Chapter 224 Difficult Communication

"Little brother is very good at observation. However, these garbage should be left by tourists."

Police Officer Otaki thought about it differently, and felt that if he were Koichiro Numabuchi, he would definitely not be able to live so comfortably:

"We have a very strong arrest warrant for him. Let alone selling boxed lunches in convenience stores, he will be found as soon as he hits the street."

"That's why someone bought it for him." Conan dragged his innocent child's voice, but his expression was as sharp as an old fritter:
"Being able to escape without being caught for so long means that someone is probably harboring him, doesn't it?"

"This..." Otaki Goro stroked his chin, and wanted to refute, but the more he thought about it, the more reasonable he felt.

Anyway, there are no other clues for the time being... Otaki Goro waved his hand, "Go back to that hut and have a look."


On the other side, Sakata's car also quickly arrived at the door of Councilor Goji's house.

Like many dwellings, Xiangsizong Taiying's house is also composed of a yard, small residential buildings and warehouses.However, compared with ordinary houses, his house occupies a larger area, the courtyard walls are also higher, and there is a porter at the door, and two people are on duty inside.

After Sakata showed his police ID to the guard, he was not blocked as imagined, and the other party politely let them go, and they entered Xiangsi's house smoothly, but...

Hattori Heiji walked through the plainly decorated corridor, stopped at the entrance of the living room, looked at a group of listless middle-aged criminal policemen inside, and his forehead jumped twice:
"Didn't you come here long ago? Why are you still sitting here? Could it be that you haven't asked anything yet?"

"I can't help it. He hid in the study and refused to see anyone, saying that he was sorting out materials for tomorrow's meeting."

The leader of the Tanaka police department sighed haggardly, with bags under his eyes falling heavily on his face, "We can't rush up and dig him out, it's illegal."

Bai Shu crossed Hattori Heiji into the living room, sat down on a single sofa, and poured himself a cup of hot tea at ease.

The senator's house entertained guests very generously. A pot of tea leaves was placed evenly, and the soup was translucent, but the sighing uncles around were very unpleasant.

Hattori Heiji was not so leisurely, now that he has the key information, he is not afraid that Koji will not see him, and he is about to rush to the study after saying a word, but he is stopped by a group of adults in a hurry, and he is eloquently admonishing him.

——When dealing with people like Xiangsi Zong Taiying, there are a lot of etiquette to be taken into account, how can he be so foolish.

In the end, not to mention breaking through the bodyguards, Hattori Heiji couldn't even break through his own people, so in the end he could only curse and compromise.

He pushed aside the uncles who were blocking the way, and took out the photo he had just obtained at the driving supervision office:
"All right, all right, I won't go up. Let someone pass this photo to him first, and then 'invite' him to come out to meet us in person, so it's okay, right?"

As he spoke, he was about to hand over the photo to the nanny who had been watching secretly for a long time, but just as he stretched out his hand, his movements suddenly stopped, his eyes stopped on the face of someone in the photo, and he froze.


"Officer Otaki. It's so strange here, there are actually a few mud shoe prints." Conan climbed onto the window sill, pointed at his feet and said loudly.

Otaki Goro took time out of his busy schedule to glance at this brat running around on the ground, and said weakly, "You stepped on it just now."

"My foot is not that big, and it's obviously dried out..." Conan was really weak.

There is no assist around him, and even the spokesperson Mori Kogoro is still sitting in the car, causing the police to pay attention to the sentence after repeating it several times... Squatting on the dilapidated window sill, watching the rain outside, Conan I actually miss the other two detectives who are happily investigating the case.

Fortunately, the crazy suggestion still works.

When Otaki Goro came to check suspiciously, Conan pointed upward again, "Oh, it's also very strange there, only there is no spider web on that beam!"

As soon as the words fell, he bowed and jumped up, grasping the beams of the roof with both hands and climbing up, then he stood up and raised his hands to push the ceiling above his head.

With his strength, he actually "pushed" a small door out of the seemingly seamless ceiling.

The edge of this "door" is neat, and obviously it cannot be explained by the reason that "the ceiling is old and fragile, so it can be opened with a push".

This is a man-made secret door.

Sure enough!Conan smiled confidently, "It's amazing, there is still an attic hidden."

He even opened the attic door. Of course, the police officers couldn't ignore it. Considering that Kiichiro Numabuchi might be hiding inside, Otaki Goro quickly beckoned him down:
"Okay, leave the rest to us!"

"Yeah." Conan didn't insist anymore.

There was no light source in the secret room in the attic. Peeping in through the door, you could only see darkness. He didn't have a flashlight on him, so it was really dangerous to climb in hastily.

After taking Conan down, Goro Otaki successfully boarded the beam under the support of several police officers.

The old wooden slats creaked under the weight. After all, Otaki is a strong man of 1.8 meters. Standing on it, he was frightened and did not dare to delay. He turned on the flashlight and took a look into the attic.

The cone-shaped beam of light pierced through the dust floating in the sky and hit the wall—coincidentally, he picked a direction at random from 360 angles, and it happened to shine on a person, with an accuracy comparable to that of a stage light.

Otaki Goro looked at the person in the corner whose eyes were tightly closed due to the strong light, and was startled.

In the past few days, this face appeared in all directions and without any dead ends in various meetings he participated in. Otaki Goro had a cameo appearance from time to time in his dreams. Of course, he recognized it at a glance at this moment:

"Kiichiro Numabuchi! I am accused of murder by a robber..."

"give me……"

A strange groan interrupted him.

Kiichiro Numabuchi was stooped, skinny and skinny. He didn't look like a murderer at all. He looked like a bereaved dog who had been starving for weeks.

He stretched out his hand towards Otaki Goro as if begging for food, with a blank look on his face, he said several words upside down, summed up in one meaning - "Give me something to eat, please."

"...", this face is completely incompatible with the image of a cunning fugitive in the eyes of the police.

Looking at Kiichiro Numabuchi's left hand that was handcuffed to the pillar, a coolness appeared behind Goro Otaki.

This is not harboring fugitives, this is simply captivity!Who is so courageous? !
A few minutes later, Kiichiro Numabuchi was taken down from the attic, handcuffed, and escorted out of the house.

Conan leaned against the door frame and posed with his arms around his arms, thinking that this branch line was over.Next, just ask who controls Numabuchi Kiichiro, everything will be simple.

He was planning to make a phone call to Shiraki and Hattori Heiji, and to report his unexpected discovery in a low-key manner, but just as he took out the phone, there was a sudden rattling sound from the side.

Conan turned his head and saw that Kiichiro Numabuchi didn't walk steadily and fell into a pile of garbage on the ground.

For a person who has been hungry for several days, this situation is considered normal. Conan glanced away, looked away, and looked down at the address book.

However, what he didn't see was that when he got up again, the skinny murderer already had a western-style kitchen knife in his hand.

On the face covered by the disheveled hair, a malicious smile slowly burst out, Numabuchi Kiichiro suddenly twisted his shoulders to shake off the police officer, and rushed towards Conan with a knife.

Hungry and hungry, his mind is still normal, and he heard the conversation downstairs just now clearly.

——Let you talk too much!
(End of this chapter)

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