Princess she has 123456 vests

Chapter 519 You guessed right, it was on purpose

Chapter 519 You guessed right, it was on purpose

Li Beimo was blindfolded all the way, making Luo Weiyi dizzy.

It looks like there are scratches on her back, this girl is too vicious.

It was simply pressing him on the ground and rubbing against it. It felt like sparks and lightning along the way.

At this moment, he finally stopped, vomited wildly when he stood up, and untied the handkerchief in no time.

I vomited up all the food I ate in the morning, and all the jaundiced water came out, and then I asked, "Why don't you leave?"

"If you don't take you to be such a person, your martial arts are so high, you almost vomited to death without being bitten by a snake."

It was only after Li Beimo complained that he realized why it was so quiet?

Curious why they didn't talk anymore, I took a look at the handkerchief and yelled: "Mother..."

The sight in front of him made Li Beimo's stomach churn again.

Thousands of snow whites are densely intertwined, leaving no gaps, blocking their way out.

The small chopsticks are so small that the big ones almost catch up with the thighs.

This is not a snake, it is clearly a python.

A pair of eyes still glowed with a strange red light, which was especially clear in the cave where the line of sight was not good.

The blood snake opened its mouth wide, revealing its sharp fangs, trying to swallow them alive.

The scarlet and thin snake letters stretched and retracted, looking at them like delicious prey.

Li Beimo even felt that they were laughing, mockingly and happily.

Li Beimo rolled his eyes and was about to faint again.

Luo Weiyi inserted the needle into his acupuncture points in time, making him unable to close his eyes even if he wanted to.

The others were stunned, swallowed involuntarily, and couldn't say a word.

Snakes are sensory animals. Whether they speak or not, they can feel the temperature of the human body and the direction of movement. Therefore, even if they are silent, it will not affect the snake's judgment.

Si Che looked back, staring at Killing God viciously.

Didn't he say that the big ones have thick wrists?
What are the first ones that are thicker than thighs and more than ten feet long?
Killing God was also very confused, "Don't look at me, I don't know what's going on."

"When I passed by it a few years ago, it was only as thick as a tree branch. In the next few years, it grew up a little bit, and last year it was thicker than an arm. It was also the largest I had ever seen. I didn't expect there to be a bigger one."

Luo Weiyi heard it, and she wanted to scold Shenshen fiercely, is she stupid?

Don't know if they will grow, getting bigger every year?
A year has passed, can it still be the same as last year?

But I still hold back, now is not the time to quarrel.

Luo Weiyi: "What should we do now? The smell on our bodies doesn't seem to affect them."

Killing God: "It's been such a long time, and it's been exposed to the outside again. The wind and snow are heavy, and the temperature is low. How can there be any smell? Look at your clothes are frozen, and your hands will break when you break them."

Luo Weiyi: "Dare to say that our realgar wine is useless, so what should we do now, rush or retreat?"

There are too many, and you can't even rush out!
Killing God and his brothers looked at each other, and in unison took out a bag of yellow powder from his body.

Luo Weiyi's nose was very sharp, and she immediately smelled realgar.

"You... you actually have so much realgar, why are you still pouring wine on us?"

Now she doubts whether Killing God deliberately teased her, because she couldn't understand her falling from the sky, and deliberately teased her.

Luo Weiyi really guessed right, but Killing God would not admit it.

He also gave a serious explanation: "The taste of wine mixed with realgar is stronger, which can better stimulate the nerves of snakes. I didn't expect this result."

(End of this chapter)

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