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Chapter 658 To the dying youth

Chapter 658 To the dying youth ([-])
Seeing this scene, Bai Yong's parents couldn't help but laugh.When did they see their son showing such an expression? Sure enough, love is different.

The relatives of both parties also came up to say some words, and the host presided over another section, and the wedding banquet was temporarily closed.After that, everyone had a short meal, and the two teams of newcomers went to each table to toast. After all the people who came expressed their congratulations to the newlyweds, they began to gradually leave.

Both teams returned to their new homes.

Before they got married, they each took care of the house.Murong Sheng and Bai Yong had finalized the house and the layout style of the house in the past year, and the interior decoration has already been completed.

And although Ye Zhouyin and Lin Xi have been separated for the next two months, Ye Zhouyin has been making preparations for the house.Because he has always believed that he will be with Lin Xi.

The decoration style of the room was based on Lin Xi's favorite minimalism, and then sent the design draft to Gu Qing, who asked Gu Qing to print it out for Lin Xi to see.Follow Lin Xi's advice, and then make certain modifications and arrangements.

Lin Xi didn't say much, and left Ye Zhou Yin with full authority.And Ye Zhouyin specially combined the two houses into one, which is only used to hold Lin Xi's paintings, which is equivalent to a studio.

So when Lin Xi came to the new house, he felt a burst of emotion in his heart.

"Thank you."

"If you really want to say thank you, why don't you make it up to me?" Ye Zhou Yin raised a smirk at the corner of his mouth, and immediately hugged Lin Xi with both hands amid Lin Xi's exclamation.

Lin Xi is also an adult, so she naturally knows what will happen next.It's just that her cheeks were slightly red, but she didn't refuse.

She thought, she has long been a person of night and day.The moment she knew clearly that she was in love with him, she knew that her heart and body belonged to him long ago.


"Needless to say. Yin, you know, I belong to you long ago."

No matter how long the road ahead is, I will accompany you to the end.

If loving someone is companionship, then let us grow old with each other—perhaps, this is the definition of forever.

"Fool." Ye Zhouyin gently placed Lin Xi on the bed, his upper body almost pressed against Lin Xi's.But he was also afraid that pressing Lin Xi would make Lin Xi feel uncomfortable.So Ye Zhou Yin's left elbow was propped on the bed quilt, and his right hand held Lin Xi's cheek.

"Axi, you are beautiful today."

Looking at Lin Xi, Ye Zhou Yin only felt that his heart was in a mess.

"Axi, I don't have too many sweet words. I still say the same thing. If you want to hear it, I will tell you everything."

Ye Zhouyin gently stroked Lin Xi's cheek with his right hand, seeing Lin Xi's shy expression, his heart softened, and he liked it indescribably.

He only wanted to be with her in his life, Ah Xi was his lover.His forever sweetheart.

"I don't need sweet words, you are here, that's enough."

Lin Xi smiled, maybe she has experienced too much.She just felt that even if he didn't say a lot of things, he could understand what she wanted to express.

Instead of experiencing so many joys and sorrows, it is better to live every day in an ordinary way.Being accompanied by the person you love the most is enough to face everything.Even if the future is bumpy, as long as the person you love is by your side, no matter what you face, you will be fearless.

"Axi" Ye Zhouyin murmured, slowly closed her eyes, leaned forward and kissed her.

And this kiss is gradually deepening.

It seemed that because of this kiss, the fire in the hearts of the two was ignited, and the two continued to merge.

(End of this chapter)

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