Chapter 307 Dinner
Jenna's series of rainbow farts didn't give Xianyu any chance to be modest. Of course, she also felt that it was not suitable for her to be modest at this time, otherwise it would be easy to be regarded as pretending.

So I choose to respond modestly: "I'm overwhelmed, it's just a fluke, it's a fluke."

Sure enough, Jenna was completely shocked. She never thought that there would be such an angry answer. She didn't know whether she should spurn her or should do nothing and continue to worship her.

In the end, she decided to forget it, and just pretend that nothing happened. After all, it is very difficult to meet a god of learning. She was lucky enough to meet one, so she had to flatter her, so that next time Professor Mo Sen called When it comes to her, she will not be alone and helpless.

"By the way, Yu, there is a dinner in the school auditorium tonight, do you want to attend?" Jenna remembered this exciting event and immediately shared it with Yu Yu.

"Dinner? What dinner?"

"Of course it's the welcome dinner! It's co-hosted with H University, you can think of it as a friendship between the two schools."

"Are you sure the auditorium of our school can accommodate so many people?" The auditorium can accommodate people from two schools, so how big is the auditorium?
Jenna quickly waved her hands, "No, no, no, the dinner I'm talking about is not the one that everyone can attend."

He became even more confused when he listened in his spare time, "There is more than one dinner party tonight?"

"Oh, my God, Yu, did you just enter the school today? Why don't you know anything, of course there will be more than one dinner party tonight!" Jenna was shocked, this is a girl who didn't have Internet access, or did she say All the gods of learning are like this. They don't know anything about the outside world and only know how to study?
"To be honest, I did enter the school today."

Jenna was also speechless, "Okay, then it's not too late for me to tell you now. The school held two dinner parties tonight, one is purely for freshmen, anyone can participate, and our school holds it independently Yes. The other one is jointly held by our school and H University, which is only for some invited first-year freshmen. In addition, postgraduates and doctoral students are not restricted. They can participate without invitation, as long as they show their student ID cards. gone."

Still have this kind of operation?It was also the first time for Lei Yu to see, "Why are these two dinners held separately? Is there anything special about the invited freshmen?"

Jenna is now used to the appearance of knowing nothing but knowledge, and calmly explained: "Of course, this restricted dinner is actually jointly organized by the student unions of the two schools, and the qualification screening of invitees is also a matter of course. Very strict, only those with particularly good grades or a particularly good family background are likely to be selected, and these people are also future student union reserves. Once invited, it proves that this person will be the leader of the entire school in the next four years. One of the high-profile figures!"

When it comes to this, I can understand that this dinner is simply a talent selection meeting, and qualified talents will be invited, and these invited people are destined to be the elite group of the entire society in the future.As for why there are no restrictions on invitations for graduate students and doctoral students, it is because the column of academic qualifications is already an invisible restriction. If you can be admitted to graduate students and doctoral students, at least your grades have been affirmed, and I will definitely not be low in future achievements.

Sounds like fun.

"If I can find an answer to Professor Mawson's question before the dinner starts, I think I'll attend." She is now a person in debt, owes Professor Mawson an answer, and can't find an answer to her class Evaluation is dangerous.

If she breaks the full score Grand Slam of Q University in M ​​University, she will not lose face alone. It is estimated that Professor Qian will also receive ruthless ridicule from Professor Mo Sen.Even for Professor Qian, she has to live up to it!
At this moment, I just want to sigh that life is not easy.

Jenna also thought of this, but she was confident in her spare time, "I believe you will be able to send the answer to Professor Mawson's mailbox before the dinner begins!"

What she said was categorical, and Yu Yu didn't know why this girl had so much confidence in herself, it made her unable to live up to her expectations.

"Okay, in order to accompany you to the dinner, I will work hard." There is only Professor Mo Sen's class this afternoon. If she goes back to find the answer now, it should not be difficult to find the answer before the dinner.

"I knew you could be Yu! By the way, Yu, which dormitory are you in? The dinner party starts at 07:30 in the evening, and I will come to you then!" She wants to walk into the auditorium with Yu's arm. The highlight moment!
"I live outside the school." Lei Yu said casually.

In fact, here, many students don’t live in the school, so it’s nothing special. Jenna didn’t find it strange after hearing this, but she was very curious about the place where Lei Yu lived. Full of books, the whole room except the bed is bookshelf and desk?

So she asked Xianyu with great interest: "Yu, can you invite me to your house?"

Lei Yu liked Jenna very much, she was enthusiastic, lively and frank, so she didn't refuse, "Why not? Please, lovely Miss Jenna."

Jenna jumped up happily, "Then let's go!"

Jenna originally thought that Lei Yu should live in an ordinary student apartment like everyone else, because there are two world-renowned schools, M University and H University, and there are many students, so there are many student apartments nearby, and many students will rent them it's here.But she didn't expect that Lei Yu lived in a small villa!It seems that she underestimated Yu's family situation.

When Xian Yu arrived home, Du Xing got dressed and was about to go out. When he opened the door, he found that Xian Yu had already arrived at the door of the house, and there was a girl she didn't know beside her, who presumably was Miss Xian's classmate.

She quickly turned sideways to let the two of them in, and after closing the door, she said to Xian Yu apologetically, "I'm sorry, Miss Xian, I left late and let you come back alone."

Du Xing spoke Chinese, which Jenna couldn't understand, but from the tone of his voice, he could tell that the person in front of him was very respectful to Xianyu.

But Xianyu couldn't stand Du Xing's respect, and when I met her once in a while, it was fine to call her Miss Xian, but it was obvious that Du Xing wanted to stay here until she returned to China. Every day I looked up and looked down, and when we met, I just said "Miss Xian". Who can bear it, the two are in an employment relationship, not master and servant.

"You don't need to be so polite, just call me idle in the future."

"This...isn't it good?" Du Xing was a little hesitant. After all, he was the boss who gave the money. Isn't it good to call him by his name?Will it affect the boss to give her a bonus?
Lei Yu waved his hand and said firmly, "There's nothing wrong with it."

All right, whatever the boss says, Du Xing nodded in agreement.

(End of this chapter)

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