The Raiders of Quick Pass

Chapter 261 I am very obedient 15

Chapter 261 I am very obedient 15
Mother Gu glanced at the two children sitting on the sofa, then smiled and told what happened in the car.

After hearing this, he was so happy that he spoke incoherently: "Okay, okay, my good grandson, Ah Yan, Ah Yan finally..."

In the past 18 years, Gu Ziyan has spoken to only a handful of people.

Gu's father and Gu's mother looked at each other and smiled with relief in their eyes.

When the mood calmed down, Grandpa Gu looked at Qingwu and said sincerely: "Qingwu, grandpa wants to ask you to help cure Ah Yan's autism. You can pay whatever you want."

Gu's mother also looked at her expectantly, hoping that she would agree: "Qingwu..."

Qingwu lowered her eyes to think, but didn't answer immediately.

Grandpa Gu was a little anxious: "Just treat me like an old man and beg you."

Before inviting her here, the Gu family had already investigated her identity.

According to the report, Mo Qingwu is a girl who is ignorant, has a bad temper, and doesn't listen to discipline.

But Ah Yan is close to her, so no matter what her status is, as long as she can help Ah Yan's treatment, they don't care.

But when I saw her today, no matter in terms of temperament or eyes, I didn't think she looked like the one described in the report.

Although he is an old man, he has good eyesight and has always been accurate in seeing people.

He was relieved to hand Ah Yan over to such a girl.

Qingwu sighed: "Grandpa Gu doesn't have to be like this."

"Don't you agree?"

She smiled and turned to look at the boy with delicate features.

"I will give this choice to Gu Ziyan. If he agrees, I will agree."

"Leave it to Ah Yan? But..."

Gu's mother wanted to say something, but Gu's father stopped her and asked her to watch.

After all, it was a treatment for Ah Yan, and it would only be effective if he agreed.

Qingwu moved the hand held by Gu Ziyan, and called him: "Gu Ziyan."

Hearing the sound, the quietly lowered boy blinked his eyelashes slightly.

He looked up at the girl blankly.

Seeing him being called out by Qingwu, Grandpa Gu reacted, so he resisted his joy and called him softly: "Ayan?"

Gu Ziyan didn't respond.

Grandpa Gu called out again, louder: "Ah Yan!"

He blinked, should have heard, but still stared at the girl.

The Gu family: "..."

For this, Qingwu is innocent.

She didn't know why, he only reacted to his own words.

She pulled her hand out with a bit of ingenuity.

The boy stared at her blankly, pursing his lips in silent grievance.

Looking into his eyes, she raised the corners of her lips slightly, and asked, "Gu Ziyan, do you want me to be with you from now on? Don't nod and shake your head, just say 'yes' or 'don't'."

The other party looked at her motionlessly, and did not answer in a daze.

The three onlookers were a little nervous.

A few seconds later, Qingwu looked at Grandpa Gu with regret, and shrugged helplessly.

"Grandpa Gu, look, he shouldn't, and I can't help it. If this is the case, I'll go back first."

After she finished speaking, she gave them an apologetic smile, then grabbed the strap of her schoolbag and got up.

I don't know if my mother has come home.

If she caught him coming home so late, he would be punished again.

It's better to go back first.

Mother Gu also hurriedly got up.

"There's no need to leave in such a hurry. Qingwu, dinner is ready, why don't you stay and have a meal."

Grandpa Gu: "Yes, you don't..."


A low, hoarse and soft voice suddenly sounded, and everyone present was taken aback.

Everyone looked at Gu Ziyan who was sitting upright.

He was grabbing the corner of Qingwu's clothes and looking up at her.

(End of this chapter)

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