Be the god of death in the world of famous detectives

Chapter 267 Handmade without deception

Chapter 267 Handmade without deception (End)

After staring at the detective sitting in the corner for a moment, to be precise, after looking at the deep eyes buried in the shadows for a while, Yoko Shinde sighed softly.

I didn't expect my careful plan to be seen through so quickly.

Thinking of the power-off device that she hadn't had time to dispose of, she knew that the evidence was solid, and now there was no room for sophistry.

"It's a pity, I thought I could send that sex maniac who wanted to kill a woman whenever he saw a woman into hell, leaving us a few happy lives..."

Shinchu Yoko held the razor she hadn't had time to put down, and leaned gently against the door frame.

Under the influence of some unknown force, she confided her difficulties to the stranger opposite:

"Four years ago, the night Qian Jing had a car accident, she actually called me and asked me to take care of Zhiming so that he wouldn't become like Shinide Yoshiki.

"At that time, I was confused by Xinchu Yihui's appearance, and didn't understand the meaning of her words. I didn't understand everything until I married into Xincai as a stepmother and saw the diary left by Qianjing."

"Xinchu gentle and gentle on the surface, but disgusting behind the scenes, he is completely a scum in human skin."

Speaking of this, Xinchu Yangzi's expression was slightly distorted, he didn't know if he was upset about his dead best friend, or regretted his choice to marry in.

Conan didn't know how to intervene in the aunt's housework, so he just listened quietly.

After Xinchu Yangzi finished venting and his expression calmed down again, he said his plan:
"Your family should still be in the restaurant by now, I hope you will turn yourself in to the police before they find out about this."

"Surrender yourself?" Shinde Yoko looked at Mori Kogoro in surprise, and smiled: "The person who set the trap actually thinks about the prey he catches?"

"I'm not for you, I'm for Miss Yasumoto." Said "Moori Kogoro".

A person jumped over the white tree standing in the corridor and ran quickly towards the bathroom, but stopped suddenly after hearing these words.

Shinide Tomoaki looked at the "insidious" mustache detective in astonishment, and heard him say to Shinide Yoko:
"Although you set up the murder device, it was Ms. Baoben who triggered the electric switch and caused your husband to be electrocuted to death. Even if she didn't do it intentionally, she will leave a psychological shadow after knowing the truth."

"..." Thinking of that clumsy, very timid girl, Yoko Shinde knew that what Moori Kogoro said was right.

"However, even if I surrender myself, if she insists on inquiring, she will know the inside story..."

Knowing this time, Xinchu Yangzi felt a little regretful.

Originally in her plan, this would be an accident, and Bao Benguang would not know that she indirectly had a life in her hand.But now, if everything is exposed...

"I have a proposal." Conan looked at her sympathetically, stepping a few feet on the bottom line of the rules:
"When you confess, you can change the method of murder to 'drug your husband to fall asleep in the bathtub, then put the razor with a timer in the water, wait for him to die by electrocution, and then take advantage of the power outage to recover Timing device'."

If at this time, the person standing opposite is a criminal with a strong desire for revenge, Moori Kogoro and the police officer who defaulted to help will be miserable.

Fortunately, Xinchu Yangzi is not this type.She heard the kindness in the other party's words, and after hesitating for a while, she felt that it was feasible: "I will do as you said."

Across the wall, Shinde Tomoaki, who didn't want to believe that Shinde Yoko was the murderer, finally lowered his head in a complicated mood.


With Shinide's grandmother and Homoto Hikari knowing nothing about the inside story of the case, Shinide Yoko rubbed against the police car and went to the police station to surrender.

Conan reminisces about today's delicate case, feeling sympathetic and satisfied.

He followed Mori Kogoro and Shiraki to the side of the car, and when he was about to open the door, Conan suddenly felt that there seemed to be something missing.

"..." After looking around for a week, Conan came back to his senses, "Where's sister Xiaolan?"

"!", the yawning Mori Kogoro also sensed that something was wrong, so he regained consciousness and looked around.

Bai Shu pointed to the new monk behind him: "Before going out, she dragged the young doctor to the side, as if she had something to say."

"...What? Can't you say it in front of us?" Mouri Kogoro looked suspicious, vigilant like a farmer holding a fork to prevent wild boars from breaking into his vegetable garden.

Conan had already rushed to the back door of the new monk, and then rushed back.

Mori Kogoro came back to his senses and hurried to catch up

"...", why did I go so early, I didn't find out until I got to the side of the car.Bai Shu looked at the opened car, didn't bother to make another trip, got in and waited for them.

Conan and Mori Kogoro opened the back door of the new monk's house that hadn't been locked in time, and slipped into the entrance. Sure enough, they heard a young man and a woman talking in a low voice not far away.

Lonely men and widows at night... Conan walked aggressively to the corner, glanced at the source of the sound, and saw Shinde Zhiming and Mao Lilan standing face to face.

The latter's face was flushed, and he stammered:
"I'm sorry for making such a request on this occasion, but, but if I can..."

What can I do?Of course not! !This person's father is a pornographic and violent maniac, he may also be polluted, Xiaolan, you can't judge a person by its cover!
Conan and Mori Kogoro just felt a thunderbolt hit their heads, and when the former ran over quickly, trying to get in between them to prevent them from expressing their feelings to each other and then having a loving hug, Xiaolan restrained her shyness and said:
"The handmade sweater you are wearing, can you lend me a few days, the pattern and style are really beautiful..."


Someone bumped her head on the leg.

Surprised, Mao Lilan reached out to help him: "Conan? Why are you still here?"

"Ah, ah ha ha ha, I want to hear what you are talking about." Conan rubbed his forehead and smiled innocently.

Xinde Zhiming smiled, and reached out to touch the naughty kid's head, then looked at Xiaolan: "Of course."

On the way back to the detective agency, Conan looked at the bag in Mao Lilan's hand with distaste and satisfaction.

Although he was very concerned that this sweater was worn by other men, considering that Xiaolan has always stayed home after school recently, and there are occasional indentations on her fingers, and she suddenly asked someone to borrow a men's handmade sweater. ...

With a blank expression on his face, Conan slammed his head against the glass, knocking away the conclusion he was about to draw in his mind.

Surprises can only be called surprises that were unexpected at the beginning and suddenly appeared afterwards.

So he doesn't know anything, yes, that's it.


One month later...well, three days later in Bai Shu's eyes.

Mao Lilan still slipped out under the name of "Karate Training", the difference is that when she returned home in the evening, she brought a big paper bag.

"Dad!" Mao Lilan put the bag on the sofa, and joyfully took out two thick handmade sweaters from inside:
"Look, my mother knitted it for you!"

"Huh, what are weaving for special purpose? It must seem that you have nothing to play with. After you finish it, you don't want it anymore." Mouri Kogoro took it over with a look of disgust, and rubbed a couple of rua on the fine-material wool, thinking that the hand feel is not good. Well, the patterns are pretty nice too.

"Hey." Mao Lilan looked at his hands, laughed twice, then turned around and took out some fluffy fabrics from the paper bag, but these were not sweaters.

"Here, Zhishu brother's gloves, and Conan's hat." Mao Lilan sent them one by one.

"Thank you..." Conan held the childlike woolen hat with a ball of thread on the top, turned his head and sneaked a glance at the paper bag, but saw that it was already empty.

He was immediately disappointed, and turned to look at Kogoro Mouri's hand, and asked suspiciously, "Uncle Mouri has two?"

"Yes, yes."

Mao Lilan was embarrassed to say that her mother demonstrated two things to her, and she finally learned it, so she just fooled the question.

After distributing the presents, it was getting late, she put the paper bag back on the shoe cabinet, turned around and went to the kitchen to cook.

As soon as her figure disappeared into the living room, Mori Kogoro picked up two sweaters and rushed back to the bedroom.

"..." Conan, who was thrown down, held a small hat and looked in the direction of the kitchen, very unwilling.

Why are they all for Kogoro Mori? Did you forget someone?

Bai Shu put the gloves aside, took a sip of tea, and looked at the short-circuited detective: "How could the things for Kudo Shinichi weave be sent here directly?"

"Oh!" Conan's eyes lit up, he put his hat on top of his head, and rushed out of the door at a speed similar to Kogoro Mori.

When Mao Lilan heard the movement, she poked her head out of the kitchen in doubt, "What's going on? Who's here?"

"It's Conan who's gone." Bai Shu picked up the teacup and filled it up again: "The doctor called just now and said he made a new toy."

"But why do you always run around during meal time... Could it be that the food I cook is not delicious?"

Mao Lilan gradually began to doubt herself: "And if you have a new toy, it would be great if you just let me bring it over. I just went to the doctor's place..."

She muttered and complained, and returned to the kitchen.

Tiny snow particles fell outside the window, gathering bigger and bigger like catkins rolling to the ground.Bai Shu leaned against the window, but he didn't have any intention of appreciating the scenery of the year.

After all... This has been two months, his third year.

"It's such a magical world...", he silently took a sip of tea, and he didn't know how many times he sighed with emotion.

 For the convenience of the bosses, when each case ends in the future, the end (.-ω-)zzz will be added to the title
  Remember to slaughter when you have gained weight (waving handkerchief)

(End of this chapter)

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