Be the god of death in the world of famous detectives

Chapter 210 Be Careful When Receiving Gifts

Chapter 210 Be Careful When Receiving Gifts

"Just work harder!"

With such a shout, and another joint impact from the crowd, the door lock finally fell off the door frame.

It's just that they didn't wait for them to show joyful expressions, and there was a bang immediately, which turned the joy into surprise again.

——It was knocked open, but the door only slid open two or three centimeters, and then stood still, even more stable than before. Puzzled people peeped through the gap, only to be surprised to find that behind the door It was poured with chunks of cement.

Now, the safe passage is completely impossible.

After looking at each other for a while in the corridor, they finally had no choice but to return to the hall.

At least there are drinks, air conditioning, and soft, comfy stools.The most important thing is that Xu Shengyi has drifted away quietly just like when he came, and the inside is not as scary as before.

Even so, when Nana Koyama sat down, only half of her butt was touching the stool, and she was in a state of being able to jump up and run at any time.

Conan glanced at her, and said suddenly: "The next one will be 'Seven'."

These words made Koyamauchi Nana tremble uncontrollably.

She folded her arms and turned her head to stare at Conan, "Kids, don't get involved in this kind of thing! And as I said, I have nothing to do with Murakami!"

"Hmm... But sister, you have concealed other things." Conan looked at her innocently.

Relying on the fact that he has a bear body protector, the little detective asked the question he was most concerned about without any hesitation:
"Didn't you specifically confirm the time of Murakami's release from prison before? That is to say, at a certain point in time, something happened that you cared about very much and might have a grudge with someone."

"...", the topic that was finally brought up was brought up ruthlessly again.

Moreover, since they are now trapped in the underwater restaurant, they may face the murderer directly at any time, and it has become very difficult to fool this matter as if nothing had happened.

Under the silent gaze of the crowd, Nana Koyama fidgeted with her hair twice, and finally spoke the truth reluctantly:

"It's not a big deal... Three months ago, I was driving home late at night. I was a little distracted on the road. I didn't stop at the red light intersection in time, and I was a little bit beyond the stop line... It was really only a little bit, and it was less than one day. rice!"

Although she repeatedly emphasized that she was not too out of line, this kind of opening made people guess the follow-up in an instant.

Mumu Police Department slapped the table, "Did you hit someone?"

"I didn't!" Nana Koyama stood up and reacted violently, "At that time, a motorcycle happened to pass by sideways. I stepped on the brakes in time and didn't hit it! It was the driver who was not good at himself and stopped suddenly and fell. Get out...if he was driving straight, he wouldn't have rolled over at all!"

Koyama Uchi Nana knew in her heart that the other party would fall because she wanted to avoid her.

But she was still horrified when she saw the driver roll and fall out of the car window that night.

Glancing at her undamaged hood, and remembering that there was no monitoring at this intersection, she gritted her teeth, kicked the accelerator and fled the scene, deciding to pretend nothing happened.

"...He was wearing a helmet, and his clothes were not thin, and after falling down, he quickly stood up while holding on to the pole. I thought he probably didn't need first aid. I was very scared in the middle of the night, so I drove away. ", her voice gradually lowered.

The corners of Mumu Police Department's eyes twitched, and they decided to report her hit-and-run behavior to the traffic police as soon as they went out.

However, judging from Koyama Uchi Nana's current expression, the possibility of her lying is very low. Since the accident happened three months ago, it really has nothing to do with this case.

After calming down, everyone decided to put this episode aside and focus on finding the exit again.

After all, there is no signal, no food, and lack of necessary living supplies in the submarine restaurant.What's more, no one knows whether the place will open on time after Xu Shengyi's death, so there is no reason to sit still.

The men spread out to search for the exit, leaving Ran, Conan, and Nana Koyamauchi in the bright hall.

There are quite a few rooms in the underwater restaurant. After they left the hall, they each chose a direction to look for.

The door panel went out after the others, recognized the direction, and walked towards the kitchen without hesitation.Even if there is nothing to eat, staying next to the refrigerator is like coming home.

He quickly found his destination, skillfully took out a can of drink, and while drinking, unwillingly opened the cabinet doors one by one, looking for any missing snacks.

Unfortunately nothing.

Just when he started squatting on the ground and knocking, looking for the non-existent cellar, the electric light above his head suddenly went out without warning, and the whole room was plunged into darkness.

"The power is off..." The door panel put down the kitchen knife that was picked up just now, looked at the door, and remembered the plan he had read in the prisoner's mind before, "That means there will be a new soul soon..." He said with a thud Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, I tried my best to restrain myself, "I don't eat, I just drink something according to the taste, and it's not illegal to take two sips..."

Fully prepared, he dropped the knife and came to the corridor, then turned and went to the hall.

Just after turning the corner, I saw a few meters away, a person was touching the wall with one hand, and holding a forearm-length sharp knife in the other, striding forward quickly and steadily.

The restaurant is located under the sea and has no windows directly to the outside.When the lights were turned off, it was darker than night. This man must have rehearsed many times in advance to walk so boldly.

The door panel stared at him twice, stepped lightly, and followed behind.

At this time, there were only Xiaolan, Conan, and Nanai Koyama in the hall.

Conan tried to slip away just now, but was unfortunately caught by Xiaolan. Xiaolan was dragging him to the dining table, and there was a distance between the two of them and Nana Koyama who stood up nervously.

Just when Conan finally got rid of Xiaolan's hand holding his collar and turned to look at Nana Koyamauchi, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

——The latter's nails are emitting faint fluorescence.This light is like a lighthouse on the seashore when the weather is calm, and it is very conspicuous in the dark.

As a detective with an extremely active brain, Conan immediately thought of what Nana Koyamauchi had shown off before: When "Secretary of Asahi Katsuyoshi" invited her, he gave her a bottle of valuable nail polish by the way...

There is something wrong with this gift!

"Hide your hands!" Conan yelled.

His judgment was accurate, but it was a pity that it was not timely.

As soon as the words came out, Koyama Uchi Nana let out a frightening scream like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, followed by a muffled piercing sound, followed by the familiar sound of a human body falling to the ground. The sound of fast running footsteps, and the movement of the restaurant's door opening and closing.

A few seconds later, Nana Koyama's wailing gradually weakened into a moan, and finally she remained silent.

(End of this chapter)

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