stairs. We can go up whether the manager is there or not."

"Oh, is it true or not? Click it and you will know where we are going? This thing is amazing!" The owner of the car was surprised, and whispered to his companion who was equally surprised, and even agreed to sit down later. You have to watch carefully when you are working, to see how it works, and make one when you have time to go back to the village.Isn't it easier to get on the roof than climbing a ladder?

Su Mu couldn't help laughing bitterly, but he didn't interrupt their "imagination". When the conditions are good, every family will live in a small western-style building, and it will not be difficult to add an elevator.

It didn't take long for the elevator to come down from floor to floor.

"Ding!" There was a crisp and thin sound, and the exquisite elevator door slowly opened to reveal the elevator room with three sides of glass.

"Oh, the space here is really big! My small cart can fit in it. If I install this thing at home, it will save me a lot of trouble in repairing the roof in the future!" The owner of the cart praised, I am more and more satisfied with the novelty of the elevator.

All the people in the group entered the elevator. Su Mu just pressed the button for the third floor when An Lu, who had been snuggling beside Liang Fei, let out a "Hey", and then pointed outside in amazement and said, "Look, the person behind that fat man is It wasn't Zhang Kai? It was the one who went to teach in the village primary school with me and Xiaotong, and left that day!"

Su Mu quickly glanced outside, and sure enough, he saw the person she was pointing at.

Wearing shiny leather shoes, a down jacket and a pair of black-rimmed glasses, isn't it just Zhang Kai who thinks Huatan is poor, and pats his ass and leaves after eating!

"It's really that little bastard?" The owner of the car took a few glances outside, taking advantage of the narrow gap between the elevator and saw that it was the kid, and immediately curled his lips, "He's from Taohua County, what? Can you take a fancy to our little broken mountain village? It seems to be doing well at the moment, huh, you bastard!"

Su Mu didn't have a good impression of him either. People who are too utilitarian are not suitable for making friends with.

Hearing that the villagers sniffed at each other and kept talking bad things about each other to Liang Fei and Ou Chen who didn't know why, Su Mu hurriedly waved his hand to stop him and said, "Everyone has his own aspirations. If he doesn't like our Huatanao, then don't like it. We don't like it either. There is no shortage of people like him. Let's think about what to eat for dinner, and don't discuss what is meaningless."

As soon as he finished speaking, the elevator closed and went directly to the third floor.

Lifting it up suddenly, the owner of the car who had never taken an elevator before immediately groaned, feeling top-heavy and dizzy.

Su Mu and the others hurriedly stretched out their hands to hold on, the owner of the car was pale and tried to hold on to the mirror in the elevator, not even daring to breathe.Fortunately, the third floor arrived soon, and the elevator door opened a few seconds later, and he rushed out first!Then he patted his chest and sighed in relief: "This thing climbs up very fast, but it's scary enough! If I really get this thing, I don't dare to sit on it. Let's climb the ladder honestly. Huyou was going to kill you all of a sudden! I almost lost my guts..."

Several other villagers, who were slightly older, all reacted similarly to him;

But the younger ones didn’t feel dizzy or scared. After getting out of the elevator door, they praised it. It’s so fast to take this thing, and they will arrive at the third floor in no time!It's a pity that I can't tell how the elevator works, it seems to be a big iron box running up and down...

Just now I saw Zhang Kai's topic was changed in an instant. There are two people who dared to open their minds. After listening to Ou Chen's brief explanation of the elevator's operating principle, they even discussed how to get a basket after returning home, and then tied it with a rope to try it out. Can you pull it back and forth...

"Everyone has been tired for a whole day. Let's eat and drink tonight!" Su Mu led the way into the private room, picked up the menu from the waiter who came in to order and handed it to Ou Chen, "Come on, Ou Shaobang Let's make a reasonable combination of meat and vegetables; dishes that can cater to everyone's tastes, satisfy cravings and relieve hunger, and I will treat you tonight!"

(End of this chapter)

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