pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 415 Are You Still My Mother

Chapter 415 Are You Still My Mother (3)
"I'm joking with you, but you go out first, I'll give him the needle first," Dr. Li soon said with a serious look, in fact, he just wanted to test An Xin just now.

After all, he knew the relationship between An Xin and Qin Yihan, so he naturally wanted to see how this girl would choose?After all, when he came here just now, he discovered a problem.

This girl actually doesn't have much money, although the 400 taels is not impossible for her, but it is probably a big sum.

It's just that Dr. Li at this moment is not afraid that An Xin will not be able to get the money, after all, he has thought about it early in the morning, so that An Xin has other things to exchange.

And when everyone heard it, they walked out of the room one by one, and at this moment, Brother Li looked at An Xin with a somewhat restrained gaze, "Brother Mumu probably doesn't have the money for Miss An, but I still have to thank you first ,"

At this moment, when Big Brother Li thought of the money, he felt sorry for Qin Yihan. He didn't know whether Qin Yihan would think that death was fine when he knew that he had spent hundreds of dollars after being saved.

"Brother Li, don't worry, he has no money to spend, so let him mortgage himself to me," An Xin smiled and said, the original simple sentence, in the future, An Xin really wrote the deed of sale and asked Qin Yihan to sign it The painting is charged.

When they heard An Xin's words, the corners of the old village head and Li Zheng's mouths twitched slightly. No matter how you look at it, this business was a loss for An Xin.

After all, they had never heard of that person selling his body for hundreds of taels of silver, but at this moment, Qin Yihan sold his body for a high price, which definitely broke the record.

It's just that they don't know at this moment, in An Xin's mind, there is no such thing as a loss, after all, when did you see her do a loss-making business, in An Xin's mind, a mere few hundred taels is no match for Qin Yihan.

Soon the door was opened, and Dr. Li walked out with a trace of suspicion in his eyes, and then said to An Xin, "An Youcai, I will take care of the injury, and you will give him the ginseng, But there is something I want to tell you, girl? There are two poisons in this person's body at the moment, and I can't cure them, so at this moment, I can only do my best and obey the destiny."

Just now, after giving Qin Yihan needles to stabilize his injury, he found that the poison in Qin Yihan's body suddenly exploded. It would be troublesome for him to suppress it, and he also thought of many ways to detoxify in this blueprint, but there was still no way.

He is ashamed to say it, but he has never seen these poisons before, so how could he have a way to detoxify them? "Girl, first use the medicine powder you gave him just now, and then drink it for him to see if it can dissolve some toxins. Maybe it will have some effect?"

"Okay, I'll get it now," An Xin nodded and said, "I don't know how to get this powder into ginseng?" After all, she was still a little reluctant to take it out in public.

When Dr. Li heard An Xin's words, he was taken aback for a moment, but quickly nodded, "I've seen the leftover potions just now, and you should be fine if there is no conflict, but the smell of the girl's powder seems to be wrong."

He smelled the water in the teapot, took a sip, and found that the medicine was really good, but he couldn't smell the medicine at all, which made Dr. Li feel very strange.

"What's wrong? Why is it wrong? When that person gave it to me, it was like this, and I drank it, and the effect was good," An Xin said with a confused face upon hearing Dr. Li's words.

And when Dr. Li saw this, he nodded in response, "That's right, your lord is very capable, even if you make the medicine into a taste I don't know, it's reasonable, I'll do it first,"

(End of this chapter)

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