Chapter 426

Si Mohan said bluntly, "I can't see it."

No matter how good the eyesight is, it is impossible to read such small characters clearly in such an environment.

Grandma walked over, grabbed Si Mohan's hand, and took out a small knife out of nowhere.

With a flash of cold light, Luo Weiyi was startled.

Quickly grabbed Grandma's hand, "Grandma, what are you doing?"

Grandma comforted Luo Weiyi: "Don't be nervous, just put some dragon's blood."

Luo Weiyi guessed it, there are a lot of such plots in TV dramas.

She was only worried that there would be bacteria on Grandma's dagger, and if the force was too heavy and the wound would be deep, the child would cry in too much pain.

Luo Weiyi: "Grandma, I'll come, you go and rest."

Luo Weiyi said as she grabbed Si Mohan's hand, "Don't be afraid, Han'er, it won't hurt."

Si Mohan: "..."

He didn't say he was afraid, it was because the concubine mother was too nervous.

But it feels so good to be taken care of by the concubine mother.

"Han'er is not afraid."

"En." Luo Weiyi nodded, concentrating her internal force with her fingertips, and carefully opened a very small opening on Si Mohan's finger.

Just scratched a little skin, and barely squeezed out a drop of blood.

Grandma rolled her eyes, the children of the Tian family are delicate.

Si Mohan's blood dripped on the stone, and a burst of white light rose into the sky.

The words on the stone lit up in front of them like a projector, and they were displayed row by row, which was extremely clear.

Si Mohan followed suit and read a few words, "The Shenlong clan violated the rules of heaven and was suppressed by the law of heaven. In the 700 million years of the calendar, a crack appeared in the seal of the dragon clan. When the law of heaven repaired it, the little princess of the dragon clan, Filo..."

Si Mohan stopped chanting after chanting, glanced at the people around him, everyone was quiet, and he was the only one who made a sound.

Grandma Tai and Li Beimo rubbed their eyes vigorously, and they both noticed something strange.

Take a look at Luo Weiyi, Si Che, and Si Mohan's family of three watching with great interest.

Grandma walked up to Li Beimo, "Boy, what did you see?"

Li Beimo pointed to the front: "There is nothing in a field of reeds."

Grandma suddenly realized, "It turns out that we can't see it. I thought I was the only one, but I don't need to see it."

Li Beimo: "Do you know what is written on it?"

Grandma raised her eyebrows proudly, "Of course, it has been passed down from generation to generation. As dragon guardians, we naturally know."

Li Beimo thought of the ancient scrolls he had investigated.

What he knows is very limited, it seems that grandma can get the answer here.

Seeing Luo Weiyi's family of three engrossed, Li Beimo quietly pulled Grandma aside.

"Grandma, tell me about it!"

Grandma has always been very sensitive to Li Beimo's identity.

Once bitten by a snake, he was afraid of grass ropes for ten years.

Thinking of the blood dripping from his body, Grandma Tai didn't like him.

"Why tell you, be careful curiosity killed the cat."

Li Beimo squinted his eyes and smiled, "I have money, a lot of money, as long as Grandma tells me, I'll send you a carriage full of gold, it's my word."

"What?" Grandma's expression changed, her eyes lit up, "Are you serious?"

Li Beimo swears to the sky, "I will die if I lie to you, and I don't look like a bad person, how can I deceive the old man!"

Grandma laughed, and almost sent Li Beimo away in a tone that had never brushed her teeth.

"It's easy to talk about, it doesn't matter if you have money or not, I mainly want to see that you are honest."

Li Beimo: "..."

 One more chapter first, don’t rush me, I’m trying to write

(End of this chapter)

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