Chapter 329

Xu Ping'an took her arm and moved down, interlocking his fingers, "I'm not laughing at anything."

He didn't say anything, and Qin Qiang didn't ask any more questions, just as the car arrived, the two of them got into the car and went home.

After arriving home, Qin Qiang immediately found a camera and came out, beckoning to Xu Ping'an, "Come here."

After pulling the person over, Qin Qiang smiled, "It suddenly occurred to me that I haven't taken many photos of you before."

"I did." Xu Ping'an said, "I did it at my grandma's house last time."

Qin Qiang bit his ear and muttered something in a low voice, Xu Ping'an immediately felt his ears burning, stood up and glanced at her, "No, I'll cook."

"Is your hand ready? You can cook." Qin Qiang joyfully crossed her legs, "If you don't agree, I won't cook for you."

Xu Ping'an was silent, and after a pause, he said reluctantly, "It's okay to take pictures, but the one you said is not."

"The kind I was talking about? What kind?" Qin Qiang knew that he must be thinking wrong when he heard it, and found out a group of photos of Jiang Mubai that he had taken before in his folder, and asked Xu Ping'an to come over and take a look.

It was the group I took in the desert last time. Later, He Ziyang studied whether he should take some sexy photos, so he took a topless photo of Jiang Mubai. The sun was shining brightly, and the sweat dripped down his chin with his head slightly raised. The chubby boy seemed to have a particularly eye-catching sense of desire.

"How is it?" Qin Qiang was not stingy with her compliments, "I promise you will take better photos than this one."

And she is very good at grasping Xu Ping'an's little thoughts, "I won't show it to others, I will keep it secretly."

Xu Ping'an licked his lips, and finally lost the battle, "We'll talk after dinner."

This was agreed, Qin Qiang immediately jumped up from the sofa and went to the kitchen, Xu Ping'an still waited and watched her cook, giving some guidance from time to time.

Because she couldn't wait, Qin Qiang chose the simplest dishes to cook, shredded potatoes and stir-fried pork with green peppers.

He also ate very fast while eating, and in the end Xu Ping'an gave her a helpless look, "Slow down."

He was deliberately delaying time, and it was useless for her to finish eating, so Qin Qiang raised her eyebrows and slowed down, but still couldn't help urging him, "Hurry up."

After finally finishing the meal, Qin Qiang immediately went back to the room. She thought it would be nice to take a group photo in the bathroom.

He went to the closet and found a white shirt for Xu Ping'an, put it on the bed, looked at it, and stroked his chin.

In fact, so far, she has not found anyone who looks better in a white shirt than Xu Ping'an. Of course, it may be that Xi Shi is in the eye of a beholder.

But it is undeniable that she really loves Xu Pingan's appearance in a white shirt and white coat, which always makes her heart beat faster.

Xu Pingan likes to button his white shirt to the top button most of the time. The seams are tightly stitched, and there is a feeling of abstinence in the elegance. Only when he is at home, he will unbutton the collar, as if he has undone the restraint. and bondage.

Xu Ping'an walked in from the outside, just in time to see her staring at the white shirt in a daze, not knowing what she was thinking, so Xu Ping'an directly picked up the white shirt, "Do you want to change it?"

"Don't worry yet." Qin Qiang pouted, "Take off your shirt."

Now that he agreed, he would naturally be at her mercy, so Xu Ping'an didn't struggle too much, and just listened to her and took off his shirt.

Qin Qiang admired it for a while, and reached out to touch the abdominal muscles, "You don't seem to have exercised much these days, why is it still there?"

"Exercise." Xu Ping'an glanced at her indifferently, with obvious meaning.

"..." She pretended she didn't see it, and pulled him to the bathroom, then turned on the shower, and the bathroom was soon filled with mist.

In this kind of scene, any woman would want to pounce on it. The man is seductive, Qin Qiang swallowed and told herself to stay calm.

The broken hair on the forehead was a little wet, and he reached out and wiped it back casually. It looked a little messy, but it was casually good-looking.

The water flowed down the chin to the Adam's apple, and Qin Qiang even took a close-up of the little mole. I really liked it.

Xu Ping'an's eyes flickered and followed her.

He doesn't need to guide Qin Qiang in posing as he usually does when he is working. Some people are born models, and any pose looks good. Qin Qiang took a few pictures, looked at them with satisfaction, and then Give him a towel and come out of the bathroom.

After the shooting in the bathroom, Qin Qiang asked Xu Ping'an to change into his white shirt, and after drying his hair half-dried, the two came to the balcony.

Qin Qiang was not in a hurry to shoot, she took out a bottle of red wine from the wine cabinet, poured two glasses, handed a glass to Xu Ping'an, bent her lips and said, "It's my reward for tonight."

Xu Ping smiled reassuringly and didn't answer, but it was obvious that the reward couldn't just be this glass of wine.

I don't know where Qin Qiang found a gold-rimmed mirror frame for Xu Ping'an, let him wear it, and then took a look, "Why does it seem like a gentle scum."

Especially when he was shaking his red wine glass and sipping slowly.

Xu Ping'an laughed, looked up at the clock in the living room, and said softly, "You still have half an hour to shoot."

After the shooting was over, Qin Qiang couldn't put it down holding the camera, she just felt that she liked every photo.

She did not hesitate to praise Xu Ping'an, "If you choose to enter the film and television industry or become a model, you must be a celebrity now."

Xu Ping'an was noncommittal, took the camera from her hand, and picked up Qin Qiang directly.

Qin Qiang was taken aback, "Be careful with your hands!"

"I have a measure." After carrying Qin Qiang to the bedroom and throwing it on the bed, Xu Ping'an took off the decorative glasses Qin Qiang prepared for him, and said slowly, "Now is the time for me to get paid."

Qin Qiang: "..."


On the weekend, Qin Qiang happened to have nothing to do, so she went to pick up Pearl with Xu Ping'an.

As soon as they arrived at the gate of grandma's house, Pearl rushed out, groaning vigorously and sticking on the feet of the two, and then jumped up after sticking, wanting to be hugged by Qin Qiang.

Qin Qiang picked up Pearl, and the little guy hugged her back and forth in her arms, the sound of moaning and chirping sounded like he was wronged.

Qin Qiang patted its head and comforted it for a while before Pearl stopped whimpering.

When grandma came out of the house, she saw the surprise flashing in the eyes of the two people, and quickly let them in.

Grandpa was reading a book wearing presbyopic glasses. When he heard the movement, he looked up, put down the book and stood up, "Why don't you say anything?"

The attitudes of the two did not change in the slightest, but Qin Qiang's mood changed slightly when facing the two old people.

They are both doctors, and they are more aware of the importance of hands to doctors, so Qin Qiang feels that it is normal for them to blame themselves, and she can understand, but she never thought that neither of them mentioned Xu Ping'an's hand injury.

(End of this chapter)

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