Do you engage in scientific research?

Chapter 138 The Most Handsome Instructor

Chapter 138 The Most Handsome Instructor

Although it's just an idle job, it's not good for him to stay with idle all the time, and he still has to show his face on some occasions when he should show up.

For example, the military training mobilization meeting.

The so-called mobilization meeting is actually nothing more than the commander-in-chief and the school leaders chattering on the stage, and then assigning instructors.

Ji Mo accompanied Xianyu to finish breakfast, and the mobilization meeting just started, and Xianyu and the others didn't rush to the library, but followed Ji Mo to the playground to watch the fun.

It was indeed lively, the entire playground was crowded with people, and the freshmen were all restless. The already hot weather was made even hotter by them.

There were also quite a few seniors standing by the side of the playground watching, pointing and saying how happy the freshmen are, the sun is not as strong as they were in military training, and the instructors are also more handsome than they were at that time.

"These instructors are really more handsome than our original instructors?" Lei Yu asked casually.

"If you count your family Ji Mo, he is indeed more handsome than our batch of instructors. He alone has raised the overall appearance, and his strength has flown." Zhao Tian said jokingly.

At that time, Ji Mo happened to be on the stage, which immediately caused a small commotion, and the students who were closer to the stage couldn't help but gasp in amazement.

After watching for a while, a few people felt that there was nothing to see, it was nothing more than their original routine, and everyone had experienced it.

Or study is important, study makes them happy! !
They got up early today, and there were only a few people in the entire library. They all wanted to read books on biopharmaceuticals, so they simply sat together, so that they could communicate with each other if they had any questions.

Although the library can't speak, it can type. The method is thought up by people, and people can still be suffocated to death by urine.

Lei Yu's reading is as fast as ever, and Zhou Mei and the three are much slower than her. In comparison, they are not in a hurry, because they have long understood the gap between themselves and Xian Yu. Than would be heartbroken.

It was approaching noon, and Ji Mo was done with his work, looking for leisure to eat, Zhou Mei and the three were still very conscious, and did not follow along as light bulbs.

In fact, I have to spare time to say that she and Ji Mo didn't go to some restaurant to eat alone. The school cafeteria was crowded with people, so there was no such thing as a light bulb.

But the three of them insisted, so she let them go.

It's just that she still made a mistake.

When she walked into the cafeteria with Ji Mo, the noisy cafeteria fell silent in an instant.

Everyone pays attention to her and Ji Mo.

Originally, being alone is quite eye-catching, but she is a rare beauty, isn't she, and with the handsome Ji Mo who is almost bewitching all beings, it is impossible not to attract attention.

Of course, these are not the most important, the most eye-catching thing is Ji Mo's army green camouflage!
Lei Yu reacted quickly, and immediately covered her face and turned to leave the cafeteria. Ji Mo followed behind her not far or near.

After the two protagonists left, the cafeteria, which had been quiet for a few seconds, instantly bottomed out and boiled like an explosion, with all kinds of speculations and discussions endless.

Zhou Mei and the other three who came in after a while later frowned tightly when they heard these not-so-nice comments.

Idle Yu went to a secluded place here before putting down the hand covering his face. Ji Mo admitted his mistake in time, "I'm sorry, I didn't think carefully. I should change my clothes and come to you again."

Xianyu herself didn't think of this, so how could she blame Ji Mo, she waved her hand to show that she didn't talk about it, and then touched her deflated belly: "Where shall we eat now?"

"Go out and eat, I'm going to drive, you wait for me here."

Lei Yu found a bench to sit down and wait for Ji Mo.

When he saw the familiar gray-green jeep, his eyes widened in shock.

Isn't this her car?It's been a long time since she got the car, but she hasn't driven it once. Didn't Ji Mo take a simple off-road vehicle when he came here in the morning, why is he driving her car here now?

After getting in the car, I had a lot of questions to ask, but Ji Mo didn't give her a chance to ask.

"I asked Lin Zhikai to come here yesterday, but I forgot to give you the key in the morning."

It turned out to be like this, Lei Yu nodded slightly.

Then he said: "Actually, you don't need to drive here specially, and I don't need it when I'm in school."

She basically has no chance to leave school from Monday to Friday, and she only goes around the school when she goes out, so she doesn't need to drive at all.

Weekends are nothing more than occasional visits to Ji's house at the invitation of Ji's mother, or to Ji Mo's apartment. Most of the time she is still at school, and there are very few opportunities to use a car.

"Didn't you want to borrow Lu Fanyun's laboratory? You won't need a car then?"

"I'm going to rent an apartment near his company."

She also took this spare time into consideration, she felt that it was too troublesome to run between the laboratory and the school every day, and renting an apartment near Lu Fanyun's company could save a lot of time.

Ji Mo nodded, this is indeed more convenient.


"You four live together?"

Idle was puzzled, "Otherwise?"

Ji Mo's hand holding the steering wheel was tight, his knuckles were slightly white, "What about me?"

Leisurely stunned, she didn't expect this, mainly because she felt that Ji Mo's vacation was coming to an end, and moving around with her was too troublesome and completely unnecessary.

But now it seems that she took it for granted, he would obviously prefer to live with her than the trouble of moving.

"Then it's fine to rent two apartments at that time." Lei Yu said helplessly.

Ji Mo was much more satisfied, "Leave the house to me."

Lei Yu didn't refuse, Ji Mo has Lin Zhi as a gold medal assistant, so it's not for nothing.

She had classes in the afternoon, and the time was tight, so Ji Mo didn't take her very far, so he found a good-looking shop near the school to deal with it.

Back at school, Ji Mo gave her the key, and the two parted ways. One went to the playground to check in and the other went to prepare for class.

She was late for eating, Zhou Mei and the others arrived before her, and the people in the class saw that the four of them didn't come together, it was quite strange.

When Lei Yu arrived, there was a lot of discussion in the class. After listening carefully, they were talking about a tall, glamorous beauty walking side by side with the most handsome instructor of this class at noon, holding hands and appearing in the cafeteria in an intimate manner.

Good guy, isn't she and Ji Mo the protagonists of this gossip.

However, this false rumor is outrageous enough.Walking side by side, she admits that if it is not difficult to walk in a row, it is also a file. As for holding hands and intimacy, she does not recognize it.

Lei Yu went to the seat reserved for her by Zhou Mei and the others and sat down. The few people who had just sat down kept poking her, and teased her in a low voice, "Yo yo, holding hands? Are you still in an intimate posture? Tsk tsk, it makes us sour. Lemon extract."

I was speechless, "Then why don't you ask Ji Mo to introduce you to some brother soldiers?"

The three waved their hands in fright, "No need, no need, I can't bear it."

(End of this chapter)

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