Concubine Concubine Concubine Wants to Divorce

Chapter 238 What Are the Consequences

Chapter 238 What Are the Consequences
Jiang Yu stared at her, but said very seriously, "Because you look good."


Gu Qingyuan couldn't bear it anymore, really really... really wanted to scold her.

However, if someone else said that, she could still call that person glib, so she could justifiably express the anger in her heart.

But this person is Prince Jing, that General Chang Sheng who is as famous as her father in Daxia. You know, the common people also admire him very much.

So when I heard his words, there was a feeling that he was talking seriously?
Uh, Gu Qingyuan felt that his skin was covered with goose bumps, this is indeed a capable person, no wonder the previous "self" liked him so much.

Bewildered by some external aura, girls, for those so-called heroes, there will be a feeling of blind worship.

But she is not, for the previous mistakes, she also wants to correct them as soon as possible.

Therefore, Gu Qingyuan just nodded lightly, and said: "Well, I think so too."

It was such a shameless sentence, but he actually thought she was so cute?
Jiang Yu felt that he was really crazy, but he didn't care if he was crazy. She was a very cute girl, so there was no need to deny that.

After that, the two of them stopped talking again, but it was not pleasant to keep silent like this. Gu Qingyuan didn't want to continue to twist her neck and look out of the window motionlessly.

She died early and died early, she looked at him, and asked very seriously: "Do you want to make peace with me and let me go back to the general's mansion?"

Afraid that she would not agree, she added another sentence: "Don't worry, if you are worried that Heli will have a bad reputation for you, it's okay to divorce me."

Jiang Yu was stunned, unexpectedly, she would say such words again.

Heli again, even asking him to divorce her, just to leave his side?
It was as if someone had stabbed his heart with a needle, and then again, the pain was so unbearable.

Why, where did he not do well enough, or what did he do wrong, why did she just have to leave him?
If it wasn't her, did she have to marry him?

Suddenly, Jiang Yu remembered again, yes, she insisted on marrying him, and he was not satisfied with her.

After they got married, it seemed that he didn't do anything good to her, and he didn't seem to be that good to her.

So now, she insisted on leaving him?

Thinking of this, Jiang Yu suddenly felt a little sad and sad.

There is a saying that you can't live without doing your own crimes. Does it mean that he is in such a situation now?

Ever since, Prince Jing became taciturn again, he didn't speak, naturally, Gu Qingyuan didn't bother to say anything.

She had already clearly expressed what she wanted to say the most. As for whether he would accept it or not and what the consequences would be, it was beyond her control.

Do your best and obey the destiny, what will happen in the future, let's talk about it later.

The carriage had been moving forward steadily, but suddenly, for some unknown reason, it seemed that the wheels tripped over something, and as a result, the entire carriage shook.

And Gu Qingyuan was thinking about his own thoughts at first, and he didn't sit still, but because of this, he was thrown out by the bumps.

With such a leap forward, it was just right, and she fell into the arms of that man again.

For the second time today, I threw myself into my arms.

(End of this chapter)

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