Civil top secret files

Chapter 101 The Coffin Unearthed

Chapter 101 The Coffin Unearthed
Then he turned up my sleeves with lightning speed, and the wound on my hand appeared under his nose in the next second.

This wound is the wound on my aging skin.But now it has been covered with a layer of white dense things like spider webs.

The old man asked me with a gloomy face, what's going on?

I hastily withdrew my hand from the old man's, and I naturally didn't say what was going on. This is currently a secret to me, a secret that cannot be revealed to the outside world.

I was a little angry, and said in a blunt tone, what are you doing, this old man may also realize that what he did was wrong, so he didn't answer my words.

Instead, he took a deep look at me, then closed his eyes and meditated.

Sitting in front of the car, Liu Tian scolded someone crazy. He probably saw what happened in the back seat just now.

The car drove towards the construction site, and Liu Tian told him that everything needed was ready, and that if he failed this time, he would be benevolent.Liu Tian said very firmly.

But I know that if there is danger later, it will definitely be a strange thing if he doesn't tell us to run away.

Although it is said that people's money is used to eliminate disasters for others, the premise is to survive. If it is difficult for oneself to survive, then what is the use of money!
The car quickly arrived at the construction site, the site was almost cleaned up, the four of us got out of the car, and the old man followed me all the time
I began to have some doubts about the identity of the old man, because this old guy saw the most important wound on my hand at a glance.

After arriving at the construction site, we went straight to the last unit building.

After the old man came here, he put his hands in his sleeves.

The corpses and everything in front of the original unit building have been cleaned up, so I took a deep breath.At this moment, I feel that the place is gloomy.

The old man stood behind me and said, the evil spirit is too heavy, and a murderous thing is buried here.

The old man definitely didn't know the situation here, so he said a funeral word.In fact, this place was arranged by someone. I told the old man that we dug up six corpses here before.

The old man said he knew.

I asked the old man how did he know?
The old man told me that when you come to work every day, I will know it by smelling your body. I thought it would not be such an exaggeration.

Is this old man really a tall man?But if I want to return to my thoughts, it's time to see the real chapter later.

The places where the corpses were dug up several times had already been marked with wooden stakes, so it was very easy to find the seventh place where the corpses were hidden. Liu Tian had already determined the location.

Moreover, the work of digging up corpses can only be done at night, so it is the most secretive, and it will not be known by more people, so that it will not be misrepresented.

Because Liu Tian had a cut in one foot, he started to walk with a limp at this time.

We came to the place where Liu Tian was driving stakes during the day.

The three of us were holding tools and were about to dig, but the old man walked up to him and said, "Give me the tools and let me do it."

I'll do it myself.I declined the old man, because I would never let an old man dig a hole for me!Although I can't, but Liu Tian can!
At this time Liu Tian said, Hey!If you are willing to dig a hole, the hole will be dug for you.

The old man gave Liu Tian a blank look, and he didn't pay attention at all. Instead, he took out a package of things from his pocket, and the old man opened it carefully.

We all saw that there was white powder inside, and I could tell at a glance that it was lime powder. The old man methodically sprinkled the white lime powder around the pit we were about to dig.

Lime powder also has the effect of warding off evil spirits, as we all know.

After the old man sprinkled, before playing, he sprinkled the rooster blood obtained by Liu Tian again, then took out four sticks of incense from his body, inserted them in the four corners of the pit we were going to dig, and then took out a red thread Connect the four pillars of incense.

As the saying goes, laymen watch the excitement, and experts watch the way.

I am at most an outsider right now, so I just watched the excitement. Liu Tian and Wu Yi are also insiders, so I watched it very seriously at this time.

The red line was almost close to the soil, the old man took out the pulley lighter, lit the four sticks of incense, and said to us, let's start.

I wanted to ask something, but Wu Yi had already moved the first shovel, so I stopped asking and started digging up the corpse. After digging for a quarter of an hour, there was still no movement.

Me, but I smelled a scent of incense, a bit smoky nose, because this is a big incense, so it burns a bit thick, and the smoke has already diffused.

A few more minutes passed, and my hands were sore from digging. I couldn't help but ask Liu Tian, ​​is the place right?
Liu Tian can't be wrong, Liu Tian is not very confident when he says this, because after digging for so long, there is still no movement!

After the old man heard our conversation, let us continue digging.

In fact, I really don't know the bottom line in my heart now, but I can smell a smell this time, and that smell is not the smell of smoke, but a smell other than smoke.

As we excavated hard, there was a sudden sound, as if we had dug a plank.

We stopped immediately, I knelt down and dug a few times with my hands, and I saw a coffin.The last body was actually buried in a coffin.

I was a little surprised, because the previous corpses were all "buried naked", and only this corpse was buried in a coffin.Is there anything special about this corpse?
After we cleaned it, I finally found this coffin, still nailed to death.

I thought it wouldn't be the same as the coffin at the construction site last time!The kind that will kill people if you get close to it, I told the two of them to be careful, and both of them hummed

But it's not right!This coffin should be new!But looking at this coffin, it seems that it has been around for a long time.

I suggested that go up first.

Both Wu Yi and Liu Tian agreed.

We dug the hole five or six meters before the coffin was revealed, but when we first came up, the old man poured a pot of liquid on the coffin while we were not paying attention.

None of us reacted, but when the liquid fell, the coffin moved.

Fuck, the coffin shakes itself.The soil was shaken and collapsed continuously.

I looked at it in a daze, thinking that it might be to cheat the corpse!But then I thought about it, didn't the previous ones come like this?Is this one short?

We stared at the coffin.

The old man looked at us and said: Is there any way to get the coffin up?

We held our breaths, because there was a strong smell of blood, and I couldn't help covering my mouth.Now the old man asked me to bring up the coffin, which is really difficult!

I couldn't help asking the old man: What did you pour just now?
The old man said, nothing, just homemade rice wine.Hearing what the old man said, I certainly didn't believe it. A pot of rice wine can instantly defraud the corpse in the coffin!

Damn, who the hell is this old man!
None of us moved for a moment.

The old man did not rush us, but said something, if you try to get the coffin up, you will die later, I am not alarmist, the glass of wine I just had has already messed up the corpse in the coffin angry.

Liu Tian cursed like an explosion: Old man, what have you done?
This old man also has a personality, just say it directly, don't talk nonsense, if you don't want to do it, if you don't want to do it... After finishing speaking, the old man poured another pot of liquid into the coffin, and I don't know where the old man hid so much.

Liu Tian was furious and wanted to rush up and beat the old man, but the shaking of the coffin had already increased, and he came out right away.

The old man said, this corpse is no different from the play house you played before, it is a thousand-year-old corpse!The old man's tone was serious.

After I heard this, I couldn't help but gasped. Could it be that someone knew that a thousand-year-old corpse was buried here, and then six ordinary corpses were buried together, and then a "formation" was formed, but thinking about it I still feel a little unbelievable, unbelievable!
If this is the case, it is really scary. This construction site is a real estate developed by Boss Wang. If you count according to normal thinking, Boss Wang will definitely not let his construction site be busy.

Thinking of this, I paused for a moment. Could it be that my previous guess was wrong?Although I thought about it, the old man obviously didn't give us time.

In the end, Liu Tian didn't know what to do, and went to the construction site to lift the crane cursing.

Liu Tian is the supervisor of the construction site, so naturally he has the key, and soon a crane came, and Wu and I went to tie the iron chains, then Liu Tian started the crane, and the coffin was hoisted up.

There is no moonlight tonight, only the light from the searchlights on the construction site.

When Wu and I first went there, we were already startled by the shaking of the coffin, but now, I always feel that the things in the coffin cannot come out.

After the coffin was brought up, the coffin trembled violently. In the dim light, we gathered around the coffin and watched.

The old man walked over and put the unburned incense directly on the coffin board.

Anyway, I can't understand what this old man is doing, but I've already sat down and prepared, as long as there is a blood man or a blood corpse in the coffin, I will clean him up tonight.

The old man suddenly murmured to himself, this is the root of the disaster!
As the shaking of the coffin increased, the tense atmosphere also permeated, but the old man was full of confidence, and he was still setting up a formation next to the coffin, and finally put a bell on the coffin lid.

But before the bell was placed firmly, the bell was shaken off.

The old man's face suddenly became weird, he called me, and then said to me, if something happens later, you run away.

The old man was very quiet when he said this to me.

But I ignored him, and said to the old man, you can't just run away if you want to get out of this matter, it must be resolved.I said righteously.

The old man glanced at me, then answered.

At this moment, the coffin began to turn left and right, and with the final left turn, the coffin lid was directly broken, and the coffin lid was bounced to a high altitude, and then fell, but at this time, the corpse in the coffin had not yet come out , the old man has already pressed up, and I saw...

(End of this chapter)

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