War of the Three Realms

Chapter 1701 Dream Dragon Realm, City of Life 18

Chapter 1701 Dream Dragon Realm, City of Life [-]

Regarding Bingfeng, Li Kuang actually felt guilty. If he hadn't taken the initiative to undo the external seal of the Bingyan Divine Cauldron, there would have been no incidents in which the devil dragon appeared and led to Bing Wubing's complete fall.

In fact, if conditions permit, even if Bingfeng doesn't bring it up himself, he will find time to give him some advice.

After traveling through time and space, Li Kuang's current alchemy skills have far exceeded the expectations of Master Duanqing.

It can be said that among the three realms, in terms of alchemy, perhaps only Taishang Laojun can compete with him.

As soon as Bingfeng stood up, Bingchetian's figure appeared.

"Everyone come out, let's discuss the next plan."

"Clan Head Ice, I, an outsider, will not be involved in your internal affairs. You should discuss it carefully. I'll sleep first. I'm so sleepy."

Reaching the king-level realm will actually snooze?
The lame reason Li Kuang made even felt absurd to himself, but to his surprise, Bing Litian didn't have the slightest objection, but smiled and said, "Alright, then we won't disturb your rest. "

Bingfeng's lips twitched, as if he wanted to say something, but when he met Li Kuang's eyes, he shut up knowingly.

Li Kuang smiled secretly, shook his head, and closed the door.

Since your Frost family can handle it well, why bother to go through this muddy water?
Seeing Li Kuang close the door, Bing Litian couldn't help but smile, kid, let's go!

Bing Rou walked out under Bing Litian's yelling in a short while, as if nothing happened, and without seeing Li Kuang, Xiumei immediately frowned.

"According to the induction, the clansmen are rushing towards the Lieyan City. It seems that they all thought that we would go to participate in the Dragon Field Competition! I mean, we must be ahead of them to stop them. The Liehuo City belongs to the Lieyan family In the capital city, if our Bingshuang family enters, isn’t it a self-inflicted trap?”

Bing Litian's face was heavy, and the grievances with the Lieyan family really made him unable to relax.

Especially after learning that the Lieyan family has the plan to dominate the Dragon Domain and occupy the Three Realms, he is even more unwilling to have anything to do with them.

Bingfeng said: "The tribe is scattered, we have no way to notify them!"

Bing Litian frowned and said: "Therefore, we must find a good and concealed way to let the clansmen come and join us. If we enter Raging Fire City, we may not be able to agree to Lie Wuji's conditions."

"What's there to be afraid of those soft bones of the Lieyan family who are greedy for life and afraid of death? At worst, we'll just participate in that Dragon Domain Tournament and win the championship."

(End of this chapter)

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