Paranoid cute baby is black again

Chapter 137? Should she be punished 2

Chapter 137 Should You Punish Her 2
At noon, the school cafeteria.

Yao Jingwei was still furious.

"Primura, why don't you let me go to the housekeeper? People like Lin Xiaojin are really abominable, and she is so righteous in stealing other people's money. If she doesn't give her some punishment this time..."

The girl said two words, "Drumstick..."

"Huh? What did you say?"

"Don't you want to eat your chicken legs?" Nan Primrose looked at the golden fried chicken legs on Yao Jingwei's dinner plate like a greedy kitten.

I lost to you!

Yao Jingwei took the chicken leg to the opposite girl who looked cute and innocent, who didn't look like she had grown up yet.

"Are you really not angry, Primrose?"

Xiaocao'er held the drumstick in her mouth, "Take money to save mom... If it were me, let alone stealing money, I could even rob a bank."

"Do you believe what she said? Why do I feel so ridiculous."

"She wasn't lying."

What she said under hypnosis cannot be a lie.

Seeing the girl sitting across from her gnawing the chicken leg so confidently, Yao Jingwei couldn't say anything more.

"Okay." Sighing, Yao Jingwei lowered her head and was picking up a piece of vegetables when the phone rang suddenly.

The person who called her was Wa Chao, the owner of the maid shop.

Yao Jingwei hurriedly picked it up, "Hello, boss..."

"Yes, she's with me..." She held her mobile phone and nodded from time to time, " What? You want to talk to Primrose in person? But I'm afraid she doesn't want to go..."

She glanced in the direction of the southern primrose, "Okay, I'll talk to her later, um, okay, if she agrees, I'll tell you."

After hanging up the phone, Yao Jingwei pursed her lips, looking hesitant.

Before she could speak, the little girl wiped her mouth after eating the chicken leg, "I told you, I won't work in a maid shop anymore."

"The money you earned from working yesterday was taken away by Lin Xiaojin, and you returned the living expenses your father gave you..."

"I promise Brother Fox that I won't go there again."

There is no room for negotiation in agreeing to Brother Fox.

"Bai Nian..." Yao Jingwei lowered her voice after saying two words, worried that others would overhear her, "Bai Nianshen doesn't allow you to go to the maid shop anymore, or do you not allow you to cosplay and wear maid clothes?"

Southern Primrose tilted her head, recalling what the boy said.

"He said..." Clearing her throat, she put down her chopsticks, the girl lowered her voice, and repeated it unchanged, "Don't dress like this again in the future, and don't go to that shop to work."

Yao Jingwei immediately took advantage of the loophole, "Yesterday your appearance was COS Love Nikki-Dress and Cat Girl. He told you not to dress up like yesterday, but he didn't say that you can't wear other cute and beautiful clothes."

"Is that so?"

The little girl pouted and thought for a while, "Even if it makes sense, I can no longer work in maid cafes."

"Not to a maid cafe, but to a milk tea shop!"

Yao Jingwei turned on the Amway mode with an excited face, "The boss called me just now and told me that he planned to open a chain milk tea shop in the student street near our school. The store has been renovated, but there is something missing..."

The girl is curious, "what's missing?"


She seemed to be an agent lobbying for a star, her eyes sparkled and she spoke eloquently, "The boss told me on the phone that he found Primrose and you are the treasure he has been looking for for many years!"

Southern Primrose is still confused, "The treasure of the town store?"

"Well, specifically, he wants to have an interview with you. The time is about three o'clock in the afternoon, and we will meet at his milk tea shop. The location has been given to me."

"Will Brother Fox disagree?"

Loyal dog husband and slave Xiaocao'er took out his mobile phone, and while sending a message to Bai Nianshen, he murmured, "I have to ask Brother Fox first."

(End of this chapter)

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