Chapter 104 Rumors
The holidays passed quickly, No. [-] Middle School did not have a seven-day holiday like other schools, they only had four days, and the day before Xu Nian started school, Ji Xunshu and Zhu Yuan accompanied her to buy some things and went back to Beijing.

In the fifth class classroom, Xu Nian just opened the door, and saw Gu Xiaoyu and several class leaders writing and drawing on the back blackboard.

The teacher hasn't come yet, and the students haven't gotten into the mood just after the holidays. They are chatting excitedly about their travel experiences during the holidays, so the class is a bit noisy.

Gu Xiaoyu found her standing at the door and greeted her, "Here we come."

"Well, what are you guys doing?"

Xu Nian threw his schoolbag on the seat and carefully read the content on their blackboard.

"The countdown starts now, will it be sooner?"

On the blackboard, the word countdown was written in capital letters with pink chalk, and a side was traced with white chalk. The number next to it hadn’t been written yet. She felt that it was a bit early to do this now. Usually, the countdown didn’t start until the third year of high school Is it?

Gu Xiaoyu got off the stool, and Xu Nian helped her by the arm.

"The head teacher asked me to write it, but he said it gave us a sense of urgency."

Xu Nian didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Of course it's nothing."

Before she finished speaking, Pei Yue, who entered the classroom with his schoolbag on his back, answered, "Eggs."

"No, the sense of urgency is only for good students, like us, that is the dawn of victory beckoning to us."

Ding Hao followed closely behind.

Gu Xiaoyu left the rest of the matter to the other students, pulled Xu Nian back to his seat and sat down, "Which university do you all want to go to?"

Ding Hao: "Squatting at home."

Everyone: "."

Ding Hao smiled and waved his hands, "I'm just kidding, I have at most three exams, whichever one gets in the exam counts."

Gu Xiaoyu looked at Xu Nian again.

"Hai Da."

Gu Xiaoyu became interested and asked, "Then what major do you want to study?"

"Ping She." She had already thought about her major.

Pei Yue: "Art student?"

Xu Nian shook his head, "Haida has recruited non-art candidates to sign up."

Due to the last time I went to Jingtai to participate in the competition and offended those people, Gu Xiaoyu probably guessed that she had a good family background, and thought that she would major in finance or management, but she didn't expect that it would be an art-oriented major.

"You are good at painting, so you can choose this major."

Pei Yue had seen Xu Nian painting before, so he was not surprised that she chose this major.

Xu Nian nodded.

Xu Nian: "Then what about you two, what are your plans?"

"I want to study tourism management and get a tour guide certificate," Gu Xiaoyu said. "I will be able to travel at public expense by then. I heard that the income in this industry is also very high."

Ding Hao: "However, I heard that this line of work is very hard and you have to take risks."

"There's nothing to be afraid of, it's not easy in any line of work." Gu Xiaoyu said.


Pei Yue didn't speak all the time, and listened to their discussion quietly. It's not like him to be so quiet. Gu Xiaoyu pushed his arm.

"You haven't said anything yet, what are you thinking?"

"I..." Pei Yue said hesitantly, "I want to take an acting test."


Ding Hao was surprised and said: "Fuck, Brother Yue, your idea is so awesome."

His surprise is not unreasonable. High school students are free between classes, and they always talk to their classmates about the universities and majors they want to take in the future. It is not that Pei Yue has never participated in it before, but he has never said that he wants to learn acting idea.

Gu Xiaoyu looked at him: "Why do I feel so unrealistic?"

"Really." Pei Yue's voice was a little low.

Everyone's reaction was the same when they heard it for the first time, some like Ding Hao and some like Gu Xiaoyu, all of them thought he was joking, but he was very serious, he felt that he had never been so serious.

When he had this idea for the first time, he shocked himself, and felt that it would be unrealistic, but at the same time, he also knew that he had learned it, and if others could do it, so could he.

He hasn't talked to his parents yet, he just talked to a few good friends, and then there are Gu Xiaoyu, Ding Hao and Xu Nian. Except for Xu Nian, he didn't say anything, and the reactions of the others were pretty much the same.

Xu Nian suddenly laughed, and she looked at Pei Yue, "I think it's not bad. Many scientific achievements today are based on absurd ideas. Doing that will always be an impractical idea."

Pei Yue suddenly looked up at her.

She is different from what others say.

"Not so much." Xu Nian paused.

Pei Yue swallowed nervously, "But what?"

"But you can sign us first, in case you become popular in the future, no one will see you."

"How is it possible, buddy is not that kind of person."

Xu Nian didn't believe it: "You haven't seen those celebrities on the Internet who are so busy that they don't even have time to sleep."

"." Pei Yue said: "Sign sign sign!!"

He directly took Gu Xiaoyu's notebook, turned to the back, tore off several sheets, and signed his own name on it, like a ghostly talisman.

It was a new one she bought, with beautiful patterns on it, and Gu Xiaoyu chased after him in anger.

Xu Nian took out his sketchbook and drew whatever came to his mind.

Only Ding Hao looked at Pei Yue's fleeing figure and sighed suspiciously, "I don't have time to sleep, how can I have a baby!"

Shaking his head, he continued to sigh, "It's not easy to do anything!"

The number on the back blackboard changes every day, and the papers are distributed in piles every day. Xu Nian still has to do Jingtai's own papers. She is like a machine for brushing questions.

Do endless questions.

Sometimes it was Zhu Yuan who delivered it to her, and sometimes it was Ji Xunshu who sent it to her, and came to see her. Several times, he was bumped into by students who also asked for leave from school, and they looked at him with ambiguous eyes. cast a glance.

Not long after, rumors spread in the school that Xu Nian had a handsome boyfriend outside the school.

Xu Nian didn't care about being rumored, firstly, she blocked a lot of love affairs and troubles for her, and secondly, Ji Xunshu wasn't here anyway, so she didn't have to explain anything to him.

In student days, who hasn't been spread a rumor.

I don't know if the countdown on the blackboard is really useful. Before the end of the year, the whole class is not as noisy as in the past, and there is no fight between big classes.

Xu Nian hasn't been home since she went to No. [-] Middle School, and it's not that Xu Huaide doesn't care about her. He called her several times to tell her to go home when she was out of school or on holidays.

They were all rejected by her because of her heavy academic work and everything centered on learning.

Xu Huaide also came to see her, Xu Nian was not good, he didn't give face to his father, he only had a meal with him, and didn't talk much during the whole process, he asked ten questions, she answered at most one.

What happened seven years ago will never get over in her heart.

Seeing that his daughter really didn't want to see him, Xu Huaide regretted sending her to No. [-] Middle School, but he also knew that Xu Nian's indifference to him was not only because of this, he only wanted her to come back during the Chinese New Year.

(End of this chapter)

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