Sou Shen Ji

Chapter 12

Chapter 12

Chuxiong Quzi was walking at night, saw the sleeping stone, thought it was a tiger, bent his bow and shot it, but there was no golden forged feather.Look down, and you will know the stone.Because of the repeated shooting, the arrow was destroyed without a trace.In the Han Dynasty, there was Li Guang again, who was the prefect of You Beiping, and he shot a tiger to get a stone, just like him.Liu Xiang said: "Sincerity is the best, and gold and stone are the ones that open it. What's more, people! If you sing without harmony, and if you move without following, there must be some who are incomplete. Those who do not surrender to the world, seek their own. and also."

The king of Chu traveled in the garden, and the white ape was there.Wang ordered those who were good at archery to shoot.The arrows are sent out several times, and the ape fights the arrows and laughs.It is life by the base.When Ji strokes the bow, the ape hugs a tree and calls.When it came to the Six Kingdoms, Geng Lei said that the king of Wei said: "I can shoot birds for the sake of empty hair." The king of Wei said: "But can the shot reach this?" , more weak and empty hair and birds under Yan.

Qi Jinggong crossed the river of Jiangyuan, and the turtle held the left horse, but he disappeared.Everyone was alarmed.Gu Yezi drew his sword and followed him.Go evil for five miles, go retrograde for three miles, and get under the mainstay.To kill him is Yuan Ye.Holding the turtle head in the left hand, holding the left scorpion in the right hand, Yan Yuehu rushes out.Looking up to the sky and shouting, the water is three hundred steps against the current.The viewers all thought that He Bo also.

The generals of Chu and Mo Xie made swords for the king of Chu, and it took three years.Wang Nu wanted to kill him.There are male and female swords, and their wives are ready to give birth. The husband said to his wife: "I will make a sword for the king, and it will take three years. The king is angry, and he will kill me. If you give birth to a boy, he will tell him: 'Go out of the house and look at it. Nanshan, on the pine rock, the sword is on its back.'" So he went to see the king of Chu with the female sword.The king was furious, and sent the prime minister: "There are two swords, one male and one female. The female comes, but the male does not come." The king was angry and killed it immediately.Mo Xie's son, named Chibi, who was later strong, asked his mother, "Where is my father?" The mother said, "Your father made a sword for the king of Chu, and it took three years. King Fu, kill him. When I go, tell me: 'Yu Ru Son: Go out and look at the southern mountain, the pine is on the rock, and the sword is on his back.'" So the son went out to look south, but he saw no mountain, but saw the stone pillar under the pine pillar in front of the hall, and broke his back with an axe, and got the sword.Day and night, I want to report to the king of Chu.The king dreamed of a son, with a wide ruler between his eyebrows, and said: "I want revenge." The king bought it with a thousand gold.When the son hears it, he dies.Going into the mountains and singing.A guest who met said: "You are young, why are you crying so sad?" Said: "My general, Mo Xie. The king of Chu killed my father, and I want to repay him!" The guest said: "I heard that the king bought the son's head A thousand pieces of gold, bring me your son's head and sword, and repay your son." The son said, "What a blessing!" Then he slayed himself, holding his head and sword with both hands, and stood still.The guest said: "You don't lose your son." So the corpse is a servant.The guest held his head and went to see the king of Chu. Wang was very happy.The guest said: "This is the head of a warrior. It should be boiled in a soup wok." Wang said as he said.Boil the head for three days and three nights, and it will not rot.His head came out of the soup, his eyes were furious.The guest said: "This child's head is not rotten. The original king came to see him, and he must die." The king came immediately.The guest imitates the king with a sword, and the king's head falls into the soup.The guest also made his own head, which fell into the soup again.All three heads are rotten and unrecognizable.It was buried in soup and meat, so it is commonly known as the "Tomb of the Three Kings". It is now in the border of Yichun County in the north of Runan.

During the time of Han Wu, Cangwu Jiayong was the prefect of Yuzhang, with magical skills.He went out to ask for the thief, was killed by the thief, lost his head, got on his horse and returned, Xian in the camp came to see Yong.Yong said in the middle of his chest: "It is not good for the war, and you are injured by thieves. Do you think it is better to have a head? Is it better to be without a head?" The official wept and said, "It is better to have a head." Yong said: "Otherwise, it is better to be headless. "After speaking, he died.

Shi Liang, the prefect of Bohai, is a woman who promised to marry but failed.Liang Fu killed him, cut off his head and returned, and threw it under the stove, saying: "When ordered to be cremated." Your property." Feeling it, I got the genus of the fragrant tassels and gold hairpins that I had in the past.

During the reign of King Ling of Zhou, Chang Hong was killed.Because the people of Shu hid their blood, it took three years to turn it into green.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty traveled eastward, but before he left Hangu Pass, there was a thing in charge of the road, several feet long, shaped like a bull, with blue eyes and squinting eyes, four feet buried in the ground, moving without moving.The officials were horrified.Dongfang Shuo please fill it with wine, fill it with dozens of Dendrobium and the matter will disappear.The emperor asked why.The answer said: "This is called trouble, and it is born of worry. This must be the prison of Qin. Otherwise, sinners will gather together for nothing. Husband forgets worry with wine, so it can be eliminated." The emperor said: "Call ! Naturalist, as for that!"

Liang Fu of the Later Han Dynasty, styled Han Confucianism, was born in Xindu, Guanghan.If you give less to the officials, you will not pay the oars and water.In order to engage in it, the big and small are all raised, and the counties and counties hold back their hands.When the summer was dry and dry, the prefect revealed to himself that the atrium did not rain.Supplemented by the five sense organs, he went out to pray to the mountains and rivers, and swore to himself: "As the commander-in-chief of the county, I can't enter into admonishment and accept loyalty, recommend the virtuous and retreat from evil, and reconcile the people, so that the world is separated, everything is scorched, and the people are filial. It's all in the auxiliary. The prefect of the county now blames himself for introspection, exposes the court, makes the assistant apologetic, and prays for the people. He is sincere and sincere, but he has not felt it. Fu Jin dares to swear that if there is no rain in the middle of the day, please put yourself in the middle . ” He was accumulating firewood and was about to set himself on fire.At noon, the mountain atmosphere turned dark, thunderstorms broke out, and the whole county was wet.The world calls it sincerity.

He Chang, a native of Wujun.Less good at Taoism, live in seclusion.There was a severe drought, and the people were haggard. Qinghong, the prefect, sent his household Cao Yu to pay homage, and enshrined the seal ribbon to guard Wuxi.unrestrained.After retreating, he sighed and said: "There is a disaster in the county boundary, and An Neng has the way." Because of the trekking county, he was stationed in the star house.The locust stalks die, and they flee when they open up.Afterwards, Fangzheng and Doctor are all unsuccessful.Died at home.

Xu Xu of the Later Han Dynasty, styled Jingqing, was born in Wu Youquan.Few are jailers, and the law enforcement is detailed.For Xiao Huangling.At that time, it belonged to the big locust in the county, and there was no grass in the wild. It passed through the small yellow circle, and it flew away without gathering.The governor's department was responsible for Xu's death.Xu abandoned the official, and the locusts came in response.The governor thanked him and ordered him to return the monastery.The locust will fly away.

Wang Ye, styled Zixiang, was the governor of Jingzhou during the reign of Emperor He of the Han Dynasty.Every travel department, bathe and eat vegetarian food, to pray to the heaven and the earth, to enlighten the foolish mind, so that no one will be in vain.In the seven years in the state, Huifeng prevailed, harshness did not work, and there were no wolves in the mountains.Died in Xiangjiang.There are two white tigers, bowing their heads and tails, sitting guarding their sides.When the funeral was over, the tiger crossed the state border and suddenly disappeared.The People's Communist Party erected a monument, which is called: "Xiangjiang White Tiger Tomb".

During Wu Dynasty, Ge Zuo was the prefect of Hengyang.There are Dacha Hengshui in the county, which can be a monster.The common people set up temples.Traveling and praying, the boat will sink; if the boat floats, the boat will be destroyed.Zuo will go to the office, but he will have a big axe, and he will go to the people.Tomorrow will arrive.That night, I heard voices in the raging river, and I looked at it, and the cha was moved away, and flowed down a few miles, stationed in the bay.Since then, the traveler has no trouble of sinking and sinking.The people of Hengyang erected a monument for Zuo, saying: "Zhengde prays for blessings, and the sacred tree is moved."

Zeng Zi was moved by Zhongni's stay in Chu, so he left to ask his mother.Mother said: "Si'er gnaws fingers." Confucius said: "Zeng Shen's filial piety is so refined."

Zhou Chang, kind-hearted, filial at a young age, lives alone with his mother.Every time she goes in and out, the mother wants to call out, and she often bites her hand, and she feels pain in her hand.In the middle of the governance, you are engaged in the letter of the future, waiting for Chang to be in the field, so that the mother can bite her hand, and when she is smooth, she will return.In the second year of the first year of the Yuan Dynasty, he was Yin of Henan Province. There was a severe drought in summer, and there was no response to long-term prayers.More than [-] dead bones were collected and buried beside the city of Luoyang, and they were erected as righteous graves, which should be rained in time.

Wang Xiang, courtesy name Xiuzheng, was born in Langye.The nature is filial piety.Bereaved early, stepmother Zhu's unkindness, counted.Because of this, he lost his love to his father, and every time he wiped out the cows.Parents are ill and cannot take off their clothes.The mother often wants to have raw fish, and when it is cold and freezing, Xiang undresses and cuts the ice to find it.The ice suddenly released itself, and the double carp jumped out, holding it and returning.The mother wanted to burn the oriole again, and dozens of orioles entered her curtain again to feed her mother.The villagers were amazed, thinking it was caused by filial piety.

Wang Yan is filial in nature.The stepmother, Mrs. Bu, tasted raw fish in Shengdong, but she refused to get it, and the stick bleeds.Yan searched for Fen, knocked at Ling and cried.Suddenly a fish, five feet long, jumped out of the ice.Extend it to enter the mother.Bushi eats it, and the days are endless.So I realized, caressing like my own son.

Chu Liao lost his mother early, and his mother was filial afterward.The mother suffers from carbuncle and swells, and she is described as haggard day by day. Liao sucks it slowly, and the blood bleeds out, so she can sleep peacefully at night.Naimeng's mother tongue said, "If you get carp to eat, your disease will be cured and you can prolong your life. Otherwise, you will die soon." The mother felt it and told Liao.It was freezing in December, and Liao looked up to the sky and wept, took off his clothes and lay down on the ice.There was a boy who decided to lie down, the ice suddenly opened, and a pair of carp jumped out.Liao will return to serve his mother, and he will recover from illness and live to 130 years old.Gaizhi Xiaogan God, Zhao should be so.This is the same as Wang Xiang and Wang Yan.

Sheng Yan, courtesy name Wengzi, was born in Guangling.His mother, Wang, was blind due to illness, and Yan bowed to take care of him.If the mother feeds, she must feed herself.The mother has been ill for a long time, as for the servants, they are often beaten.The servant girl was resentful, Wen Yan went away temporarily, and took grubs and roasted them.The mother eats it, thinks it is beautiful, but suspects it is a foreign body, and hides it secretly to show off.When Yan saw it, he hugged his mother and wept bitterly, and recovered.The mother's eyes suddenly opened, and then healed.

Yan Han's courtesy name is Hongdu, and his second sister-in-law, Fan's family, was blind due to illness.Doctors need the gall of anacondas and snakes to spare prescriptions, but if you seek them, there is no way to get them.When you are sad and tired.Sitting alone during the day, suddenly there was a boy in green clothes, about thirteen or fourteen years old, who was holding a green bag to teach him.With open eyes, it is the gall of a snake.The boy wandered out of the house, turned into a blue bird and flew away.After getting the gallbladder medicine, the sister-in-law will recover immediately.

Guo Ju, a native of Longli, is a native of Wen in Hanoi.The three brothers lost their father early.After the ceremony, the second brother asks for points.With 2000 million yuan in money, the second brother will each take [-] million yuan.Ju Du lived in a guest house with his mother, and the couple rented it out for the public to raise.Living in Youqing, his wife gave birth to a boy.Ju Nian and children interfere with the relationship, one thing; the elderly get food, like to divide their children and grandchildren, and reduce food, two things.He dug the ground in the wild, wanted to bury his son, and got a stone cover. Under it was a gold cauldron, with a alchemy book in it, saying: "The filial son Guo Ju, I will give you a gold cauldron for use." So it became famous all over the world.

Xinxing Liu Yin, courtesy name Changsheng, lost his father at the age of seven, mourned and ruined the ceremony, and mourned for three years without seeing his teeth.It happened to my great-grandmother Wang.The person who tasted the night dream said: "There is millet under the western fence." He dug it up and got fifteen bells of millet.The inscription said: "Seven years of millet and a hundred stones, to give to Liu Yin, a filial son." Since it is eaten, it will be used up at the age of seven.And when the Wang family died, the couple was ruined, almost to the point of extinction.At that time, the coffin was on fire while the west neighbor was on fire, and the wind was very strong. The Yin couple knocked on the funeral and wailed, and the fire went out.Later, two white doves came and nested in the tree garden.

Yang Gong Boyong, also from Luoyang County.Originally made a living as a peddler.Sexual filial piety.Parents died, buried without Zhongshan, so the family Yan.The mountain is eighty miles high, and there is no water on it. The public draws water and makes it into milk at Bantou, and all walkers drink it.Three years later, one person drank it and gave it a bucket of stones, so that there was a place where there was a stone in the highest flat land to plant it. He said: "Jade should be born in it." Return." The words are gone.It is the kind of stone.When I was several years old, I looked at it from time to time, and when I saw jade on the raw stone, no one knew it.Those who have the Xu family, the surname of You Beiping, women are very capable, and people ask for it, but many people don't allow it.The public is trying to ask Xu.Xu laughed madly, because the play said: "If you get a pair of white biscuits, you should listen to it as a marriage." In the jade field you planted, you got five pairs of white biscuits for engagement.Xu was shocked, so she took her husband as a daughter-in-law.The emperor heard the difference, and worshiped him as a doctor.At the place where the jade is planted, there are big stone pillars at the four corners, each one Zhang, and a hectare of land in the center, which is called "Jade Field".

Hengnong's character is Plagiarism, and he is also from Dongping.Shaogu is the most filial stepmother.I often live in other homes, facing thunderstorms, and frequent dreams and tigers gnawing at my feet.The farmer called his wife to come out of the court, kowtowed three times, the house suddenly broke down, crushing more than [-] people to death, only the farmer and his wife were spared.

Luo Wei, whose name is Deren, lost his father at the age of eight, and was devoted to maternal filial piety.My mother is seventy years old.It's very cold, and I often warm the mat with my body, and then give it a place.

Wang Po, styled Weiyuan, was born in Yingling, Chengyang.Father Yi was killed by Emperor Wen.The hut is beside the tomb, and I often go to the tomb to worship and kneel day and night, climbing cypresses and mourning.The tears wept on the tree, and the tree withered.Maternal fear of thunder, when the mother dies, every thunder, I go to the tomb and say: "Here you are."

Zheng Hong moved to Linhuai prefect.Xu Xian, a county resident, is mourning, and there is a white dove nesting beside the house.Hongju was Xiaoqian, and Chaoqian was called "Baijiulang".

In the Han Dynasty, a filial woman in the East China Sea was very careful to raise her aunt.The aunt said: "Women support me hard. I am old. Why should I cherish my remaining years? I am tired of being young." She hanged herself to death.His daughter told the official, "Woman killed my mother."The filial wife can't bear the pain, so she falsely accepts it.At that time, Yu Gong was a jailer, and said: "This woman has been raising my aunt for more than ten years. She has heard about her filial piety, so she will not kill her." The eunuch did not listen.Yu Gong was unreasonable in the dispute, embraced his prison speech, and left the mansion crying.Since then, the county has been dry and there has been no rain for three years.After the eunuch arrived, Yu Gong said: "The filial woman should not die. The former eunuch killed her in vain. This is the fault."It rains in the sky, and the age is ripe.The elder said: "The filial woman's name is Zhou Qing. When Qing is about to die, he will carry a ten-foot bamboo pole and hang five flags on it. He swears to all the people and says: 'If Qing is guilty, he is willing to kill, and the blood will flow down; if Qing dies in vain, the blood will flow upstream. 'After the execution, the blood was blue and yellow, and it was marked on the bamboo by the banner, and descended by the cloud by the banner."

Jianwei was the uncle of Xiannihe, and his daughter was named Xiong.In the third year of Yongjian, Nihe was the county's meritorious Cao.Zhao Zhi, the county magistrate, sent mud and homage to the prefect of Bajun.Take a boat in October, fall into the water and die in the city, and the corpse will not be buried.Xiong mourned and howled, and his life was not preserved. He told his brother and wife to search for his father's body diligently. If he couldn't ask for it, I wanted to find it myself.Shixiong was 27 years old, and he had son Gong, who was five years old, and Kang, who was three years old.They each made an embroidered sachet, filled with a gold bead ring, and conceived two sons.The sound of wailing is endless, and the Kun people are worried about it.Until December 21th, the father can't be mourned.Xiong fell into the place of his father in a small boat, cried several times, and threw himself into the water, swirling to the bottom.When I saw my dream, I told my younger brother, "I will come out with my father on the [-]st." At the end of the day, like a dream, I held on to my father and floated out of the river.The county magistrate stated that Su Deng, the prefect of the county, inherited the Shangshu.So he sent the householder Cao Yu to set up a stele for the hero, with a picture of his shape, so that people can know the most filial piety.

The wife of Leyangzi in Henan is not known to be the daughter of the He family.Diligently raise my aunt.Some chickens from other houses entered the garden, and the aunt stole and killed them and ate them.The wife cried when she didn't eat the chicken.The aunt asked why, and the wife said: "I hurt myself and live in poverty, so I have other meat to eat." The aunt threw it away.Those who want to commit crimes in the future will rob their aunt first, and their wives will go out after hearing about it.The thief said: "Let me release your knife. If you follow me, you will be safe; if you don't follow me, you will kill your aunt." The wife looked up to the sky and sighed, slashed her neck and died.Pirates don't kill Gu.When the eunuch heard about it, he hunted down the thieves, gave his wife silk, and buried him with ceremonies.

Yu Gun, styled Shubao, was born in Xianningzhong. During the great epidemic, his second brother died, and his second brother died.The disease is strong, parents and younger brothers are all inferior, and Dagon can't stay alone.All the fathers and brothers were strong, but they said: "Dun's nature is not afraid of illness." So he personally supported him and stayed up day and night;So more than ten days.After the epidemic subsided, the family members returned.Bi was ill, and Dagon was fine.

Song Kang Wang Sheren Han Ping, married his wife He Shi, beautiful, and Kang Wang took her.Based on resentment, the king imprisoned him, and he was regarded as Chengdan.Miao Qici said in his wife's secret letter: "The rain is fornication, the river is deep and the water is deep, so be careful when the sun rises." Since the king got his book, he showed it to the left and right, but the left and right couldn't understand its meaning.The minister Su He said to him: "The rain is lewd, and the words are sad and thoughtful; the river is deep and the water is deep, so it cannot be communicated; the sunrise is careful, and the heart has the will to die." Er Ping committed suicide.His wife rotted his clothes.The king went on the stage with him, and his wife threw herself on the stage, holding him from left to right, and died because she couldn't get the clothes in her hands.The suicide note Yu Dai said: "The king benefits his life, and the concubine benefits his death. I would like to use the bones for a joint burial." The king was angry and listened.Let the people in the village bury it, and the tomb faces each other.The king said: "Your husband and wife love each other very much. If we can make the tombs unite, I will not be able to stop them." , the roots intersect at the bottom, and the branches intersect at the top.There are also mandarin ducks, one male and one male, perpetually perched on trees, never leaving morning and evening, neck-to-neck mourning, the sound is touching.Song people mourned it, so they named its tree "Acacia tree".The name of lovesickness originated here.Southerners say that this bird is the soul of Han Ping and his wife.There is Han Pingcheng in Suiyang today, and its songs still exist today.

At the end of the Han Dynasty, Shi Man, the prefect of Lingyang County, had a daughter. She was the secretary of Yuemen, and she was a maidservant of the secret envoy.Already gave birth to a child.As far as it can go, the prefect ordered the son to come out and ask his father.The son crawled straight into Shuzuo's arms, Shuzuo pushed it, and the ground turned into water.If you ask poorly, you can save the past.So he was accompanied by his wife's letter.

Fugang is expected in the west of Poyang.Chen Ming, a native of the old county, married the Mei family, but before they were married, the evil spirit tricked him into welcoming his wife.Those who understand the divination, Jue Yun: "Travel fifty miles northwest to find it." As clear as words, you can see a large acupoint, deep and bottomless.Hang it in with a rope, and then get his wife.But let the wife go out first.However, Qin Wen, the neighbor of the Ming Dynasty, did not take the Ming Dynasty.His wife took an oath and insisted on her own ambition. She climbed to the top of the hill and looked at her husband because of her name.

In the later Han Dynasty, Nankang Deng Yuanyi, his father Kao, shot for the servant of Shangshu.When Yuanyi returned to his hometown, his wife stayed with his aunt, and he was very cautious.The aunt hates it, claustrophobic empty room, and restricts her diet.Lei Lu is sleepy every day, and there is no complaint in the end.Shi Bo asked strangely.Yuan Yi Zilang, who was only a few years old at the time, said: "Mother is not sick, but suffers from hunger." Bo Kao said with tears: "Why do you want to be a relative, but this is a disaster." He was sent home and married as Hua Zhong. wife.Zhong Wei will be a master craftsman, and his wife will go out in a court car.Yuan Yi watched it from the side of the road, and said to the man: "This is my old wife, there is no fault of hers, it is really cool to meet heaven and man in my family. This is precious." His son Lang was a man at that time. Answer, and clothes, noir to burn.Mother doesn't mind.The mother wanted to see him, and even the in-laws Li's hall asked people to use other words to please him.When Lang came to see his mother, he prayed and wept again, because he got up.The mother chased it and said: "I almost died. I was abandoned by your family. What sin did I do? This is the case?" So she died.

Yan Zun is the governor of Yangzhou, and he is not sad when he hears the crying of the woman in Daobang.When asked who was crying, the answer said: "The husband was burned to death." The official who obeyed the edict arrived and finished the conversation. The official said: "The dead will not burn to death by themselves." : "It should be in vain." The official said: "There is a place where flies gather." Follow the order and look at it, and get an iron cone to penetrate the top.Examination and questioning, killing her husband with prostitution.

Paradigm of the Han Dynasty, styled Juqing, was born in Jinxiang, Shanyang.A Si.He was friends with Zhang Shao in Runan, Shao's character was Yuanbo, and the two traveled to Taixue together.Later, when he returned to his hometown, he called Yuan Bo and said, "I will return it in the next two years. I will pay homage to my relatives and see my child."In the later period, Yuan Bo has a white mother, so please prepare food for him.The mother said, "it's a difference of two years, and it's a long-distance conclusion. How can you believe in the trial?" Said: "a believer in the great minister, he will not disobey." The mother said, "if so, I should make wine for you." Fruit arrives.Ascend to worship and drink, and leave happily.Uncle Yuan of the Later Yuan was seriously ill, and Zhi Junzhang and Yin Zizheng of the same county paid close attention to him in the morning and night.On his deathbed, Uncle Yuan sighed and said: "I hate to see my dead friend." Zizheng said: "I and Junzhang are dedicated to my son, whether it is a dead friend or not, who will ask for it again?" Yuan Bo said: "If there are two sons, my life will Er; Shanyang Fan Juqing, the so-called dead friend." He searched and died.Shi suddenly dreamed of Uncle Yuan, with Xuanmian riding on his tassel, wearing his shoes and calling out: "Juqing, I will die on a certain day, and I will be buried at that time, and I will return to Huangquan forever. How can I be related if I have not forgotten me?" Enlightened, lamented and sobbed, then dressed as a friend, threw himself on his funeral, and rushed to him.The funeral has been triggered before it arrives.When he arrived at Kuang, he would die, but the coffin refused to enter.His mother caressed him and said, "Uncle Yuan, how can you expect him?" Then the coffin stopped.When the time shifted, I saw the plain chariot and the white horse, crying.His mother looked at him and said: "It must be Fan Juqing." When he arrived, he kowtowed at the funeral and said: "Go to Uncle Yuan, and life and death will take a different path, so I will leave forever."The style is cited because of the stick, and the coffin is then forward.Shi then stayed at the grave for the purpose of repairing the grave tree, and then went.

(End of this chapter)

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