Civil top secret files

Chapter 206 Black History

Chapter 206 Black History

After Yin Miaomiao left, I went back to the house by myself, but Liu Tian hadn't come home yet.

I myself didn't fall asleep for a while, but at this time, Wu Yi called and asked, did the ominous thing appear on the eighth floor?
I just said no.

There was not much movement in the ghost building, but murders had already occurred, and there was a lot of noise.

So after the quarrel, there was no movement.

I asked about Sister Liu's situation. Wu Yi said that she was out of danger. I said that's fine, and then hung up the phone. The disfigured Sister Liu was attacked before, but she escaped by luck every time. It wasn't Sister Liu who disfigured her face this time, and I don't really believe it.

But this shooting incident must have involved a murderer.There must be something hidden behind this shooting. I lay on the bed and looked out the window.

It's just that there is only some dim light left outside the window, other than that, there is nothing else.

I fell asleep quickly, but in my sleep, I dreamed of a person, a girl in red, standing in the rustling autumn wind and waiting for me.

I walked over, and she called me Brother Li Fan.

I answered, and then the two of us walked on the road together, walking, walking, the girl in red said that she couldn't walk anymore, and wanted me to be her.

I put the girl in red on my back, and then I heard the girl in red say, brother, your back is so warm.

The girl in red's voice was not loud, but it gave me strength, and I became more determined to walk forward with her on my back.

The girl in red suddenly asked me, brother, how long will you carry me like this.

I said, back until I have no strength.

Hearing my answer, the girl in red suddenly became worried.The girl in red's tone became a little disappointed and said, brother, then you will soon lose your strength.

After I heard this, I said, Qiao Yue, don't worry, my brother's strength is inexhaustible.

Yeah?elder brother.The girl in red let out a clear laugh... Listening to this laughter, I seemed to sleep more peacefully, so that I was woken up by a phone call when I got up the next day. Yu Lei's voice was heard.

Yu Lei called me Xiao Li, and I responded.

Before he could speak, I knew what was going on. I said "Come here right away", put on my clothes, washed up briefly, and went out.

When we got to the ghost building, Yu Lei asked me some questions, and I answered most of them truthfully, but I still kept a small part hidden. This is considered an active homicide case.

Yu Lei also judged in the same way.

After the case was closed, Yu Lei told me that after the murderer's identity was investigated, I will tell you immediately, Yu Lei said this in a low voice, but it was still a sign to me.

I hummed, and then said hard work.Yu Lei suddenly pulled me aside and said, you want some information about Wang Yishu.

I didn’t make any tweaks and directly took over the materials. These materials should not be the same as the previous materials. Almost the whole article is flattering, I asked.

Yu Lei said no, these are all my own investigations.

I put away the information, and in return, I told Yu Lei that the ghost building has not been peaceful recently, so I should be more careful, and get less involved in the matter of the ghost building, in the near future.

Yu Lei asked if something serious was going to happen.

I said maybe.

If something big happens in the haunted building, bloodshed will definitely be inevitable. The world is not peaceful recently.

I put away the materials, and the case here is almost done, so I talked to Yu Lei, called if there was anything wrong, and then left.

Yu Lei also has some things to deal with. There have been two deaths in the ghost building in two days.

If you follow Captain Jiang's previous handling method, it is very simple, that is, just say that the murderer has been found, as long as you know it.

Then I replied that if the murderer was found, the case would be solved, but Yu Lei was obviously not such a hasty person.

After I left, thinking about it, I didn't go to class for some time, so I planned to go to school to "sell the vacation" and go to class.

After all, I still have to take some classes. After arriving at the school, I found the head of the department to cancel the leave, and then went to class.

It's just that I've become the most unpopular person in school.But I don't have to be who others see, I just need to be the best version of myself.

When I arrived at school, I started class, but in the middle of the class, I was sleepy again, what the hell!However, the quality of sleep last night was obviously good.

And dreamed of the lover of his dreams.

After a long class, Li Shan, the fat man, appeared again, sitting next to me.

But this time I already knew Li Shan's identity, and I didn't speak as casually as before. I asked: What are you doing here?

I had guessed that Li Shan had an impure purpose in approaching me, but after some verification, it turned out that his purpose was not pure, but I didn't know that he was the third bloodline of the Li family.

Now, Li Shan approached, of course I thought he had something to say.Li Shan said directly: Li Fan, has anything happened to the ghost building recently?

Li Shan still called me Li Fan at this time, but I didn't feel anything wrong, after all, I used to be called Li Fan.

I said that there have been no major incidents in the ghost building recently, but there have been a few murders.

I told Li Shan how is your hometown now?

Li Shan said: "It's still the same, and nothing has changed. It's just that we can't make ends meet." More and more people died, but fewer and fewer newborns were born.

And once this kind of hair bites back, it is almost certain to die.

I suddenly thought of Xiao Rong's appearance, and I couldn't help but feel a little happy. I didn't want something to happen to a cute little girl like Xiao Rong.

I listened to Li Shan talking, anyway, the most urgent task now is to lift the curse, so that the Li family from more than 200 years ago can completely get rid of this bad luck.

Li Shan and I were talking in a low voice. After the exchange of information, Li Shan left. Li Shan told me that if there is anything, you can contact him at any time, and he also left me the phone number.

I wrote it down, and when Li Shan went out, he also received strange looks from the school students.

Anyway, I'm not surprised. After leaving school, in the afternoon, I bought a fruit basket and a bouquet of flowers and went to see Sister Liu.

To my surprise, Wu Yi was still in the hospital.

And it looked like she was staying by the bed all the time. I guessed that Wu Yi liked Sister Liu, because Sister Liu was not very old, that is, she was in her 20s.

Perhaps about the same age as Wu Yi, I entered the ward, put the things down, and said a few words to Wu Yi.

Sister Liu may have just finished the operation, so she hasn't woken up yet.

My friend Wu Yi said a few words, sat down for a while, and was about to leave, but when I was about to leave, Sister Liu suddenly woke up.

At this time, Sister Liu's face was pale, pale.

Sister Liu suddenly called Lao Wang, Li Fan.At first I thought I had heard it wrong, but after confirming it, I walked forward by myself.

Sister Liu called me over, but she just said a word to me. Sister Liu asked me to listen to her, because she was still injured, so her voice was relatively low.

After I leaned over, I heard Sister Liu say, don't trust bad people easily.After saying this, Sister Liu paused for a moment, I thought there was more to come, so I waited a while, Sister Liu's next sentence was, I'm done.

Sister Liu's complexion was even uglier than before, as if she had spent a lot of energy after saying a word.

After I hummed, I stood up straight, and then I was about to leave, but when I was about to leave, Sister Liu suddenly took a breath and said: Li Fan, you have to remember what I said.

I hummed again, and then Wu said hello and left the ward.After I got out of the hospital, I didn't think clearly why Sister Liu said such a sentence to me, don't believe bad people easily, so there is no conclusion on who is bad and who is good.

Don't believe what the bad guy says... The bad guy might be the disfigured sister Liu... I didn't think too deeply about it, because I didn't believe her very much myself.

At this time, the document that Yu Lei gave me was still stuffed in my pocket. I found a clean place and took out the document.

I opened the file. This is a file about Boss Wang. The file is not very complete, but after I read it, I was a little shocked, because there was an incident about Boss Wang's "black history". There are four words written in red pen, which need to be verified.

In other words, this is just collected based on some rumors, but since it was collected by Yu Lei, it should still be credible.

People like Boss Wang have always had a glorious history, and they basically didn't leave a single black spot on their life history.

At this time, Yu Lei found a black spot. This black spot is relatively obscure. It means that when Boss Wang bought the land of the ghost building, he had bribed the officials, and before the ghost building was burned down, the house was Boss Wang's competitor.

In fact, houses were also built on that piece of land before, but they were not commercial houses, but ordinary residential houses. There were more than fourteen floors, and the specific number was sixteen floors.

It is said that the reason why the house exists there is to suppress evil spirits.But now people generally don't believe in evil, so many people move in.

But then a big fire broke out, and almost all the people in the whole building were burned to death. Later, after the fire was extinguished, the house was bought by Boss Wang after about half a month.

Because many people died in the fire, that piece of land almost became a "bad place", and many people would not buy a house there.

If you bought that piece of land at this time, it would be something a fool would do, but there was such a fool who did such a thing, and the fool who did it was Boss Wang, and now this fool has long been Became a billionaire...

(End of this chapter)

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