Chapter 393 Doubt

The entire Hongtu Research Institute started a top-down thorough investigation. In order to set an example, Father Yun and others started the investigation from themselves.

But it turned out to be nothing.

At this time, Meng An came out to speak.

The meeting room of the Hongtu Research Institute.

"The technology used by the foreign research institute is the early technology we developed. We have already experimented with that technology, but it didn't work in the end. Who would leak a technology that doesn't work to that laboratory?"

Yes, the technology used in that foreign laboratory is actually not feasible, but the experimental process of that laboratory probably hasn't progressed to that point, so it was announced early.

"That's right, who would leak a completely useless technology? Even if it's for money, if someone finds out that he has been tricked, won't this person be exposed?" Someone in the conference room echoed Meng An.

"Unless the person who leaked the technology has no idea that the technology won't work in the end!"

"It's possible, but who in our research institute doesn't know about it?"

Everyone was talking about it, and they all wanted to quickly find out the person who leaked the research and development secrets.

Anyone in their research institute who participated in this research and development knew that the early technology would not work, and those who did not participate in the research and development had no chance of accessing the research and development materials at all.

In other words, the person who leaked the research data must be a member of the R&D team, but who would be so stupid to take a useless technology out and leak it? Once the foreign research institute discovers this, that person will definitely be exposed.

"Could it be because that person can only get our early technology?" Another person made a reasonable guess.

"What does it mean?"

"I thought that the technology of the foreign research institute was our early technology. Could it be that the person who leaked the technology could only get the early technology? But this is not right. No one among us was kicked out of the team halfway. what."

As he talked, this person denied himself again. Everyone in their team participated in this research and development from the beginning to the end, and no one quit halfway, so there should be no possibility of only getting early-stage technology. .

"Then what if this person is not from our institute?"

Meng An saw that no one doubted this point, so he brought it up on his own initiative.

She knew that once she said these words, she and Yun Mu would never have another chance.But if she didn't say it, would there be a chance?She clearly knew that no matter whether she said it or not, the result would be the same.

She said, at least she can get revenge to spare time.

Last time Meng Ya's words gave her a big shock, yes, how obvious is her liking for Yun Mu, for Yun Mu, she even treats Xian Yu so politely and respectfully.

Even when the Yun family reprimanded Meng Ya because of her, she could bear it. When she came to Hongtu to visit the class in her spare time, she even specially went to entertain her.

But what did she gain?

Knowing that she likes Yun Mu, she introduces her roommate to Yun Mu.

Xian Yu ruined her love and her dream of more than ten years. She couldn't make Xian Yu pay with her life, but at least she had to pay some price!
"Not from our research institute? People from our research institute can't get in at all." Someone immediately refuted Meng An.

Their Hongtu is not just anyone who can come in. Whoever can come will not have to go through multiple instruments and manual inspections. Even if they come in, they will not be able to enter the core experimental area, and they will have no chance to touch their research and development materials.

"Also...not really, the director's younger sister can come in."

A stunned young man said stupidly.

As soon as these words came out, the entire meeting room suddenly fell into a strange silence.

In the silence, a satisfied smile appeared on the corner of Meng An's mouth, and someone finally mentioned Xianyu.

That stunned young man also realized that he had said something wrong, so why did he lead his doubts to the director? You must know that the entire Hongtu Research Institute belongs to the Yun family, and the director's younger sister is also from the Yun family, so there is no need for them to do this. .

He quickly added: "I...I'm talking nonsense, nonsense, you just think I'm farting."

But his compensation not only did not have any effect, but instead had a taste of trying to cover up.

Leng Touqing looked at the former director on the first seat, and found that the director and the director's younger brother were staring at him together. He lowered his head cowardly and tightened his neck.

At the same time, he kept slapping his mouth in his heart, making you speak quickly and making you speak out of your head, he regretted it very much.

Someone came out to smooth things over: "How could it be the director's sister? The director's sister has come to our research institute twice. The first time was to film a variety show. At that time, we hadn't started researching this yet. The second time was to visit the class. Here's your chance."

"That's right, it can't be the director's sister. The director's sister has no chance to get our R&D materials, and the director's sister is a physics student, so she doesn't know anything about our biomedicine."

"That's right, even if the director's sister got the R&D materials, she still can't understand it. It can't be the director's sister. Don't talk nonsense."

After hearing these people smooth things over, many people gradually dispelled their doubts about Xianyu.

Because what they said was indeed true. Many people saw the visit of the director's sister to the class. Many people even watched her enter the director's office, and her every move was under everyone's noses.

Moreover, the director's sister is engaged in physical machinery and the like, and she can't understand their materials, let alone tell which technology they use.

"That's not necessarily true, is it? I remember that when Miss Xian came to our research institute to visit the class, it was the time when the technology progressed to a critical juncture."

Just when everyone was about to shift their focus of suspicion away from Xian Yu, Meng An said this again in a leisurely manner.

As soon as she finished speaking, Yun Mu's eyes fell on her sharply, not only Yun Mu, but also Father Yun and Yun Lu looked at her unkindly.

Meng An smiled wryly in her heart, she didn't care about Father Yun and Yun Lu's eyes, she met Yun Mu's eyes and looked back.

She has been by Yunmu's side for so many years, loved him for so many years, and his eyes never fell on her.

Now he finally noticed her, but the reason was because she hurt Xianyu.

But how many years has it been since I returned to Yun's house?She has known him for more than ten years, and she spends time with him day and night to do experiments, but it's even better than getting together with him, and only spending a few years together.

Meng An's heart hurts more and more, she finally understands Meng Ya's jealousy towards Xianyu, yes, seeing that the person she loves does not love her, she treats another woman thousands of times better than herself, Who can not be jealous?

Even if this person is his sister.

Faced with Yun Mu's sharp gaze and the severe pain in his heart, Meng An continued to speak.

"And who said that Miss Xian doesn't understand our research and development materials? Don't you know that the best-selling health product Yannian on the market and the widely used wound medicine and nutritional pills are all developed by Miss Xian?"

Since you don't love her, then everyone will be hurt. Without love, hatred is also good.

"Fuck, is it true? The director's sister is so awesome?!"

It was still the stunned voice, and everyone looked at him speechlessly. If it weren't for this fool's talent in research and development, he would have been kicked out long ago with his mouth that can't talk.

But although everyone thought he was outspoken, they all agreed with what he just said.

It turns out that the director's younger sister is such a powerful person?They had previously sent someone to contact the producer of Yannian to invite him to join Hongtu, but they heard that the person seemed to have declined, and they forgot about it over time.

Now that they heard Meng An talking about it, they realized that that person was actually the director's younger sister!

And as far as they know, the director's sister seems to be the developer of virtual reality technology?From the field of optoelectronic information such as virtual reality technology to the field of physics such as wormhole technology, and then to the field of biomedicine such as Yannian, what else does the director's sister know?

Isn't she an all-rounder?This is too shocking.

Meng An's original intention was to let everyone doubt Xian Yu and put this matter on Xian Yu's head, but now there is inexplicable worship and admiration for Xian Yu in the meeting room?

Meng An cast a resentful glance at the out-of-beat stunned young man, and then concluded: "So it's entirely possible for Miss Xian to understand our R&D materials. Whether it's time or ability, Xian Miss Suspiciousness is the highest."

Her words regained everyone's attention. They finally recovered from their admiration for Xianyu and began to think seriously about what Meng An said. The more they thought about it, the more they felt that what she said made sense.

Now everyone is uncertain again.

"There is time, and there is ability. What about the motivation? What about the way?"

Yun Mu spoke coldly, and did not argue for his sister, but only asked Meng An for an explanation.

He didn't know why Meng An suddenly targeted Yinyin, but if he wanted to hurt Yinyin, he had to ask the Yun family if they agreed!

"Xiao'an, what you mean is that our family Yinyin stole our Hongtu's research and development materials while visiting the class, and then leaked them to foreign research institutes? Then why do you want to tell me why she did this? What are the benefits?"

Father Yun still called Xiao An, the same as before, but the chill and sternness in that voice made Meng An's heart tremble.

In her eyes, Father Yun had always been a gentle and refined person, the Uncle Yun she admired, but at this moment, the gentleness and elegance disappeared, and the Uncle Yun she admired actually made her feel scared.

Yun Lu was not as calm as Father Yun and Yun Mu. When he heard that Meng An pushed this matter to Yin Yin, he was instantly angry.

"You're talking nonsense, shut up if you can't speak! Why do you say that we Yinyin did this? What evidence do you have!"

Yunlu stood up as he spoke, as if he was about to rush up and beat Meng An.

Yun Mu stopped him calmly, and he still stared at Meng An, repeating coldly: "Motive? Way? Evidence?"

Meng An took a deep breath, suppressed all the complicated emotions in her heart, and pulled out a far-fetched smile: "The director misunderstood, I didn't say that Miss Xian must have done this, I just speculated reasonably according to everyone's words, Don't everyone want to find that person? Why, can't even speculate?"

Yun Mu looked at her and stopped talking. Yes, she didn't say clearly that Yin Yin did it, but she was directing all her doubts to Yin Yin, which is no different from saying clearly.

"Of course it is possible to speculate, but conjectures must be reasonable. I don't accept wild conjectures."

"Is it a powerful and unconstrained style? But I think my speculation is very reasonable. After all, it seems that only Miss Xian has that ability, and the time coincides, doesn't it?"

Under Yun Mu's indifferent and ruthless eyes, Meng An didn't flinch, but went forward anyway.

Under the dispute between the two, the conference room fell silent again.

At this moment, everyone also noticed that something was wrong. What happened today?Researcher Meng, who has always been obedient to the director and loves the director deeply, actually turned against the director?

She kept pouring dirty water on the director's younger sister, didn't she like the director?Although the director has always been indifferent to her, isn't she afraid of completely cutting off the possibility of being with the director by doing this?
Apart from seriousness, everyone can't help gossiping quietly in their hearts, which is much more interesting than finding out who leaked information.

"Since you think your speculation is reasonable, please tell me the way, motive and evidence!"

Meng An, who was broken and broken, laughed: "It's not me who leaked the information, how do I know the motives and evidence of Miss Xian's approach?"

"If you don't know, then shut up."

Yun Mu's voice was not loud, but it carried an imposing manner. This sentence of shutting up was extremely blunt, and it did not give Meng An any face at all, which made Meng An extremely embarrassed, and his face was alternately green and red.

"You all believe in Researcher Meng's conjecture?" After telling Meng An to shut up, Yun Mu looked at the other people in the meeting room.

Swept by Yun Mu's gaze, everyone nodded or shook their heads.Believe it or not, but Meng An's time and ability are indeed questionable, but believe it, they feel that the director's sister really doesn't have that motive.

Such an amazing person, how could he still miss their technology, and it was leaked to foreign research institutes, you must know that this technology is said to be from the Hongtu Research Institute, but in fact it belongs to the Yun family.

Father Yun's three talents are the leader and the main force of this research and development. They are just some small shrimps who are assisting from the side.

The director's younger sister is from the Yun family, so she can't go abroad to research institutes if she takes her own technology to outsiders. It doesn't make sense at all.

And more importantly, the director's sister is now a national key protected scientist, how could the country allow her to leak any research and development information to foreign countries, no matter what field the information is in, it is impossible.

"No one is talking, so I'll do the talking." Yun Mu knocked on the table to get everyone to focus on him again.

(End of this chapter)

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