Chapter 36 Really Stupid or Fake Stupid?

"I know that the parachute to the crew makes you very unhappy, but I will let you know that I have the strength to get the heroine." She will make those who mock her today and those who look down on her regret it, Will!

After finishing speaking, with her head held high, she left the set in a high-spirited manner, and got into the nanny car parked at the main entrance.

As soon as he got in the car, his body fell weakly on the back seat, his heart was beating fast.

Don't look at how imposing she was just now, only she knows how much courage she used to say those words.

"Miss Ye, you were so imposing just now. You didn't see how funny Li Shanshan's expression was after you left." Judy returned to the nanny's car after 10 minutes, and was telling her about Li Shanshan's angry look just now. Crazy look.

Ye Wu twitched the corners of her mouth, her smile was very stiff, and her expression became darker.

This is the path she will take in the future. She is obviously not a strong person, but she has to disguise herself to resist external slander.

She only lived one day like this, but her body was tired and her heart was even more tired.

"Miss Ye?" Judy talked for a long time, but she didn't get any response. Turning her head strangely, she saw the person leaning on the back seat of the chair and falling asleep.

She must be very tired today, she carefully covered Ye Wu with a blanket, and then she drove, ready to return to the city.

When Ye Wu woke up again, she was already in this luxurious villa in the western suburbs.

The dark room was empty, and the room was quiet, only the chirping of insects and birds from outside the balcony drifting in.

Boundless loneliness surrounded her, her body was curled up in the bed like a baby, and she hugged herself tightly, as if she could keep warm in this way.

The troubles he received in the crew during the day kept flickering in his mind, and his heart ached like it was about to explode.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..." came from under the blanket, like a small beast weeping blood.

Only at this time, only when there is no outsider, can she dare to take off the strong disguise, and cry out all the grievances she has suffered in her heart.

It doesn't matter, as long as tonight and tomorrow, she will still be that strong Ye Wu!
In the projection room of the villa in the eastern suburbs, the dim wall lamp casts a faint light. A black figure is sitting lazily in front of the huge projection screen. Leather sofa.

The neckline of the white bathrobe was slightly opened, revealing a sexy complexion full of man's wild magic inside.

Holding a goblet in his hand, gently supporting the left side of his face with his palm, he is enjoying the untrimmed videotape on the projection screen that has been filmed today.

On the screen, the woman in white was crying beautifully. Under the pressure and humiliation of the woman in red, she looked like a shivering pitiful rabbit. People couldn't help but want to pity and care for her.

"Heh." Her performance exceeded his expectations, she raised her head and drank the red wine in the glass, Pei Jinchen smiled slowly.

I thought she would call and ask for help, but unexpectedly, she carried it all by herself.


"Ye Wu, are you really stupid, or are you pretending to be stupid?" He stared thoughtfully at the white figure in front of him, his heart was full of anticipation, how far could she go by relying on her own strength?When should I give in to myself and compromise?
He is looking forward to it. When the cruel reality wears her bones down, when she bows her head to the reality, she doesn't know what kind of expression will appear on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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