After being forced to transfer school

Chapter 167 The movement is a bit big

Chapter 167 The movement is a bit big

On the day of the dance competition, Yu Xintong got up very early to put on makeup and change clothes, and everyone in the dormitory was woken up by her.

"Yu Xintong, I'm going to kill you!!!"

Qiu Xu threw a pillow at her from the air, and she got up very angry.

"Xin Tong, why do you get up so early on weekends?"

Zhai Xiaoman's whole body showed only one face, perhaps because she had just been woken up, her voice was a little hoarse, her eyes were half-closed, she had a good temper, and she didn't show any dissatisfaction when she was woken up.

Yu Xintong: "Hey, I'm sorry, I'm a little noisy."

"To shut up!!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Qiu Xu's voice roared out from under the quilt, and then threw another pillow, Yu Xintong caught it, and put it back for her lightly.

Passing his hand over his mouth, he clasped his hands together and shook Zhai Xiaoman.

Zhai Xiaoman bent the corners of his lips, not blaming her, closed his eyes and continued to sleep.

Xu Nian was also woken up by Yu Xintong, but she was the first one to be woken up. After waking up, she couldn't fall asleep.

Pack up early and have breakfast.

When she came back, she pushed open the door very lightly. The door of the dormitory had already been repaired. She moved lightly, but she didn't make any sound.

Glancing at Qiu Xu who was nestled like a shrimp on the bed and Yu Xintong who was asleep, he found that they hadn't been disturbed, so he came in lightly.

Close the door.

Yu Xintong was putting on lipstick when she saw Xu Nian come in and winked at her.

Xu Nian's hair has grown a lot. It has grown from shoulder-length short hair to almost waist-length. The long hair is loose and slightly curly. With bright facial features, Yu Xintong still has a feeling after looking at it for so long. Amazing feeling.

Especially when she is sitting quietly, she has a very temperamental feeling. The premise is that she doesn't speak. When she speaks, that unruly and loose tone completely destroys her temperament.

Xu Nian just finished washing his face, but didn't wipe it off. On his fair skin, water droplets slid down his cheeks to his neck, and then onto his collarbone. The drops hadn't melted yet, as if there was a transparent pearl embedded in it, giving him a touch of sex appeal. .

Yu Xintong watched it, "Wow~"

Of course, she didn't dare to make a sound, she just made a mouth shape.

Xu Nian: "."

The two packed up and set off. When they got there, Xu Nian hesitated for a moment, but he still took the painting with him. He forgot to give it to him at dinner yesterday.

There were many people outside the building of the Department of Finance, and they lined up in a long line in an orderly manner. Xu Nian saw that these people were holding a card in their hands and handed it to the person in front wearing a uniform black coat. It should be a member of the student union. ticket check.

In universities, you can get moral points for participating in activities organized by the department. The bigger the event, the higher the moral points. Both the contestants in this game and the audience watching the game can get moral points. Basically, large-scale events like this , many people are scrambling to be spectators. Of course, whether or not to grab the spot depends on the speed of their hands.

Don’t underestimate the conduct score. Universities evaluate scholarships not only based on grades, but also on the comprehensive test. The comprehensive test is only based on the conduct score. It is a score for evaluating college students’ participation in extracurricular activities. The top-ranked talents are eligible to evaluate scholarships.

In addition to this ticket gate, there is another ticket gate next to it, but the people entering and exiting this passage are all people in suits and leather shoes, or people in beautiful clothes.

Xu Nian thought that before Lu Xinglan went to the External Relations Department to ask for a list of guests, then these people should be the invited guests. Since it is a dance competition, it is nothing more than judges, or outstanding alumni, seniors who have graduated for many years.

Yu Xintong glanced at the place where the ticket was checked, but she couldn't help but feel disappointed when she didn't see anyone she wanted to see, and urged Xu Nian to ask Ji Xunshu to come out and take them in.

(End of this chapter)

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