The Raiders of Quick Pass

Chapter 564 Starlight 35

Chapter 564 Starlight 35
"Shut up!" Shen Qingqing quickly approached and raised her hand to slap her.

But there was no applause.

Qingwu glanced to one side, lying on the ground, her long hair covering her side face.In the perspective that no one saw, her eyes were a little cold.

Wang Jiao's slap just now was intended to be a real slap.

If she hadn't dodged in time, she would have turned her head aside when her hands were about to fall on her face, otherwise her face would definitely be swollen now.

Into the drama too deep?Or deliberately make things difficult?

And Wang Jiao, who slapped nothing, became even more sinister, and the photographers who were shooting at the side were a little shuddering, secretly praising the two for their good acting skills.

This is still a rehearsal, and the acting is so good.

He watched with bright eyes.

After Shen Qingqing slapped Ting Lan, she knelt down and pinched her chin: "What are you? You deserve to mention Brother Qi Ming's name? How could Brother Qi Ming be disappointed in me? After all, I have always been very kind. Understandable. As long as you are dead, who will know?"

After finishing speaking, she suddenly let go of her chin, giggled, and made a crisp sound as her head shook and bumped.

Enough of laughing, she looked at the helpless and embarrassed girl lying on the ground, and pointed the tip of the knife in her hand to gesture at her heart.

Ting Lan frowned, and tried to sit up with her hands up, but she fell back to the ground with a bang.

Shen Qingqing: "Are you desperate? Do you want to call for help? It's useless, no one can hear you."

Seeing her smug look, Ting Lan sneered, and said softly: "You are so pathetic."

"Ha, am I pitiful? Am I pitiful?" The other party seemed to have heard some joke, "As long as Big Brother Qi Ming doesn't have all of you bloody sluts around him, he belongs to me alone, and he will only love me alone. What am I to be sad about?"

"But he doesn't love you now, and he won't in the future."

The powerless tone, but hit the nail on the head, and every sentence punished the heart.

Shen Qingqing froze, holding the dagger tightly.She restrained her smile and her face was gloomy.

Leaning close to Ting Lan, meeting her eyes.

"It doesn't matter, what does it matter if he doesn't love me now, as long as you and Shu Ziyuan are dead, he will focus on me sooner or later..."

Her voice was very soft, and her expression was innocent like a child's.These words seemed to be spoken to her, but also seemed to be spoken to himself.

While speaking, the dagger in his hand was pressed against Ting Lan's chest.

Because of the Ruanjinsan planted, the eyes of the girl in purple are already a little chaotic.The loss of strength in her body prevented her from even shouting for help, she just watched this extremely sick woman approaching with a dagger in her hand.

Looking at the person lying on the ground, the corners of Wang Jiao's mouth curled up, triumphant and vicious.

He was about to raise the knife to stab him, but the hand holding the dagger was suddenly grabbed.

She was startled.

There was a smile on Qingwu's face, but the strength in his hand was not loose.

The state of acting converged, and she glanced at the dagger that was emitting a cold light with a half-smile, and she said softly: "The performance is over. Senior Wang's acting skills are really good."

Wang Jiao hurriedly adjusted her expression, smiled embarrassedly, "Qingwu also acted very well."

"Where, it's not as good as senior's...true performance." Qingwu leaned close to her ear and whispered, the last four words were a little bit soft.

She frowned slightly: "What do you mean?"

"If you want to be unknown, you have to do nothing. I'm curious about something hidden in you."

(End of this chapter)

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