He's a blackened heartthrob

Chapter 102 [102] She has concerns

Chapter 102 [102] She has concerns


"Whoa, whoa..."


"Wow wow wow..."

"Hurry up and stop!!!" Uncle Zhang patted Jing Shu's head: "If you're gone, don't pretend!"

Sure enough, after such a shot of Jingshu, he stopped pretending and stopped crying immediately.

Uncle Zhang: "..."

So it's still a mess?

The man glanced at her angrily, "Tell me, why are you pretending to cry."

Jing Shu wiped away the tears with his sleeve, coughed lightly, blinked his still red eyes, and said with a smile: "I don't want those members of the supernatural army to know that I did it."

Uncle Zhang said: "So you are deliberately so disgusting?"

Jing Shu spread his hands, with an innocent expression on his face: "I'm not disgusting, am I? Could it be that the pear blossoms I cried with rain just now are not cute at all?"

Uncle Zhang: "...I'm going to spit out the whole New Year's Eve dinner for you."

Jing Shu: "..." Tsk.

The man and the girl are walking on the path home, next to the green paddy field, when the wind blows, you can still hear the rustling of green onion and rice leaves inside.

Jing Shu took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it, and held it in his mouth. Uncle Zhang swallowed his saliva when he smelled the smoke, looked at her and said, "Hua Zi?"

Jing Shu gave a thumbs up, eyes admiring, "Amazing, my uncle! You can smell it any way you smell it!"

Uncle Zhang patted her on the arm and said, "Okay, don't tell your uncle what's wrong, tell me quickly, why don't you want the team leader to know that you did it?"

The girl smiled and scratched her head in embarrassment, but after she finished laughing, the expression on her face was rare serious, and her voice was less teasing, "Uncle, you know that I am several times stronger than ordinary people, don't you?" ?”

"I know," Uncle Zhang took it for granted, "Didn't you already know this?"

"Don't you find it strange?" Jing Shu raised his eyebrows.

Uncle Zhang said: "What's so strange about this? Don't you raise pigs?! How did you drag the pigs away without much strength?!"

Jingshu: "..."

I rely on.

She coughed lightly, "Okay, let me tell you, I'm afraid that those people will arrest me as a different kind after they know I'm strong."

Uncle Zhang's slightly round face immediately showed a serious expression: "Catch you? Who dares?! Ask your uncle first if I agree!"

Jing Shu admired the starry eyes: "Uncle, you are so handsome and I love you so much!!"

Uncle Zhang's serious face was reddish, and he slapped her on the head: "Okay, stop flattering me, I didn't expect you, girl Jing, to be afraid of being arrested."

Jing Shu shrugged: "Why aren't you afraid? Anyway, I don't want others to know! I don't care, uncle, you have to cover me, otherwise I will go to your house and cry every day."

Uncle Zhang couldn't bear the disgusting look of her fake crying, so he nodded quickly, "Okay, okay, cover, okay?! I'll send you to the intersection, and you can go back by yourself for the rest of the way. I have to go to the village entrance to help Well, let's go."

Jing Shu smiled happily, and hurriedly waved his hands: "Hey, you go slowly, uncle, thank you! Hello!"

Watching the back of the man leaving, the smile on the scene gradually disappeared.

Turning around, he took a puff of the cigarette in his mouth and threw it directly into the paddy field next to the dirt road.

A little white smoke rose and disappeared into the air with the wind.

——The scratched woman has mutated.

What does this mean?
Jing Shu's eyes are cold.

——It shows that the medicine that pollutes the tap water is also mutating itself, and now it has the ability to spread.

If there are ordinary people who were scratched or bitten among the survivors who left the fifth area.

This will be a disaster.

The laboratory will not use such a big sacrifice to gain the recognition of that mere district, because once they are out of control, not only will they not be able to obtain the recognition of the remaining district chiefs, but they will also lose the trust they have gained from ordinary humans.

Therefore, the turmoil this time was not caused by the laboratory.

Who would that be? Obviously, the answer was already on the horizon.

Jing Shu rubbed his temples and sighed helplessly.

"When gods fight, mortals suffer." She pursed her lips, "I really want to play a game of killing those crazy people."

Back home, Fu Yi seemed to have been waiting for a long time.

Standing at the door, the young man saw her figure slowly coming back, and immediately went forward to meet her. Cibai's cute little face showed a sad expression, and asked, "Why is it so long? It's almost two o'clock."

Jing Shu said: "There was a problem with the tricycle on the road, so I left it at the sanitation station, and I walked back."

After she finished speaking, she went to the warehouse and pushed the motorcycle out, and said with a smile: "Come on, I promised to take you to the park in the town to play."

Fu Yi raised the corners of his lips, put on the helmet that Jingshu gave him, sat obediently behind her, wrapped his hands around the girl's waist, put his chin on her shoulder, and hugged her tightly.

The boy likes to hug Jingshu from behind, and likes her to cling to him.

At this moment, Jing Shu was stunned for a moment, then suddenly turned to look at him, and said, "Wait a minute, when did you... be so taller than me?"

As soon as these words came out, Fu Yu also realized that he no longer needed to look up at Jingshu.

Before he knew it, he was about two centimeters taller than the girl.

No one had noticed this change before.

Until now.

Fu Yu unconsciously touched his neck.

He frowned slightly. Since yesterday, the chip had been faintly hot, but he didn't know why.

"Wow." Jing Shu raised his eyebrows: "It seems that my guy eats well, and the dwarf has counterattacked."

Pay: "..."

The young man smiled, hugged her waist again, raised his red lips, narrowed his exquisite eyes, and said in a frivolous voice with a hint of coquettishness: "Yes, my sister is well-raised."

Jingshu: "..."

It's not surprising to see his tone of voice.

The motorcycle started, but didn't go on the road.

Jing Shu is very familiar with the terrain in the mountains, so he knows a fast way down the mountain.

The small road can also reach the town, but the road is very rough and potholed, and it will be more difficult for ordinary motorcycles to pass.

Jing Shu's speed was not fast, and when she was about to enter the small dirt road, she smiled behind her and said, "Hold on tighter, bastard, or you may be thrown out later."

"Really?" Fu Yu's low and hoarse voice fell into her ears, and he put his arms around the girl's slender waist even more tightly, and said, "You said that."

Feeling that the hands around his waist really exerted some strength, Jing Shu sneered: "Okay, sit still, kid."

Then the motorcycle suddenly accelerated and rushed into a small bumpy dirt road.

City C.

Crowds of people.

Many people stood on the street, and the sudden influx of people almost filled the entire city.

The traffic on the roads is blocked, the hotels and hotels are full of people, and many people who can't find a place to live can only set up tents in the streets and alleys or live in urgently built board houses in the square.

The various communities are basically overcrowded, and the open space downstairs is filled with tents.

At first glance, there is almost no way to go.

Ling Qi was in the rented room, watching the situation downstairs through the window.

The boy held a drone in his hand and threw it out of the window. The drone flew in the air, and then the computer around the boy showed the video.

The water plant in City C has not detected any problems for the time being, but this does not affect people's panic.

In the past two days, everyone has been buying mineral water in the supermarket, and also bought a lot of containers to pick up tap water and stock up.

Ling Qi and Shi Liu also saved a lot, not because they were afraid of drinking the tap water to mutate, but because if the water plant found something abnormal, the whole city would be cut off.

That kind of mutated drug has no effect on the successful experiment, and it will be directly swallowed by its own powerful supernatural gene after drinking it, but when it is swallowed, it will make the internal organs hurt like being crushed by a meat grinder.

For safety reasons, Ling Qi moved to live with Shi Liu.

These two days, Liu asked for leave. He is a doctor, so he must be busy in the hospital, so meeting the experiment hunter is also a [-]% thing.

The young man was sitting on the sofa wearing a shirt, looking at the chestnut-haired boy playing with the drone in front of the windowsill, and raised his eyebrows and asked, "What are you looking at?"

Ling Qi said: "I'm looking at the current situation."

Shi Liu sighed: "I can't think of anyone else except your sister."

On the [-]th, he likes to dissect frogs or think about some strange cell medicines all day long.

Ling Qi didn't speak, and quietly looked at the noisy and panicked crowd downstairs.

Suddenly, a strange picture appeared on the computer!

The teenager looked sideways, looking at the computer screen next to him, and the drone flew to the refuge square, where there were a group of newly rescued survivors, but several of them had already been scratched by monsters.

Ling Qi stared at the screen, his eyes getting darker, the bloody wound was still dripping blood, the nurse was about to treat the injured person's wound, but the next second, the person suddenly fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth , his pupils widened, his expression ferocious!
He strangled his neck tightly, and then rolled his eyes. When the nurse and others were astonished, the man's back changed dramatically!A pair of bat wings surged directly from the two bones on the back!His teeth became sharp and his eyes were scarlet. This appearance shocked everyone present!
The other injured people also changed at this time. For a while, there were screams one after another, people fled in panic, and the entire refuge square became the center of disaster!

Ling Qi frowned, Shi Liu also saw the screen on his computer.

The hunters rushed to the scene. At this time, blood was all over the place, limbs were scattered, and the humans who were attacked again mutated within a short period of time!

Shi Liu stood up, walked to the window, and said in a serious and cold voice, "It's contagious."

Ling Qi said: "I know."

He clenched his fists and slowly closed his eyes.

In doing so, the organization is declaring war on the laboratory.

In fact, it has nothing to do with the three of them.

"I'll inform NO.11." Shi Liu took out his mobile phone and planned to make a call to Jing Shu, "Maybe the three of us have to find a way to leave here, leave the fifth district, and go to other areas on the mainland."

Ling Qi looked at him: "I'm afraid NO.11 won't leave."

Shi Liu paused, but failed to press the dial button: "Why?"

The boy sighed, looked towards a certain direction in the sky, and said quietly: "Because, she has something to worry about here."

Want NO.11 to leave without any worries.

Unless—everyone in that village is dead.

 coming! ! !There is another update, before eleven o'clock! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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