Chapter 239
The man was wearing an old-fashioned woolen hat and a traditional black dress, with white hair and orange peel, and a haggard face.

But after ignoring her clothes and face, she can see that she has a straight body and strong hands and feet, and she doesn't look like an old man in her twilight years.

Xi Chuan Suimi stood in the middle of the stairs, no one or anything could stop her from escaping at this moment, but she herself was in a dilemma.

Just now, when she realized that someone had entered the secret passage again, she originally wanted to trap Bai Shu and Hui Yuanai in the cellar just like she did with Conan and the doctor.

Wait for the four of them to starve to death, then pull them out and throw them into the woods—just like how she dealt with the servant who trespassed here two years ago.

Unexpectedly, she finally waited patiently for them to enter the cellar. When she rushed to the cellar entrance to execute the plan, she was shocked to find that the cellar door was missing.

The two groups will definitely meet in the cellar soon, and then return. In such a short time, she doesn't know where to find a replacement of the right size, and she is alone, and it is impossible to face two vigilant adult men head-on .

Therefore, after hesitating at the door for a while, she took advantage of the darkness and sneaked in, hoping to hear if these people had seen through her disguise.

If not, then everything can be saved.

But if she finds out... In order not to be caught, she can only leave the treasure first and leave here.

In theory, it should be like this.

But in fact, for this treasure, she abandoned her youthful appearance and the bottom line of being a human being, and spent so many years in the gloomy castle... She almost gave her everything, but now she has to pay for it because of a few sudden intrusions. How could she be reconciled to being an outsider who ran away with nothing? !

Conan seemed to understand this too. Seeing the hesitation on the other side's distorted expression, he immediately began to explain.

——If this person is speaking, she will definitely listen to his reasoning. After all, she has such a deep obsession with treasures, and she will definitely not plead guilty for no reason like the previous suspects, causing him to deduce the truth with difficulty. But no one will listen:
"Thanks for locking us up here and giving me enough time to think."

"Western chess is usually black on the top and white on the bottom, represented by AH in English letters and 1-8 in numbers. From the position of the knight in the courtyard, looking at the white chess in numerical order, we can interpret the 'EGG-HEAD 'this phrase.

"That is, as the saying goes, intellectuals who love to reason."

"Intellectuals who love reasoning..." Xi Chuan Suimi murmured and repeated the word, her eyes suddenly brightened.

This is the title that the late Mrs. Jian Gong used when teasing her father. The old man was very satisfied with this nickname and often mentioned it during his lifetime.

Xi Chuan Suimi has stayed in this family for so many years, of course she knows this.

Therefore, when she mentioned "reasonable intellectuals", she immediately thought of the old man.When thinking of the old man, in addition to thinking of the treasures he hid, he would also think of the huge portrait hanging in the hall, which took up half of the wall.

At this time, Xi Chuan Suimi had already been blinded by the treasure, so she suddenly turned around and ran up.

Only this time, it was not to escape, but to quickly find the treasure that made her dream.


Jian Gongman, who didn't dare to rest assured to sleep because he couldn't find his wife, and Jian Gong nobleman, who came out in the middle of the night to find a late-night snack, met in the restaurant.

The two greeted each other, and were about to exchange a few words, when a wall on the side was creaked and pushed away.

The two were startled, and turned their heads to see their old lady, who had been paralyzed for many years, walking like flying, breaking through the wall and heading straight for the hall.

After she rode Juechen's figure, the wall turned 180° and closed again, as if nothing had happened.

Mamiya and his son watched all this and stayed in front of the table.

After several seconds, Mamiyaman came back to his senses, and he asked his stepson in a low voice, "... hallucination?"

Gentleman Jiangong turned his head in confusion, looked at the wall, "Maybe..."

As soon as the words fell, the wall swung open again like a revolving door. This time, four people ran out from inside—they were the guests who came here to snuggle up.

... No matter how much you hypnotize yourself, you can't take this as a hallucination.

The knives and forks in the hands of the two fell to the ground in unison, making a clanging sound, and they stood up simultaneously, "What's going on?!"

Conan didn't answer, and ran after Mrs. Tai all the way. The doctor and Hui Yuanai followed him like the wind, and they were also curious about the treasure.

Pausing slightly at the foot of the white tree, he turned around and looked at the client, "Oh, it's about what you entrusted - the treasure has been found."

"What?!" Jian Gongman instantly beamed and followed them quickly.Gentleman Jiangong turned his eyes around the two of them, as if he understood something, followed closely behind.

A group of people chased after each other and ran to the living room. Before they could stand still, they heard a lot of friction.

——"Mrs. Tai" is standing in front of the portrait of the old man, trying her best to push it to one side.

The portrait rotates slowly around the center point on the top. Looking at this scene, the onlookers suddenly realized another question: "How is Mrs. Tai's leg?"

Conan looked at them, checked his pockets, sighed, and explained to the two of them.

The father and son finished listening to the ghost story, and each had goosebumps. Apart from sadness, they were more angry and shocked.

Ignoring the client who had a strange family relationship, Conan looked up at Suimi Nishikawa.

With her efforts, the place that was originally covered by a corner of the portrait revealed a straight up and down secret passage entrance.

On the secret path, there was a ladder in the shape of "冂", Xi Chuan Suimi bent down to go in, glanced at the endless top, got in without hesitation, and climbed up with hands and feet.

"Aren't you going to take a look?" After speaking, Conan also walked over and climbed up.

Mamiya and his son hesitated for a moment, then moved closer.

Bai Shu didn't have much interest in this, he had collected all his souls, and the one in the woods was caught by the door panel. He returned to the kitchen and poured himself a cup of hot tea, and strolled back to watch the play with it in his hands.

Although there are climbing frames, the vertical height of tens of meters is not as easy as imagined.

In addition to the climbing action, the nervous and excited emotions also consume a lot of physical energy. Xi Chuan Suimei climbed to the end, her eyes were dizzy, her palms were rubbed red, her joints were trembling, and her legs began to tremble.

But she didn't stop at all, instead she climbed faster and faster, muttering like a demon, "!"

Finally, at the end of the climbing frame, a small door appeared.

The edges on all sides of the door are glowing, like the treasure door in the game, which is very imaginative.

Her eyes followed suit.

Xi Chuan Suimi exhausted her last bit of strength, panting heavily, pushed open the door, and rushed out.

(End of this chapter)

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