Chapter 110
Lingyun Tower is a gathering place for Chinese talents in the capital.

Every half a month, there is a large-scale literary meeting.

There are often wealthy merchants who give a lot of money to hold events for Lingyun Building. At that time, scholars and talents will compete, not for the big prizes, but because Lingyun Building has a rule.

Whenever someone proposes a question, the one with the best literary talents can display his name and his poems and articles in the Liufang Pavilion in front of Lingyun Tower for one month, for people to appreciate and comment, and also enjoy the lifetime high-end VIP service of Lingyun Tower.

In other words, as long as you win the first place, you no longer need to pay membership fees to enter and exit Lingyun Building in the future, and your relatives and friends can also directly enter Lingyun Building to enjoy the same VIP service with your name cards.

What's even more powerful is that the senior members themselves also enjoy three opportunities to hold literary activities provided by Lingyun Tower for free, regardless of time, place, and number of people, and all expenses will be borne by Lingyun Tower.

This is not a small temptation for literati.

Although the consumption threshold of Lingyun Building is quite high, it is definitely a good opportunity for literati and talents.

Because once your work is hung in Liufang Pavilion, maybe someone will read your article, and then it will be included in the latest issue of celebrity masterpieces by the bookstore, and it will be sold throughout the capital, and even all over the country. And you can also receive a small publishing fee.

Gaining fame and fortune may be difficult to achieve elsewhere, but in Lingyun Tower, it is definitely a dream incubation base.

As long as you have talent, anything is possible.

Today's Guozijian sacrificial wine Feng Yao and Mr. Feng came from Lingyun Tower.

At that time, he was so talented and brilliant in an article that even shocked the entire Imperial Academy. Later, he was recommended by the old Qin Guogong and went to the Taiyuan Academy to become a scholar.

He is the only person in this dynasty who directly stepped into the officialdom without passing the scientific examination. Even Taifu Sun praised his literary talents.

And he lived up to Duke Qin's high expectations. He was promoted from Xuezheng all the way to the post of Jijiu, becoming the youngest Jijiu in this dynasty.

Every autumn, he would personally teach the students, and he was well received among the officials and students.

Now that 20 years have passed, his articles are still kept in Lingyun Tower, and even regarded as a model of inspiration, it has become one of the must-read articles for literati entering Lingyun Tower.

Wei Qianzi and Princess Danyang changed into elegant scholarly attire today, with square scarves wrapped around their hair and long flowing gowns.

The handsome appearance of the two instantly attracted countless women on the street to stop and watch.

Princess Danyang is not very familiar with Qin Guogong. After all, when she was a child, the old Guogong had passed away, and the current Qin Guogong is the eldest son Zhou Yanmiao.

She often hears about Feng Yao, the Guozijian sacrificial wine, but she doesn't know him.

The only person he is familiar with is Grand Tutor Sun Shuxian.

"Well... How old is Feng Yao this year?" Princess Danyang asked suddenly.

Wei Qianzi thought for a while, "Should I be 58 this year?"

"What! 58?" Princess Danyang stretched out her hands in disbelief, "58 is still called young? Are you kidding me!"

Wei Qianzi knocked on both of her hands with a fan, "Be gentle with me, today we are men of letters, not dudes, be careful with your words and deeds, it will embarrass me, and I will never take you out to play again in the future." .”

"Oh! I get it, I got it. I haven't reached the Lingyun Tower yet, and I will definitely not embarrass you." Princess Danyang was a little impatient, and she had said this a hundred and eight times.

Wei Qianzi glared at her angrily, and then began to explain.

"He was only 43 years old when he went to the Imperial College to sacrifice wine. Which one of the Imperial College's sacrificed wine in the past did not have white hair and a hunchback? 43 years old is very young."

Princess Danyang disapproved, "43 years old is very old, older than my father!"

Wei Qianzi saw that her mouth was open and her father kept her mouth shut, the fan in his hand turned into a sharp weapon in an instant, hitting her on the head one after another.

"How many times have I told you, be careful what you say! You have long ears for serving wine and food? Huh?"

"I know, I know! Qianzi, I was wrong! Stop, there are so many people on the street looking at me, I don't want to lose face, your hair is almost torn apart by you." Princess Danyang held her head with her hands.

Wei Qianzi raised her eyebrows slightly, "Huh? What did you call me just now?"

(End of this chapter)

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