Chapter 200

Xu Nian went to Xiaobailou alone without letting anyone follow him. Every time he took a step, the tension in his heart increased. When he reached the door of Xiaobailou, he suddenly stopped.

She dared not open the door.

What are you afraid of?Xu Nian asked himself this in his heart.

She lowered her eyelashes, and glanced to the side inadvertently, the breeze blew the curtains in front of the open glass window, maybe something was swept, she heard the sound of something falling on the floor.

Then there was a burst of footsteps that were not in a hurry, and seemed to stop.

Xu Nian walked over there following the sound just now, she didn't notice the open glass window just now, it should have been opened just now.

It's already deep winter now, and the climate in Haishi is much warmer than that in Beijing. Today's sunshine is just right, and the windows are open to allow the air to circulate.

It is a large floor-to-ceiling window. The curtains on both sides are dark green, and the edges are floating with the breeze. Through the window, you can clearly see the whole interior. The decoration style is very warm. A woman with a beautiful face is cleaning the window. The thing in her hand moved gently. She was wearing beige clothes, and her long black and smooth hair was tied behind her head with a wooden hairpin.

Even though she knew that she was still alive, what she heard from others was far less shocking than what she saw with her own eyes. Xu Nian's wide-open eyes filled with tears in an instant, and the big tears fell like broken threads. She was afraid He made a sound by himself and covered his mouth tightly with both hands, but he was still noticed.

Before Lu Lingshuang turned his head, Xu Nian hid quickly.

She squatted behind a row of holly in front of the small white building, whimpering softly like a wounded little animal, and was afraid of being discovered by others, so she could only try her best not to make a sound, and the red spots were faintly visible under her tender skin. indentation.

If it wasn't for worrying too much, she almost couldn't restrain herself and ran up to hug her just now. It was her mother, the mother she thought was no longer in this world, and now appeared in front of her so intact , she really wanted to hug her and tell her how much she missed her.

I want to tell her that she has grown up, learned a lot, made a boyfriend, and that she misses her very much.

But Xu Nian thought a lot at the moment when she saw her. The memory of the past was too painful for her. It was so painful that she couldn't bear it. She was not sure if her mother would think of it when she saw her. Thing of the past.

She felt that she was very entangled. On the one hand, she hoped that she could remember herself, and on the other hand, she didn't want her to recall those painful memories before. Her mother is a very emotional person. The betrayal of love brought her deep bone marrow and heart-burning pain. She couldn't bear her being hurt a second time.

Forget some bad memories and forget them!
As long as she is alive, healthy and happy.

In fact, Xu Nian didn't think so much just now. When she realized that Lu Lingshuang was about to turn her head to look over, she instinctively wanted to protect her, and her actions preceded her brain's reaction.

After she calmed down and wiped away her tears, Xu Nian decided to go back first. When she got up, she almost fell down. Her legs were numb after squatting for too long. After a while, she was able to walk out behind Dongqing.

Glancing in the direction of the floor-to-ceiling windows, the windows were closed, and she couldn't see the scene inside the windows from this angle.

In the future, you can ask Lu Xinglan about your mother's situation, maybe she can still visit her secretly like this today.

"what are you doing here!!"

As soon as Xu Nian took a step, an angry voice came from behind.

(End of this chapter)

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