Chapter 284


Those people are really looking for trouble.

Lin Xi was speechless, what is beauty that makes people doubt is subject.According to her current men's clothing, she should be handsome, right?The term "beauty" seems to be inaccurate, right?
As for what to suffer, that's not her concern.

"So, Lin Xi. As for you, just stay by my side, you won't be able to turn over." When Ye Zhou Yin said this, he smiled extraordinarily cunningly.

It seemed that Lin Xi was determined not to say anything to refute, Ye Zhou Yin said this with a lot of confidence.

"Didn't I stay by your side?" Lin Xi took out a book from her schoolbag and put it on the table, knowing in her heart that Ye Zhouyin was a child who had lost her temper, so she didn't care about it.

But Lin Xi doesn't think so, but it doesn't mean the students around him don't think so.

"Look, let me just say it, Senior Lin is the one who suffers."

"Tsk tsk, why do I feel that the current chairman is more arrogant than before?"

"It can't be done, it can't be done, rotten eyes look at Renji. Don't talk about it, I will support this pair, and whoever says no, I will be in a hurry."


"Tsundere." Lin Xi raised her lips slightly, and said no more.

Ye Zhou Yin smiled, seeing Lin Xi like this, although Ye Zhou Yin was relieved, but still worried.

Although Lin Xi said that everything behaved as usual this morning, the more Lin Xi behaved like this, the more worried Ye Zhou Yin became.

The truth of what happened yesterday was definitely a huge shock to Lin Xi.

Besides, Lin Xi asked him to leave first yesterday. As for the rest of the matter, the people he arranged told him that Lin Xi spent all the rest of his time in a daze.

If Lin Xi cried out, or talked out, even talking to himself, it would make Ye Zhou Yin feel more at ease.

But Lin Xi just sat there in a daze for two hours.

He didn't say a word, and he didn't pay attention to anyone passing by.Even if she was in a daze and didn't know what to think, she could sit for two hours.

Even though today's emotions are still normal, whether it is normal or not may not be as simple as they seem on the surface.

Lin Xi is the kind of person who keeps everything in his heart.

Ye Zhouyin looked at Lin Xi who was flipping through the book, and smiled slightly.

Since she was willing to pretend that nothing happened, then he pretended that he didn't know anything.Only in this way can she act well in a play.

"What are you reading, reading a book." Lin Xi probably noticed Ye Zhou Yin's gaze, rolled his eyes at Ye Zhou Yin, and then set his eyes on the book.

Ye Zhou Yin smiled, then withdrew his eyes, and put his eyes on the book.

"That, Senior Lin." Suddenly, a girl sitting next to Lin Xi whispered.

"Well, what's the matter?" Seeing the girl beside her speak, Lin Xi turned her head and smiled gently at the girl.

"Well, Senior Lin, do you dislike chocolate and are allergic to flowers?" Perhaps because of Lin Xi's gentleness, the girl mustered up her courage and asked.

"It's a long story." Hearing this, Lin Xi subconsciously glanced at Ye Zhou Yin.Seeing Ye Zhou Yin pretending not to hear, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, "You want to ask why you didn't see me eat or take flowers?"

"Yeah." Seeing that Lin Xi instantly understood what she meant, the girl suddenly felt that Lin Xi was really smart.

 Thanks for the id: Xueying" Leng Xiyingya, fake love, fake cigarettes and fake wine, @不用就拒条, Qingteng, accompany me to the end, broken glass, wait for my long hair to reach my waist, how about strangling you to death (thanks for the reward, Memoda), wearing color contact lenses to be a cute girl, dandelion festival, C orange 01, reading friends' tips, memoda.

  To be honest, I was very moved to see so many little cuties supporting Ye Zi all the time.Thank you for your company and support.

(End of this chapter)

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