The Supreme Dharma God of Meiman

Chapter 119 Gamma Ray Diffusion

Chapter 119 Gamma Ray Diffusion
Yunyan beheaded King Wanli, Tony didn't blame him, after all, the other party was a fugitive, and he did such a thing, destroying the port, destroying many buildings, and killing many innocent citizens.

After the matter of King Wanli was resolved, the jailbreak incident was not completely over, and it was still going on.

Although many fugitives have been arrested and taken back, there are still some fugitives who have not been caught and are still active outside.

If these fugitives were active outside, they would be a great threat to innocent citizens, and they might cause many casualties to innocent citizens, so all beggars who escaped from prison must be captured.

Yun Yan and Tony received news from S.H.I.E.L.D. that there was a new problem in Cube Prison.

Originally, S.H.I.E.L.D. dispatched an operational force into the cubic prison to capture the prisoners who hadn't escaped from it and transfer them to other places.

However, when the action team entered the cube prison, a strange cyan ray permeated it, submerging the members of the action team inside, and directly cut off contact, not knowing what happened in the cube prison.

Moreover, that kind of ray diffused from the cubic prison, shrouded the cubic prison inside, and spread out to the surroundings, spreading continuously.

S.H.I.E.L.D. sent another action team to approach the Cube Prison to investigate the cyan rays.

However, the members of the second action team, who had just approached those cyan rays, were infected by the rays, causing the bodies of the team members to mutate, turning into monster-like existences, losing their minds, and becoming berserk.

According to the real-time video, Nick Fury, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., took this matter very seriously and knew that it could not be solved by members of the action team, and the superheroes of the Avengers must be asked to help.

It was not clear at all on the phone, Yunyan and Tony planned to go to S.H.I.E.L.D. to see how the situation was before taking action.

Yunyan opened the portal directly, and several superheroes went to the super battleship of S.H.I.E.L.D.

At this time, the super battleship of SHIELD landed in the area beside the cubic prison, the distance is not very far, about a hundred meters away.

"What's going on? What happened?" Tony came to the super battleship of S.H.I.E.L.D. without any delay, and asked immediately with a solemn expression.

"Look at a video, you should understand." Nick said.

Yunyan, Iron Man, Spiderman, Black Panther, Hawkeye and Captain America came to the command room of the super battleship and watched the video played on the screen.

The content of the video is that the members of the action team are not immune at all when they are close to the rays spreading out from the cubic prison, and their bodies change immediately, turning into monster-like existences.

"What's going on here?" Spider-Man asked suspiciously, seeing this situation, he became a little bit awe-inspiring.

After all, it seems weird to directly mutate a living person into a monster.

"These are gamma rays, the gamma rays that mutated Dr. Bruce Banner into the Hulk." Nick sighed slightly and said.

Hearing this kind of thing, Yun Yan and the others immediately became serious, knowing that this kind of thing is not easy to handle, if it spreads like this, it might spread to the city in a few hours.

If gamma rays affect ordinary people, they basically have no ability to resist, and their bodies will mutate immediately, turning into hideous existences, just like monsters.

"There is something like this leaked out, someone should have deliberately done it." Captain America said in a deep voice.

"I have investigated it, and it is true that someone did this on purpose, and this person is the big boss." Nick said some of the information he knew.

The big boss, like the Hulk, is affected by gamma rays, causing the body to mutate and become an alternative existence.

It's just that the Hulk's mutation directly leads to a stronger body and terrifying explosive power, while the big boss affects the brain more, making him very smart and able to do many crazy things with strategies.

The big boss was originally imprisoned in the Cube Prison, but something happened in the Cube Prison, and after many prisoners escaped, he planned this incident.

He used his wisdom and technology to create a device that can emit gamma rays, centered on the cube prison, and spread out to the surroundings, which can spread to the entire United States, and even affect the whole world.

If gamma rays are allowed to spread out in this way, the whole world may fall, and all living people will mutate and become hideous existences. At that time, a group of demons will dance around.

The thought of this happening, the thought of becoming a monster, was unacceptable to anyone.

"If you want to prevent the spread of gamma rays, you just need to enter the cube prison and destroy the device that emits gamma rays, right?" Yun Yan's eyes flickered, showing a sharp look, and asked.

"According to theory, it should be so, but this process should not be easy. There are many prisoners in Cube Prison who have not left. Under the influence of gamma rays, it may become more difficult to deal with." Nick nodded slightly and said out things that need attention.

"No matter whether it is difficult to deal with or not, we have to go inside, there is no other way to deal with it." Yun Yan said with a chuckle.

"But the prison is filled with gamma rays. Will we not be affected if we break in like this?" the panther asked doubtfully.

Although they are superheroes, they are still flesh and blood. If they really want to be affected, there is no way to avoid body mutation, which is a very tricky thing.

"You don't have to worry about this. After these things are gamma rays, we will immediately process and create a batch of combat suits that can isolate gamma rays. As long as you wear the combat suits, you don't have to worry about being affected by gamma rays." Nick explained .

The S.H.I.E.L.D. is not a free agent. Without this technical means, it would not be able to gain a foothold at all. It is estimated that it would have been destroyed and completely defeated by those villains long ago.

While talking, Nick had asked someone to bring the battle suit over, showed it to Yunyan and the others, and told them how to use it, as well as some small functions.

Of course, the main function of this rush-made battle suit is to block gamma rays.

After understanding the functions of the battle suit, Black Panther and the others put on the battle suit immediately without hesitation.

"Although you have a way to block gamma rays, just to be on the safe side, you should put on your battle suit." Tony said to Yunyan, and handed a set of battle suits to Yunyan.

Yun Yan did not refuse, took the battle suit, and went to the changing room to change into the battle suit.

(End of this chapter)

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