Princess she has 123456 vests

Chapter 578 Hallucinations

Chapter 578 Hallucinations
But in this endless desert, you can tell at a glance whether there is anyone, and the voice is hoarse, and there is no response at all.

What happened in the end?

She just fell asleep and woke up, why is no one missing?

Whether it is Hua Feng, Li Beimo, or Gao Nian, they are her most important friends and relatives. Luo Weiyi firmly believes that even if it is death, they will not abandon her.


It was to protect her.

Perhaps under attack, to draw the enemy away for her safety?

But why didn't she notice it at all?
She has always been so vigilant, it is impossible not to hear any movement!


Luo Weiyi said to herself: "I have to go back."

If it was what she thought, then they would definitely come back to her after they were out of danger.

She had to stay where she was and not wander around, otherwise they would be more anxious than she was now when they came back to see her.

Once separated, the danger they face will increase exponentially.

Looking up at the gray sky, she was as depressed as her mood at this time.

Luo Weiyi gritted her teeth and persisted, and walked back to the place where she rested before.

Not going anywhere, just sitting there, waiting...

There is no cycle of day and night, and she doesn't know how long she has waited.

There is only one person every day, no matter day or night, not even a passing cockroach can be seen.

Luo Weiyi only felt that a long, long time had passed...

It is estimated that it has been about half a month, and I still haven't waited for anyone.

She tried to look for traces in the desert, to see if there were any footprints when they left.

However, the result was disappointing. After such a long time, even if there were footprints, they would have been buried by the wind and sand long ago.

It feels like she is the only one left in the whole world, except the food is still with her.

She couldn't wait any longer, if she sat around like this, she would starve to death in Yu Yuan when the food ran out.

Luo Weiyi picked up her bags, decided to find them, and embarked on a solo journey again.

She didn't know how long she had walked, leaving a long string of footprints in the desert behind her, her body was getting more and more exhausted, and she might fall down at any time.

Move forward tirelessly like a robot.

Day by day, Luo Weiyi became dehydrated.

Seeing a few figures from a distance, Luo Weiyi's brows were brimming with joy, and with all her strength, she rushed over and shouted loudly, "Li Beimo, Hua Feng, Master, I'm here, and I finally found you."

It's been more than a month, and it feels like a century has passed.

Gao Nian smiled, Luo Weiyi ran over and threw herself into Gao Nian's arms, but fell into the desert and gnawed a mouthful of mud.

Looking back, no one is there, it's all her hallucinations.


Luo Weiyi broke down and beat the sand.

Crying in despair, "Master, where are you?"

She is so lonely.

A person's world turned out to be so terrifying.

What worries me more is their safety, are they still alive?
Why not come to her?
If something happened, where should she go to save them?
The despair in Luo Weiyi's heart was spreading, she gritted her teeth, got up and continued walking.

Not far away, he saw the same figure again.

Seeing the three of them again, Luo Weiyi didn't dare to rush forward easily.

Walking over cautiously, he reached out to touch Hua Feng's face.

Before she touched it, everything turned into a bubble again and disappeared.

"Ha ha…………"

With a smirk, she knew it was another hallucination.

(End of this chapter)

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