Chapter 271

After seeing the red water and blood, Liu Tian and I were stunned. We never expected that blood would come from smashing a stone. Could it be that there were living things in it?

People are generally very sensitive to death and blood, so after seeing the blood, Liu Tian and I were a little surprised.

Moreover, Liu Tian yelled strangely, and the people behind were all a little nervous by Liu Tian's yell, and Xiao Qiaoyue asked me if something happened.

I said nothing happened, it's just that the small pool where we met was covered with blood.

If it was a dead object, it should have floated up long ago, so it is likely that there are living people below, and judging from the splash just now, the water should not be deep.

After figuring this out, I asked Liu Tian if there was a fish in it.

Liu Tian said: What if it wasn't for the fish?
Have to go no.This is over, the pants will definitely get wet, and the weather is a bit cold, so I finally figured out a way to carry people over.

I said to Liu Tian, ​​I'll try it in the water first.

At this time, the pool was still pouring blood, and gradually the whole pool was going to be stained red, what the hell is in it!

I took a deep breath, whatever it was, I had to try it.

Although the blood was rolling out, I had already stepped in with one foot, and with the first step, the second step quickly followed.I walked into the water almost without any hesitation. After I got into the water, I realized how deep the water was, not more than waist deep.

And after I went first, I didn't step on anything, and there seemed to be nothing inside. I took off my coat before getting into the water.

Xiao Qiaoyue said to me nervously on the water, brother, you have to be careful.

I hummed and said yes.

But Liu Tian asked me, is there anything underwater?I said it was like nothing.But it's a little strange, if there is nothing in the water, then where did the blood just come from.

For the sake of safety, of course I will not stay in this water for too long, I will soon reach the opposite side, but luckily nothing happened.

Even so, the surface of the water was still turning red with blood.

What the hell, could it be that the water in this pool will turn red? I can't control it now. The water is also very cold on this day. Since I can come here alone, I won't let the rest of the people into the water in such a cold day. , the length of the pool is about three meters, and the width basically occupies the width of the entire canyon.

I said to them, I will carry you on my back.

They didn't refuse either. The last one I memorized was Li Shan. Li Shan asked me, how did it feel to go into the water?
I said that there is no special feeling and it is the same as ordinary water.

Li Shan didn't seem to believe it, and continued to ask, Li Fan, if it was an ordinary feeling, how could there be blood in the water.

I felt a little unhappy when this guy asked such a stupid question, so I said you asked me, who I would ask.

After everyone got to the opposite side, the blood red in the water suddenly disappeared, as if sinking in, which gave me the feeling of a ghost.

It's really a hell, I took a few glances and changed my wet pants.There must be something abnormal about this pool, but what is abnormal is definitely invisible to the naked eye.

But what I didn't expect was that as soon as I put on my pants, the worm suddenly spoke. The worm said, Li Fan, if you don't want to be amputated, you should quickly roast your thigh with fire.

I asked what happened?
The worm said: Are you really stupid or fake? How can there be blood without corpses and living things? They are blood worms, densely packed and invisible to the naked eye. When they get together, it looks like blood emerges from the bottom of the water. Frighten the people who go up the mountain, but you are stupid and try your best

After I heard the news, I first scolded my mother, and then said: You bastard, didn't you know that you didn't say it earlier, but you just said it when I got into the water.

Chongzi said with a rogue look, you didn't ask me either.


I was speechless, I took off my pants after listening to the worm, Liu Tian walked over and said, Li Fan, what are you doing, are you playing a hooligan?There are two female compatriots here.

I know that Liu Tian likes to talk nonsense, so I didn't pick up the quarrel. At this moment, I already felt a little dizzy.

I said to Liu Tian, ​​if you don't come to help me, I will die.

Liu Tian heard what I said so seriously, so he said, are you okay, what's the matter, isn't it fine just now?
I told Liu Tian, ​​I was fooled just now, it wasn’t blood, it was blood worms, quickly roast it for me with fire, Liu Tian felt as if my leg started to burn with a lighter when he heard what I said.

I asked Li Shan to come over to help, because the pain was getting stronger and stronger, but if this thing is not dealt with early, I will definitely not recover, and if I don't die, I will be disabled in the end.

I took a deep breath, and Liu Tian and Li Shan worked hard on me again. After a while, my thighs were stained red.

Liu Tian said that the blood really looked like the legendary blood worm.

legend?I asked,

Liu Tian said that the environment in which this blood worm lives is extremely difficult to survive, so they generally do not change places.

Damn, it was bloody bad luck. It took almost an hour to clean it up. I really didn't expect it. Damn, it still hurts.

The skin on the thigh was instantly riddled with holes.

Damn it, it's not blood that gushes up from such a small pool, but dense blood worms.It's really scary, if the bugs didn't remind me, I might have died.

I was panting heavily, my chest was congested, and I felt a little uncomfortable.

At this time, the worm said, this is not good, you have to bleed.I asked in a low voice, how to let the blood out?

Liu Tian also asked me what I was talking to myself, and the bug buzzed and murmured, then let the blood out from the thigh, and took a knife to make a small cross on the red spot.

To be honest, it was still a bit cold this day, and my lips were turning purple from the cold. I took out the knife and melted a cross on my thigh without any hesitation.

Seeing that I was bleeding, Liu Tian was taken aback for a moment, then became excited, and said, Li Fan, I knew you knew the general idea, and this guy seemed to be the best container in advance.

I started to pick up the blood flowing down from my thigh, my lips were black, and my lips trembled slightly.

Xiao Qiaoyue asked me, brother, how are you doing?I said it's okay, it's just bloodletting, but after I finished bleeding, I wrapped the wound with a white bandage.

It's just that after the wound was tied up, the dense red spots on my legs still haven't disappeared.

Liu Tian also received the so-called "virgin" blood, this is smiling, I am speechless when I look at Liu Tian, ​​this guy is enough.

The bug said, how do you feel now?I said it was still a little uncomfortable.

Chongzi said, I checked it just now, there is nothing serious, I think it will feel better later, Li Fan, this mountain is not right, you were injured just after going up the mountain, you have to be more careful when you go down the mountain, and This bloodworm is a "yin thing".

I couldn't help but ask, what is a vagina?

The worm said that it is something that should not exist in the world.

If it's not from the yang world, then it should be from the underworld, is it something from the underworld?Did this bloodworm come from the underworld?Wouldn't it be such an exaggeration?

I asked Chongzi if it was true, and Chongzi said, after all, no one has ever seen the real Hell, and they all say that there is a way of reincarnation in Hell, but no one will ever know about the secret of Hell, because by the time you find out, you may already be dead .

I don't know if this is considered a helplessness of human beings.

It's like a place like a ghost building, so many people have been trapped to death, but they have been trapped all the time, why not reincarnate.

Liu Tian supported me and stood up slowly. Because I had a wound just now, both feet hurt a little, and I walked step by step.

I didn't hide anything and told everyone what the worm said to me, because coming to this place is a dangerous thing, so they also have the right to know that there are dangerous things here.

When I said it, they were all shocked.

Liu Tian said: Insects from hell?
I said it's possible, this kind of bug has a very cold air.

I am trembling all over now, I uttered a false word about Amitabha, and little Qiaoyue's complexion also changed, because this matter delayed some time, so when I passed through this canyon, the sky turned dark.

Late autumn was about to enter early winter, so it was extremely cold and the sky was getting dark, but we didn't stop, we waited until we got up the mountain before we stopped.

It's just that after entering this mountain, my feeling of uneasiness became more and more intense.

Something is wrong here!
After setting up the tent, I asked Xiao Qiaoyue if I could find the place. After all, this mountain range is too huge, but our landing is the place closest to the map, because Xiao Qiaoyue can see where the map is at a glance.You can't go wrong for sure.

And little Qiaoyue also knew about the Tomb City, so little Qiaoyue should have a certain understanding of it.

When we were resting at night, we sat by the fire to warm up. Xiao Qiaoyue told everyone that there is a city of tombs here, and it is said that it can only be passed at night.

And it is most suitable to go in the early morning.

What Xiao Qiaoyue said was a bit evil, but everyone listened seriously, and suddenly said nonsense, the little monk had also heard of this place.

I've heard of this place before, so Liu Tian should have heard of it too, but looking at Liu Tian's bewildered look, I know this guy definitely doesn't know about this place.

The nonsense went on to say that such a place is recorded in the Buddhist scriptures "karma volume", which is a gathering place for resentful souls. Someone from my Buddhist school once went there for salvation, but they never came back after entering.

Gossip said that this was Amitabha again, but Yang Ru called a gossip this time, the two looked at each other, Yang Ru is now called Master Gossip.

She said, Master Lianyan, will you save those resentful souls?After Yang Ru asked this question, her eyes looked forward to a nonsense answer.

But falsehood says...

(End of this chapter)

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