League of Legends King's Legion

Chapter 182 True and False Clowns

Chapter 182 True and False Clowns
The situation became like this.

If Ang Lee can kill the clown, then this operation can be regarded as absolutely perfect. Pentakills and the like are common in low-end rounds, but this online competition is at least an official competition. Being able to evade the jungler and catch people is considered a perfect operation. Being able to kill the opponent's mid laner and at the same time kill the jungler to complete a double kill is simply a top10 rhythm!

Sister Mantou is squatting infinitely on the road at this time, it is a different way of thinking from the clown.

Bottom lane is really not a good place for a scarecrow to develop. Grass jumping is really great, but how do you break it when the opponent's vision is complete?On the other hand, the clown, his advantage over the scarecrow is that he can be invisible, unless it is a real eye, otherwise it can basically limit the performance of the clown, but a support can only have two real eyes, and economic considerations must also be considered, while the eye stone The eyes are basically free of money.

So, Sister Mantou squatted on the road, and the clown squatted in the middle and down the road. For a while, the well water did not violate the river water.

Li An can't count on his teammates at this time. The scarecrow can't beat the opponent's clown in the jungle. Of course, this is also due to the opponent's strong jungler. However, Li An still wants to complain. Both are fearful people. Why is the difference so big? Woolen cloth?
It's too late for Sister Mantou to come to the middle lane at this time, but Sister Mantou is still here, and at this time Li An is not panicking, yes, the devil clown is indeed frightening Li An, and the fraudulent magic jumps over and has a critical hit , the damage was overwhelming, but Li An hit the opponent with another q shuriken at this time!

No, it should be called Ouyi Chidori, anyway, it's just throwing darts and playing ninja!

How long can the clown's scare box scare last?

Even if it hits 3 o'clock in the early stage, it will take 1 second to be afraid, and the devil clown will never click 1 o'clock, at most 1 o'clock, and if it is 0.5 o'clock, it will only take [-] seconds.

It takes a second to fart, what can you do in half a second?
Of course, you can’t underestimate the hero Joker because of this. His high burst is mainly due to the e skill. The double-sided poison blade can not only poison the target when attacking, but also reduce the target’s movement speed. It belongs to the main e.

The main e's clown, within the fear time of 0.5 seconds, can probably hit two attacks, and Kenan's blood volume dropped instantly!
The belly cut brother said: "Captain Li An didn't hesitate! Captain Li An didn't choose to retreat at this time, and in fact he couldn't retreat, because the clown's e skill made Captain Li An slow down! And at this time, oh my god, Captain Li An fainted again Stop the clown!"

The sword hero was stunned before, relying on the three-layer mark of qwr, but this time, the second time to stun the clown, it relied on one layer of e skills, one layer of q skills, and one layer of flat a!
Kenan, the master q, at level 8, the cooldown time of this skill is only 5 seconds!
Everything is so smooth and smooth, the mark of flat a was not triggered when killing the sword hero, but it happened to be triggered when confronting the clown!
The battle situation is reversed, because Kenan is the one with a useless stick, and the q skill also has an AP bonus. The clown is crispy, and he can resist for a few times!
The belly cut brother said: "At this time, the clowns are going big! Two clowns ran in front of Captain Li An, so it's time to test Captain Li An. Are these two clowns real?"

The clown couldn't beat Li Ang, but the clown's big move made the situation of the battle suddenly confusing.

The clown creates an illusion of himself around him.The phantom can attack nearby enemies and will explode upon death, dealing damage to nearby enemies.This avatar is different from a monkey, he can be manipulated.

The clone of the monkey is still relatively rigid, and people must remain motionless, but the clown is different. You can use Alt + right mouse button to operate the phantom, and the phantom lasts up to 18 seconds.Use Alt + mouse click to control your clone, and use your clone to resist the tower when you are preparing to jump the tower, so that you can also add a clone explosion damage.

It's just frenzied, isn't it?
Ang Lee's output is enough to take away the clown, but which clown is real, and the illusion can also attack Ang Lee.

Ang Lee's equipment is better than that of the clown, but that's the reason why the belly-cut brother commented that Ang Lee's fight with the clown is only [-]-[-].The damage of the illusion is enough, with three-quarters of the attack power of the main body, it is equivalent to two people hitting Li An alone, and Li An must judge which of the opponents is real and which is fake.

"Li Xiaoan killed the Lingnan school team. Xu Xiang!"

With the sound of the computer prompt, the commentary of the belly-cut brother also followed: "Okay, perfect judgment, although Xu Xiang of the Lingnan school team used alt to control the illusion and wanted to cause trouble for Captain Li An, but it is obvious , Captain Li An didn't bother about this at all, he directly killed the real clown, well done!"

For the Lingnan team, Xu Xiang's face is obviously green, this is unscientific, and the other party has no real eyes, so how did the other party discover his real body and fake body?
The real and fake clown that Xu Xiang was proud of was easily solved by Li An!
It's actually quite simple.
Doesn't the clown have a blue buff on him? This buff was originally excellent, and it can reduce the cooldown reduction of skills. However, when you clone yourself as a clown, one blue buff will not become two!
As long as you see which clown has a blue buff?

Don't think too much, he is real, don't worry about how that fake clown hits you, don't care about how others show off their operations, and use fake clowns to deceive people?Hit me hard!
This wave of Xu Xiang's clowns didn't die unjustly, they were killed by the blue buff he worked so hard to beat.

And at this time, the clown's fake body is coming.
You, that's right, it's you, you clown stay away from me!
It's not your fault that you look ugly, it's your fault when you come out scary!

Li An's electric mouse is still bloody. If Li An thinks that killing the clown's real body will get carried away, he will definitely suffer a loss. At this time, Xu Xiang is operating the fake clown and will come here. The fake clown can explode, causing more damage Ang Lee can also be taken away.


At this time, Li An has recovered the nature of the electric mouse, directly turning into a spherical lightning!
Electric mouse's e skill Ball Lightning, no, it's called Ouyi Leikai, anyway, it's right, the cooldown time is only 10 seconds, and the cooldown time of the shuriken just now is good, so this skill has naturally been cooled down.


Illusion can move is already against the sky, you let the illusion use a skill to cheat magic and jump on Li Ang?It is impossible to see through the pattern diagram!

(End of this chapter)

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