Chapter 279
Feng Weicong said with a flattering smile: "But according to your mother's orders, it's just the emperor said." He glanced at Chuxi who was carrying a bundle, raised his head and said: "Your Highness, go to the late emperor to pay tribute. You have already picked the best slaves, and there is still one more." The utensils are all ready, Your Highness doesn't need to bring a lot of things, Chu Xi should put them down."

More than ten days ago, Feng Weicong had to nod and bow when he saw Chuxi, the girl was tall and the girl was short, but now he dared to call Chuxi by his name, but Chuxi dared not speak out, so he could only swallow his anger and said, "Thank you, Eunuch Feng, for your guidance."

I was also very displeased, and said with a frown: "His Royal Highness suddenly returned to the palace, and had to go on a long journey again. The mother and child were separated in an instant. The so-called loving mother has a thread in her hand, and the wandering child's clothes. I hope my father-in-law will forgive me, and let Your Highness bring a few clothes. "

Feng Weicong's face twitched for a while, and he squeezed a smile and said: "Well, the emperor has orders, indeed, the empress is very reasonable, but the emperor asked the servants to strictly inspect the accompanying, can you let the servants inspect casually so as to make things easier?"

I just nodded in agreement.Feng Weicong didn't want to, but he carefully inspected it, leaving only some winter clothes and underwear to keep out the cold, and all other daily valuables were removed.

I nodded slightly to Chu Xi, meaning don't worry, I will take care of it myself, Chu Xi's brows relaxed, and I just gave Feng Weicong a cold look.

Feiliu took the bag as thin as him from Feng Weicong's hand, thanked him politely, turned his head and left.Jinxiu's heart was broken, she stumbled and chased her out, tears streaming down the floor.Chuxi and I quickly supported her and chased her out.

Seeing this, Feiliu flew back again, knelt down at Jinxiu's feet, hugging her legs tightly, her small body twitching.With tears streaming down her face, Jinxiu caressed Feiliu with her slender hand. After thinking for a while, she took off the three precious enamel armors left on her hands with difficulty and stuffed them in Feiliu's hands, "Jing'er, the concubine's favorite is Yes... watching you smile at the concubine mother..."

When I heard this, I recalled the conversation when I broke up with Jinxiu that year, and I couldn't help but be filled with emotion and burst into tears.

When Feiliu raised his head again, a cute smile appeared on his tear-filled little face. He wiped away the tears and said firmly: "My son heard that when the emperor was ten years old, he was murdered by a traitor. With a broken leg, even though he was trampled by villains, he was able to keep a high mind and endure hardships, and now he can become the emperor of Dayuan. The son is also ten years old. Since the body is also full of the noble blood of the original family, the son can also be good. Alive, the queen mother has done a lot for the son, and now it is the son to protect the mother. The son thought about it, the emperor's sister-in-law was right, now that the jade seal has been handed over, and the son has asked himself to guard the mausoleum of the late emperor, If the emperor wants to keep the reputation of being filial in the world, he will definitely not come to harm our mother and son again. Now as long as the mother and queen take care of the body and live well... as long as you live well, there will be a day... when I will reunite with my son, son I also like, like to see the concubine mother smile the most."

Feiliu smiled at us again, straightened his spine, turned and left.Jinxiu watched Feiliu's small body disappearing before her eyes, slumped on top of me, and burst into tears.

In the fifth year of Yuanchang, on the first day of Guihai, the new emperor held a grand enthronement ceremony. At that time, the Yuande Army led by the Swallow Army made outstanding achievements, and most of the dead soldiers died here. Yuande, so Feibai was also known as Emperor Yuande in history, and the temple name was Taizong.The world was first determined, the new emperor was generous and benevolent, and he amnesty the Chongyuan Palace for rebelling against the remaining party.

At the beginning of February of the first year of Yuande, the new emperor named Hua, the adopted daughter of the crown prince's concubine Xuanyuan, as the queen, and bestowed the title Duanshu Zhenjing, known as Queen Zhenjing in history.Empress Zhenjing announced the new policy, amnesty for one thousand old palace maids to leave the palace, and changed the ten-year period of the court ladies to five-year period, in order to show generosity and virtue, and to allow it.

Taizu originally intended for the burial of the imperial concubine Jin and other concubines. Emperor Yuande was very lenient and abolished the ancient system of burial for empresses and concubines. The decree said: "Employing human beings for burial is something that the first emperor and Taizu could not bear. This matter will stop from now on, and future generations will not do it again. "

Just follow the example of the First Emperor and bury him with a pottery man, and everyone in the world is happy for a while.

On the second day of February, the third prince Feiliu invited himself to move to the Qin Mausoleum to guard the late emperor's mausoleum at a young age. His mother also invited her to Famen Temple to lead a spiritual practice and pray for the late emperor.

When the Nanyuan Spring is half-outing, the wind and horses sigh.

Green plums are like beans and willows are like eyebrows, and the days are long and butterflies fly. [1]
After the spring equinox, Empress Dowager Xuanyuan's phoenix body was out of harmony and she couldn't get out of bed. Emperor Yuande specially allowed the empress dowager to return to King Xingqing's fief Qingzhou to recuperate from her illness. King Xingqing thanked her for her kindness.However, the illness worsened in July, and he passed away soon. Everyone at that time pitied the Empress Dowager for her benevolence. During her lifetime, she devoted herself to the peace between Xuanyuan's old clan and Yuan's royal family. The emperor bestowed the posthumous title Lianyi Gongren Xiaojie Empress Dowager, and set up a shrine for future generations to look up to.

April 26th is the Grain of Grass Festival, and everyone in the world is still in the old customs, setting up various gifts and offering sacrifices to the God of Flowers, saying that once the Grain of Grass is over, it will be summer, and all the flowers will wither, and the God of Flowers will abdicate, and a farewell ceremony is required, Tai Huang The imperial concubine chose this day, and together with 35 concubines, old and new, of the late emperors, they set off for Famen Temple.

It was drizzling that day, and she had already boarded the boat on the edge of the Wei River. She held my hand and didn't let go, just looked at me without saying a word.

I patted her hand and smiled at her: "Sister, don't worry, I will come to see you often. Although Feiliu is far away, don't worry, I will take care of him, I just hope you can meet again soon."

Jinxiu hesitated to speak, she just hugged me lightly, rubbed against my shoulder, turned her face slightly, and whispered three words in my ear: "Chen Yujiao."

I was slightly surprised, but she let me go slowly and stopped looking at me.The silk cuffs embroidered with lotus patterns brushed my face, and Du Ruo's fragrance rushed straight into my nostrils, I was slightly dizzy, and when I woke up, Jinxiu had already boarded the boat.

Chu Xi specially received the decree of grace, and led a few palace officials to bid farewell to Jinxiu across the shore, and there were one or two light-footed, stern-faced ones, who should be her old warriors.

Chu Xi burst into tears, and shouted across the river: "Master, take care."

Chuxi and the others chased along the bank of the Weihe River for a long time, just like when we left Huajia Village when we were young, Rhubarb chased our ox cart for a long, long time.

An ancient song wafted softly by my ears, like weeping and complaining.When I turned around, I saw an Angzang man with a scar on his face, playing a bamboo flute.I recognized it, it was "Folding Willow", and there was a child wearing a mask standing beside it.

I was a little surprised, but I still listened quietly to Sima Yun's sad and bleak song. At the end of the song, I looked at the beautiful boat and said softly, "Thank you for coming to see her off."

Sima Yun didn't speak, but held the flute in both hands, looking at Jinxiu standing like a clay sculpture on the bow of the boat with no sorrow or joy.

Under the mask, Xiao Yu suddenly made a low-pitched sound like a kitten.I knelt down and gently lifted his little mask...

That was the first time I saw Xiao Yu's face...

But Xiao Yu, like Sima Yun, had a scar on his brow.Even with such a terrible scar, it still couldn't hide his handsome appearance, which was almost exactly the same as Feiliu's, as well as those brilliant purple pupils.At this moment, those brilliant purple pupils were streaming tears.

An arrow in the shade of the window breaks a thousand mountains in a dream,

Shuanghui building is empty, only Yu Huan is fragrant.

I understood everything, and immediately hugged Xiao Yu tightly.I choked up on his shoulder and said, "Xiao Yu, don't cry. I have my aunt to accompany you. My mother will definitely come back."

Yiye Huafang drifted farther and farther in the Weishui River, Jinxiu was independent from the bow of the boat, her white hair fluttered in the wind, occasionally covering her lifeless face.Maybe it was too far away, she couldn't see Xiao Yu's face, her purple pupils were exhausted and without any emotion, looking at me so dull and lifeless, and gradually disappeared into the blue sky.

I don't know what Sima Yun was thinking, all I know is that he silently stood there with his arms crossed, watching Jinxiu disappear without saying a word, and silently wiped his face for Xiao Yu who was weeping with tears. He put on the mask again, then picked it up, and left me without looking back, like a gust of wind, or as if he had never brought Xiaoyu to send Jinxiu, or there was no one named Sima in the world A sudden person is just an erratic ghost.

On the other side of the Weihe River is a large piece of farmland that has just been reclaimed. The dark land is lush with greenery. It is the new emperor who amnesties the world. He specially took back a piece of manor that the imperial concubine wanted to be bestowed by the late emperor to the Duke of Yongding, and converted it into a public land. Give the refugees to cultivate the wilderness.Those refugees who have survived all these hardships finally have their own land and residences, and are hurrying to plant the last wave of wheat this year. Occasionally, some curious people look at us from a distance with their hands on awnings, and then more It's pouting buttocks, working hard, and the royal family's disputes seem to be far away from them.

In the end, Jinxiu's followers chased after him to the other side of the bank, and Chuxi, who was immersed in grief, gradually became louder in crying, just like Dahuang finally stopped and looked up to the sky and screamed in mourning.

The cold fragrance lingers all over the dream of Ziqi, and the dream of the city.

The mountains and rivers are everywhere, when will you be rich and prosperous?

Who can play the drum after the konghou farewell, the heart will break the end of the world.

Donggui people go, a wisp of tea smoke penetrates the green yarn. [2]

[1] [Northern Song Dynasty] Ouyang Xiu's "Ruan Lang's Return·Nanyuan Spring Outing"

[2] Adapted from Nalan Ci.

(End of this chapter)

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