War of the Three Realms

Chapter 1188 Infinite Temptation, Infinite Harvest 3

Chapter 1188 Infinite Temptation, Infinite Harvest 3
The Yin-Yang Against the Heaven Art then worked even harder, until the entire golden core was wrapped in a thick pink-purple color, and a strong psychedelic color emerged from the whole.

Now if anyone dares to consciously invade, it will be wonderful.

This is not cultivation, it is simply an extreme enjoyment!
Li Kuang, immersed in a state of ecstasy, didn't even realize that there was a fierce beast lurking on the stone steps leading to the Transcending Tribulation Divine Platform, otherwise, he might not be so safe.

Lu Wu clearly felt that the toxins in the entire snow world were decreasing, and the speed of this decrease was still accumulating, because all the toxins and dark energy were absorbed by the pagoda and turned into infinite temptations, which was why he was reluctant The reason for attacking Li Kuang.

After all the toxins are absorbed by this young man, and Kunlun becomes a pure land, wouldn't it be possible for him to come in and out?At that time, looking for another opportunity to slap this silly boy to death, and then rule the world, it's really exciting to think about it!

He always thought that the most powerful part of the Demon Refining Pot was the soul toxin. If there was no soul toxin, it would definitely not be impossible for him to break the seal with his own strength.

Therefore, he pinned all his hopes on Li Kuang, and stayed on the stone steps every day to watch Li Kuang absorb infinite temptation.

One day, two days, one month...

Seeing that the toxins were getting less and less and the sky was getting clearer, Lu Wu couldn't hide the excitement in his heart. If it wasn't for fear of scaring Li Kuang and stopping the purification work, he would have roared excitedly.

Li Kuang has always been immersed in a dreamlike and wonderful realm, and he doesn't care about everything outside, just relying on the yin and yang art to absorb and refine his soul instinctively.

The original soul power in the body has been exhausted, and what is stored now is almost all pure and infinite temptation.

This infinite temptation is so miraculous that not only can the enemy be intoxicated, but even himself seems to become lazy, and thus emerges a mentality of indifference to the world.

The pink-purple mist spread all over his body, causing him to exude a faint fragrance, but an inexplicable aura was growing.

This breath has a hint of seductive kindness, as if the closest existence in my heart is smiling at you, and all the hostility disappears invisible.

(End of this chapter)

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