This young lady is not easy

Chapter 154 Master Luo Was Hounded by Dirty Things 8

Chapter 154 Master Luo Was Hounded by Dirty Things 8
"Go home!" Lin Zhen threw out two words coldly.

The driver thought to himself, the sun really came out from the west today, and his wife had made an appointment with so many friends. He thought he would have to play until one or two in the morning at least, but he didn't expect to be willing to go back home so early.

Lin Zhen's car stopped at the entrance of the main house, and Lin Zhen got out of the car. The usually magnificent home actually made her feel a little gloomy today. The wind from the garden hit her face, and Lin Zhen woke up more than half of her wine.

Usually, he was thinking about how to curry favor with Luo Xie, but tonight Lin Zhen was very afraid of meeting Luo Xie.

It's easy to deal with individuals, but what if Luo Xie is really a ghost?
But home must always be returned, presumably at this time, Luo Xie is also in his bedroom.

So Lin Zhen strode into the main house, really afraid that something would happen, Luo Xie actually sat alone on the sofa in the living room at this time.

Seeing this, Lin Zhen immediately stopped his heroic steps.

At this time, Luo Xie was reading a book very seriously.

Lin Zhen thought, since Luo Xie is reading anyway, he must not really want to talk to him, because usually Lin Zhen pesters Luo Xie, and Luo Xie always avoids her.

Or, she simply pretended not to see Luo Xie, and sneaked back to her room.

So Lin Zhen tiptoed towards the stairs.

Before taking a few steps, a stern voice came over. "Lin Zhen! Come here!"

ah?Isn't the master turning his back on himself?He didn't have to turn his head to look, but he knew it was her who came back.

Lin Zhen's face turned green with fright, he forced a fake smile and said, "Master, how do you know it's me?"

"Apart from you, who else in the family would wear such high heels!" Luo Xie said.

"Fair often wears high heels too!"

"Fair has already gone upstairs!"

"Well, what does the master want me for?" Although Lin Zhen didn't really want to go over, he didn't dare to disobey Luo Xie's wishes, so he bravely walked up to Luo Xie.

Luo Xie closed the book and looked at Lin Zhen strangely.

"Why are you shaking all over?" Luo Xie asked, frowning.

"Yes, yes, yes? Am I shaking?" Lin Zhen only knew that his pores kept standing up for no reason, and he would shudder from time to time, but he didn't feel that he was shaking at all. "Just had a party with friends and drank too much!"

"Go to bed early if you drink too much!" Luo Xie stood up.

Lin Zhen unintentionally glanced at the book in Luo Xie's hand, which made her cry out in fright.

"What's the matter?" Usually Lin Zhen was bold, but today he seemed very scared.

Lin Zhen's eyes stayed on the cover of the book in Luo Xie's hand for a while, and she quickly put it back, her face turning blue with fright.

Because the title of the book Luo Xie read has only two words: "Ghost"

"No, nothing!" Lin Zhen swallowed.

"Forget it, forget it, you should go to bed earlier, it's getting late, and I'm going to have a rest too!" Luo Xie said, walking towards the study.

Lin Zhen breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately ran towards the stairs, disappearing from Luo Xie's sight, as if she was afraid that Luo Xie would chase her and strangle her to death.

Looking at Lin Zhen's back, Luo Xie just shook his head and entered the study.

Lin Zhen didn't dare to go back to his room, but went into the room of his daughter Luo Fei'er.

"Mom, why do you look so pale?" Luo Fei'er asked.

"Is your complexion bad?" Lin Zhen touched his face.
She went to the mirror and took a look, her face was blue and her lips were pale, obviously she drank a lot of wine, but her face was not red.

(End of this chapter)

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