Chapter 754
Some things in this world do not proceed according to some people's logic.

From the perspective of Simpson fans, if Chen Mo said such arrogant words, fans of other star players would definitely attack him.But such a phenomenon did not happen.

The self-organized fan club of Kobe fans updated their dynamics on social networking sites. They said: "For Jack Chen, that time may really not be free. But if you want him to be free, we will try our best to help You. But he really wasn’t arrogant when he said this.”

Paul himself updated the status, he said: "Others say this is arrogance, but it is not for Jack Chen."

Chen Mo's fans started laughing at each other, "If you watch basketball, you know how dominant the name 'Jack Chen' is in the NBA right now."

All the teams that want to win the championship regard the Warriors as their biggest imaginary enemy, but none of the teams think that they have a more than [-]% chance of winning against the Warriors.Especially in a seven-game series.

No one thought Chen Mo was arrogant.

A fan of James said: "He is already an arrogant person, but he has the capital of arrogance."

Then Simpson's fans were stunned, they never expected such an ending.They wanted to find some teammates to attack Chen Mo, but instead they found a group of opponents for themselves.

"This is a sad story." Chen Mo had a good rest these days.Ajiali came from Sacramento, she moved a lot of things, and she has already started to prepare to stay here.

Simpson originally wanted to read Chen Mo's joke, and he even edited the post, "Your arrogance will kill you." This sentence was stored in the draft box without sending it, and then he himself was glad that he did not send this passage, Otherwise he might be laughed at like that fool Skrtel.

"Then see you at the British Open in July!" Simpson chose the British Open.He wanted to fight Chen Mo in such a regular and formal competition.In fact, he already thought about how to attack Chen Mo after the game.

The Warriors rest until April [-]rd, when they face the Pelicans at home.

It was another simple fight, and Curry broke out again in this game.It seems that he has an explosive feeling against the Pelicans. Last time he scored 50+ data, and this time he approached this data again.

Curry's crazy stats of 49 points helped the Warriors beat the Pelicans by 31 points.

Chen Mo became Curry's supporting role again today. For a lazy person, when he can save energy, he will naturally choose to save energy.

Chen Mo agreed to Simpson's appointment, and it happened that he and Curry made an appointment to participate in the British Open in the summer, so they did entertainment and settlement of grievances together.

Chen Mo agreed to the appointment, and the scolding war on the Internet finally stopped temporarily.The fans of both sides gathered their strength, and they waited until after the British Open to meet again.

For Chen Mo fans, this is definitely a piece of happy news.At least they still have games to watch in the rough.

Afterwards, Curry also announced that he would participate in the competition with Chen Mo, "After all, I shared the 50 betting money, and I can't let him bear it alone."

Anyway, people who think they are gay will never change their views, and Curry simply behaves gay at times to meet the needs of some fans.

At this time, the happiest thing is the organizer of the British Open.Chen Mo's huge influence not only radiates in China and the United States, but Chen Mo's influence in Europe is also huge.

Apart from superstar football stars like Ronaldo and Messi, Chen Mo has the highest influence.

Chen Mo can even be said to be the most influential basketball player in Europe.

"This is a strange phenomenon." The Times said, "He helped the NBA open up the European market, and he helped Europeans pay more attention to European basketball leagues. And now, he wants to come to England to play golf?"

Chen Mo's team took this as a perfect publicity, while the organizer of the event took the news of Chen Mo's participation as the first priority to publicize.

This is a good time for them to promote the event. If their broadcast contract has not been signed, this news can at least increase the broadcast price by at least 500 million pounds.

The Warriors have the last seven regular season games left, and the Warriors have only lost 5 regular season games so far. They can basically announce that they have broken the 72-win regular season record created by the Chicago Bulls.

"If it is said that they will usher in a 7-game losing streak in the future, then I definitely don't believe it."

"Two more wins and they can declare an early tie."

"Yes, the only suspense for the Warriors now is what kind of number they can freeze the winning record on."

In the Warriors' next seven games, there are three teams that can cause them a risk of losing.

The good news for many fans is that these three games are tied together.

On April 4 and April 11, the Warriors played hosts first and then guests, facing the Thunder and the Lakers back to back.

Then on April 4, the Warriors faced the Spurs at home.

As the Warriors' opponents, they will not let up.At least, they won't be disarming at the start of the game.As for the game being replaced by the Warriors into garbage time, these teams will not do too much resistance when the playoffs are approaching.

"I think this is a good opportunity to beat the Warriors." Jeff Van Gundy said: "At least we have to make the record left by the Golden State Warriors not so horrible?"

For a team that I don't like, it's best if their achievements are worse.

"If you don't win the championship, 82 wins will be in vain." James Brin still gritted his teeth.Anyway, his rhetoric can still stand before the championship is decided.

But before that, the Warriors still have three games to deal with.

First, they face the Suns at home on April 4.

The Suns have completely entered into reconstruction, and their attitude towards the Warriors is more serious. After all, this is a good opportunity to exercise themselves.

They also really caused a little trouble for the Warriors, at least at the end of the first half, they entered the locker room with the lead. A 3-point lead, while not much, is exciting enough.

"Let's stop playing in the second half!" Curry said to Chen Mo.

Chen Mo nodded, and he said, "Yes! It's a shame to lose. Now the outsiders think that we can only lose to Oklahoma, Los Angeles and San Antonio in the next regular season."

"It was a headache," Curry said.

(End of this chapter)

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