The Raiders of Quick Pass

Chapter 208 Even a Fairy Becomes a Demon 28

Chapter 208 Even a Fairy Becomes a Demon 28
It turned out that the big sister and little Qingwu were gone, so he wandered around in a hurry.

"Huh? Where's the person? Wasn't he still there just now?"

Just as he was looking left and right, he suddenly saw a graceful woman in front of him.The fog was too thick to see clearly.After approaching cautiously, he realized that it was... Elder Sister!

"Elder Sister!"

He hurried over...

At this time, Xia Ziyun, like Su Ying, was in the white mist.

Su Ying, who was originally in front of her, suddenly disappeared, and even Ah Wu, who she had been holding by her hand, disappeared.

There are oddities.

She drew out her sword, wary of the wind and grass around her.

At this time, the dense fog around her gradually dissipated, and an old wooden house appeared in front of her.She frowned and approached slowly.

Standing at the door and knocking, she asked coldly, "Is anyone there?".
After knocking several times in a row, but no one answered, she stretched out her hand and gently pushed the door, only to find that it was unlocked.The ancient door creaked, and she opened it...

the other side.

When Qingwu realized that the two people around him were gone, he raised his eyebrows lightly.

She stood on the tree trunk with her arms crossed, looking calm.

Strange things kept appearing in the white mist around him.Such as snacks, toys, spiritual weapons, and even Su Ying, Xia Ziyun and Qinglan Xianzun appeared.

Qingwu was unmoved.

After a while, a charming and puzzled female voice spread around through the white mist.

"It's strange... You girl, why didn't you fall into my illusion? Could it be that your heart is simple... It's not right either."

Children, shouldn't they all like to eat, drink, have fun and have the closest people?

Qingwu raised her eyes lazily, and stood up a little bit straighter, "False is true and true is false."

After closing her eyes and feeling it for a while, she set off, ignoring the scene that was always appearing around her, and walked straight in one direction.

During this period, something like tentacles kept attacking her, preventing her from approaching.Tired of hiding, she directly sacrificed a blade spirit weapon, and calmly chopped those things into two pieces.

When she came to a big tree, she reached out and grabbed the little thing that was about to run away.

"Yeah, let go, let go!"

Qingwu looked at a small sapling in his hand, and shook it left and right, "Yaozu?"

Being raised by the lifeblood, the dryad yelled at her angrily: "You girl, do you know how to be polite, put me down quickly!"

"Now that you are in my hands, you have to compromise with me, don't be so irritable."

She grabbed the few leaves on each other's twigs.

"Don't touch this girl's leaves!"

Calmly withdrawing her hand, Qingwu began to extract a confession: "Tell me, where are my other two friends?"

The two slender branches of the dryad intertwined in a humane way, and she snorted arrogantly: "I don't know."

"Is that so..." Qingwu glanced at her, then silently picked up the fallen branch and put it on the open space.

"You, what are you doing?"

"Didn't you say you don't know? Then it's worthless. Why keep you?"

As she spoke calmly, she took out a torch and set the branches on fire.

Seeing the flames burning in front of him, the Dryad struggled hastily, "I, I really don't know, it's useless even if you burn me!"

"It's useful. I'm a bit cold right now, so please donate to keep me warm."

Feeling that she really wanted to throw herself into the fire, the dryad quickly hugged her little hand tightly with a branch, and resolutely admitted, "No way! You are serious!...Auntie, I said I said, don't Throw!"

(End of this chapter)

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