The Raiders of Quick Pass

Chapter 588 Starlight 59

Chapter 588 Starlight 59
After following the drama to this point, fans all expressed that it was too cruel, and they almost cried blind!

Seeing Ting Lan being taken away by Ruofeng, the audience can't help but look forward to whether she can be rescued.

So a group of people squatted in front of the TV series and waited for an ending.

Qing Wu was also looking forward to the ending, because she didn't see the script after her part was finished.

The night of the finale of Hairpin.

in the apartment.

She sat cross-legged on the sofa with a bag of potato chips in her arms, staring at the TV seriously.

Shao Xuwen sat next to her, wearing a white shirt, with slender legs crossed.He was holding a magazine and reading it. It was rare for him to wear glasses. He was dignified and gentle, with boundless beauty.

Occasionally, he looked up at the flickering screen, but quickly looked away in disinterest.

Seeing half of Qingwu crookedly approaching him, she asked curiously, "Have you died playing Ruofeng?"

"..." The man who was reading was stunned for a moment, then raised his eyes to look at her, his thin lips moved slightly.

When he was about to answer, Qingwu waved his hand and stopped him: "Forget it, spoilers are not good. I'd better watch it myself."


The ending of "The Hairpin" is a bit unexpected.

The truth that Ruofeng is the villain surfaced.

The "deficiencies" in Qi Ming's body were caused by him, and those who chased and killed Qi Ming were also sent by him. Many things were secretly planned by him, with the purpose of making Qi Ming desperate and ruined.

And Shen Qingqing and Shu Ziyuan are sisters who have been separated for many years. Shen Qingqing still did not repent after killing Ting Lan, and later died unexpectedly.

In the final battle, Ruofeng was defeated by the halo of the hero and heroine, and was stripped of all his martial arts.From then on, Qi Ming and Shu Ziyuan retired to the mountains and became a wandering couple.

At the end of the shot, Ruofeng, who had been stripped of martial arts, was wearing plain white clothes, sitting outside a thatched hut basking in the sun with his forehead propped on one hand.

He coughed twice from time to time, and his face was pale.

Suddenly, a bamboo dragonfly flew over the fence and slowly fell into the yard, spinning beautifully under the eyes.

Two girls were discussing timidly outside.

"What should I do? The dragonfly flew in."

"How about... let's go in and pick it up?"

"But I dare not. My mother said that the owner of this house has a strange temper and would beat and scold children."

"Then what should we do? Do you want it?"

"No, no, daddy made this for me!"

Just when the two cubs were at a loss, the wooden door creaked and opened from the inside.

Ruofeng was attached to a bamboo dragonfly, looked down at them, and asked, "Is this yours?"

Seeing his handsome face like a banished fairy, they nodded in a daze.

He sighed, knelt down and handed the things to them, and smiled: "Hey, return it to you."

The voice is clear and moist.

One of the little girls reached out to take it, and after realizing it, she smiled sweetly and said, "Thank you brother, brother is really a good person."

Ruofeng was a little dazed when he heard the words, and there was a moment of trance in his pupils in the pitch black.

His eyes fell on her, and he murmured softly: "There is a person who once said the same thing to you..."

Good guy... no.How could he be regarded as a good person?
The little girl tilted her head: "Huh? Who is that?"

"An old friend." His tone was very calm.

Seeing their confused and innocent expressions, he coughed a few times and got up without further explanation.

He smiled: "Okay, you go home quickly."

He was obviously smiling, but with the indifference of being thousands of miles away.

The last picture of the camera is the dilapidated wooden door being gradually closed...


(End of this chapter)

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