Do you engage in scientific research?

Chapter 198 Low Profile Transformers

Chapter 198 Low Profile Transformers

Leisure's live broadcast went smoothly, rising all the way, but Louyu Film and Television's "Qinqi, Calligraphy, Painting, Poetry, Wine and Tea" is going high and low, and the popularity can't be regained. The screenwriter thought about it and came up with some ideas Interesting part, but these artistic things are extremely boring in themselves, no matter how interesting it is, it will be the same, not to mention that the guests are all infiltrated by traditional culture.

In short, the variety show "Qinqi, Calligraphy, Painting, Poetry, Wine and Tea" was a big gimmick when it first aired, and there were many people who joined the show, but gradually people couldn't hold on to the boring atmosphere, and switched to "Dream of the Future" one after another.

Xianlou was so angry that she almost had a myocardial infarction, and kept urging Zhang Li to contact Xianyu with her subordinates, but Zhang Li found that she had been blocked, and her subordinates also encountered various obstacles for no reason.

As a result, he became more and more angry, and his attitude towards Zhang Li and Su Lian became even worse. The whole idle family was flying around, and Zhang Li kept cursing Xianyu all day long.

Lei Yu doesn't know anything about these things, and she is struggling right now. After watching the two people's live broadcast process, she still can't figure out what she should live broadcast to explain the charm of science.

Is it true that she is going to live broadcast the experiment?But what experiment can be done in two days without lack of interest?
At this time, she couldn't help but miss Jimo a little. If Jimo was here, she could also discuss with him. Now she can only concentrate on her own thinking.

Not to mention, after thinking about it, in a flash of inspiration, she really came up with an interesting little experiment.

You may have seen Transformers. The Transformers in the movie look cool, but there are no real Transformers in reality.

But the earth does not have it, which does not mean that the interstellar does not have it. Transformers have another name in the interstellar-mech.

In a sense, Transformers in the movie should be regarded as a kind of creature, and it is also an alien creature with super intelligence.

In the interstellar world, mechs are also creatures, but they are not alien creatures, but intelligent creatures made by humans.

Artificial intelligence is the highest point that interstellar science and technology can represent.

With her current level, it is of course impossible for her to carry the banner of artificial intelligence alone. Even if she could, she would not touch this restricted area.

The earth has its own development track, and she can change it appropriately, but she cannot intervene too much.

Interstellar artificial intelligence and human beings have paid a huge price for peaceful coexistence. Peace can only be produced when the two sides are evenly matched. With the current level of technology on the earth, if there is artificial intelligence, once irreconcilable conflicts occur, human beings will definitely The dregs cleaned up by artificial intelligence are all gone.

So my spare plan is to live broadcast and make a mini low-profile version of the mecha, which can transform, is cool enough, and has a little intelligence. It is also a good time to test the computer language she has been studying for a while.

After making up her mind, she made a free phone call to her new all-round assistant Liu Han.

Speaking of Liu Han, she was really satisfied with this assistant and couldn't be more satisfied.

He took care of all her trivial matters, and everything was done properly, so that she had no worries at all.

For example, the solar battery before did not worry her at all. Liu Han had already selected the suitable company and put it in front of her, and then picked out the best solution for her, and then contacted Zhou Mei Bailei and the others to discuss it. The share ratio is based on the contribution value of each person in the research and development process. It is fair and reasonable, and no one has any objections.

After that, she signed a contract to collect the funds returned by Bai Lei and others on her behalf, and even Sheng Jisen asked her to help her in the variety show contract.

With such an all-round assistant, Xianyu feels that his life is almost complete.

After Liu Han answered the phone, Lei Yu made a list of everything she needed and told Liu Han. After reading it, Liu Han said that there was no problem, and it would definitely be delivered before it was her turn to live broadcast.

After receiving Liu Han's guarantee, Xianyu breathed a sigh of relief, otherwise she was really worried that she would open the skylight for Sheng Jisen.

For Liu Han's ability and efficiency, I have [-]% trust, saying thank you is too superficial, so she is very practical and gave Liu Han a large year-end bonus in advance without any distress.

In this regard, Liu Han said that it is her honor to meet such a good boss, please don't be stingy with ordering her to do things, otherwise she will be guilty of taking the money.

After finishing everything, she began to type on her computer in her spare time. Although she can live broadcast the assembly of Transformers, she cannot type the code live, not to mention whether the audience can understand it. Will it be boring? Codes like this It's not like she's out of her mind to just show the core stuff to others so carelessly.

After typing the code until late at night, he appeared in the live broadcast room with thick dark circles on the second day. Although Li Ziding's fans were guided by the management team and Li Ziding himself, they still couldn't get used to it instinctively. This amateur who was said by passers-by to crush his sister.

So as soon as I saw Xian Yu's thick dark circles, there was a wave of superficial and embarrassing comments from the navy.

Li Ziding's management team has been staring at the live broadcast room, afraid that the fans will have some tricks. They can't bear Sheng Jisen's anger, but they just stopped the meeting two days ago, and now they are back to their old ways and started to attack Xianyu. I am so tired that I want to kneel down to this group of fans.

This is really a realistic version of eating salty radish and worrying about it. Your master really doesn't mind being overwhelmed by sex, okay?I beg you all to stop making noise, the collision between capital and traffic, the traffic is definitely the one that breaks the blood, okay, let’s give your idols a way to survive!

The team members felt bitter, but they had nowhere to complain, so they could only send more people to the big fans to make them feel emotional and rational, hoping that they would promptly criticize and not bring unreasonable hatred to Li Ziding.

Although the fans don't understand why the management team cares so much about an amateur, but what they said is quite reasonable. It's all for my sister's good intentions. After all, I still intervene in the control of the review. It didn't take long for the live broadcast room to become quiet again .

The onlookers, Sheng Jisen, felt that Li Ziding's team was not too stupid and they could be taught, while the passers-by thought that Li Ziding's fans were indeed a cult, and thought of it as a one-off.

And Li Ziding, the official, received news from the team the night Sheng Jisen finished warning the team, so he naturally knew about Lei Yu's background.

She was indeed jealous when she first saw Xianyu, but she couldn't show her jealousy when facing the live broadcast, and she didn't have the opportunity to show it later. Well, how dare you be jealous.

It's a pity that there is no chance to flatter.

Because Xianyu is a weird person, and he didn't have a deep connection with any of the guests, except that he had an exchange with She Wei because of the cultural relics at the beginning, and he also expressed interest in Gao Ran when he showed his criminal psychology profile later on. But there will be no more, and she will not be able to find a chance to speak if she wants to curry favor.

(End of this chapter)

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