Chapter 169 I Received Your Incense
There are too many important points on the note-the time of the garage explosion is 04:30, and Oki Ayako's body is just under the rear seat.

It was a death notice sent to the wrong person.

Bai Shu took the note from the furious Fujisawa Toshiaki and looked at it carefully.This is a piece of hard cardboard, the text is printed by the machine, and it is impossible to identify who made it.

"At a time like this, normal people would not leave the crowd and run to the dark garage alone. So I think Miss Oki has received similar messages, so she went to the garage to look for that precious book."

Bai Shu walked away a few steps while talking, and sat on the sofa a few meters away, then he shook the card and added:

"Of course, given that she said she knew who the murderer was, but later denied it, it cannot be ruled out that she is looking for clues..."

Before the words were finished, the living room was suddenly plunged into darkness.

The entire villa was cut off from the light source, and the moon was also blocked by the clouds. The human eye could not suddenly adapt to this pure darkness, and could not see anything. The first reaction was to stand still.

The non-human eyes are very powerful. Bai Shu quickly took out a video camera from under the coffee table—the one he got from the boss’s room before—pressed the video button, and after shaking it blindly for a few times, he aimed at Fujisawa Junming's direction.

The waiter's voice sounded through the door. This quiet girl is not used to speaking loudly, so she shouted a little hoarsely at the moment, "Don't worry, everyone, it's just that the fuse is broken. I'll replace it right away!"

"Okay!" After knowing the reason for the power outage, the fear of the dark faded a little, and the crowd stiffened into statues breathed a sigh of relief one after another, waiting for the power to be turned on.

Fujisawa Toshiaki took out the lighter with trembling hands, and pressed it several times before finally lighting it up. He looked towards the door where the waiter was, and held up the small fire, "Use this light, quickly change the fuse! "

The flames attracted everyone's attention.

When the waiter responded and stumbled closer, another figure finally caught the target and walked towards him slowly.

The cold and slender metallic luster flickered slightly under the light of the lighter, Fujisawa Toshiaki didn't notice it, but Hattori Heiji and Conan, who were closest to him, caught a glimpse of it with sharp eyes, and their hearts jumped at the same time, "Uncle, get out of here!"

The metal light spot moved slightly, fiercely approaching.

Then there were screams, footsteps, people's chaotic inquiries, and the crisp and ear-splitting sound of glass breaking.

The lighter had already been extinguished at the beginning of the chaos, and when it fell to the ground with a clatter, Hattori Heiji and Conan kicked away the invisible figure, and surrounded Toshiaki Fujisawa who kept howling.

A few minutes later, the waiter finally changed the fuse in the dark, and the lights in the living room were turned on again.

Several people closed their eyes slowly, and when they opened them again, they saw Toshiaki Fujisawa clutching his arms and falling to the ground covered in cold sweat.

A sharp awl sank into his upper arm, and the gushing blood stained a patch of black on his brown suit.

Although Toshiaki Fujisawa howled miserably, the others heaved a sigh of relief: Although the wound was deep, but fortunately the awl was very thin, as long as it was handled properly, it would not die suddenly like the other two victims. Not a single clue was left.

In addition to Toshiaki Fujisawa, another point that is significantly different from before the power outage is the windows in the living room.

A window had been smashed wide open from the inside, in an effort to give the impression that someone had escaped by jumping through the window.

"...There is no one missing in the room, and there is even a waiter girl, who can be misled by hurting an innocent window like this, it is really hurting others and not benefiting oneself.", Bai Shu carried the video recorder, tsk tsk from the sofa stand up.

He patted the hard-working machine against the unspeakable eyes of everyone, and said with relief, "Come on, witness the moment of miracles! Although it doesn't have night vision function, thanks to Mr. Fujisawa's lighter, I got a little trace. "

"..." Hattori Heiji and Conan, who just had an idea, stared at the technological product a few meters away, and fell into a bewildered silence.

In the end, Conan was more adaptable. After a few seconds of silence, he was revived on the spot, ran to the sofa, and looked at the playback screen with his head.

Although after seeing the truth, the fun of reasoning will definitely be greatly reduced, but for the safety of everyone else...

Conan sighed, pressed his reasoning heart that was about to move, and looked at the small screen with humiliation.

The camera failed to capture the murderer's face, but it clearly captured the hand holding the murder weapon and stabbing Toshiaki Fujiwara, as well as a piece of his cuff.

Through this clip of less than two seconds, the flamboyantly dressed Shihu Yanren was pulled out unwillingly.

With iron-like evidence in front of him, the fanatic finally pleaded guilty and confessed his motive for killing.

Boss Kanaya and Toshiaki Fujisawa recently co-authored a Sherlock Holmes fanfiction titled "The Laugh of Irene Yardella".

And Kento Todo felt that it was impossible for Irene to laugh at Holmes. This unrealistic book shamed Holmes, so he planned these two murders with great pains, and prepared to kill those who insulted his idol.

Two plots, one successfully killed Boss Jingu, but the other had to be temporarily changed and used on Oki Ayako who knew too much.

In this way, in order to achieve his goal, he must commit a third murder.

He thought that although he was not prepared enough, but with the previous two alibi foreshadowing, he could successfully remove the suspicion, but he never expected that, after all the calculations, he was actually defeated by an inconspicuous camera.

Must have been cursed by Jin-gu, otherwise how could that detective have just picked up Jin-gu's camera and touched it just in time for a blackout?Asshole Kanaya, even if he died, it wouldn't make people feel at ease - when he was taken away by the police the next day, Kento Todo thought so, and silently shed tears of unwillingness.

Others were also sent down the mountain one after another by cars arranged by the police.

On the shaky mountain road, Hattori Heiji and Conan sat side by side in the back seat, exchanging thoughts:
"Boss Jingu was probably killed on the first night. The guy in Shihu took advantage of the dead body to step on the brakes after starting the car. In this way, when the body softened, the car would slowly drive out of the garage, creating a The false appearance of Jin Gu’s suicide was used to create an alibi for Shihu Yanren who was in the living room at that time.”

Conan nodded, "Ms. Oki was killed because when she was looking for that precious book in the car, she lit a lighter for lighting. Kento Juto poured oil in that car in advance."

"It's so boring."


Although the truth was deduced after Kento Todo's death, the feeling of catching the murderer based on the progressive reasoning is far from the feeling of knowing the murderer first and then reasoning about the method of committing the crime.

It's like reading a detective comic, and the previous reader circled the murderer with a red pen in advance.

Hattori Heiji quickly lost interest in the case. He looked at Conan suspiciously, "Speaking of which, as a first-year elementary school student, you know too much."

"!", Conan froze, and after a while, he pointed to Bai Shu, "Brother Naoki taught it hahaha."

"...hehe." Hattori Heiji's eyes twitched.He taught?what to teachTeach you how to operate the video recorder? !
Bai Shu didn't care about the communication between the two youngsters at all, he queued up the two souls and sent them to reincarnation, and stretched happily while listening to the notification that the results had arrived.

Wait a few days for the development of technology, and order a set of rechargeable portable pinhole cameras and bugs.

Sure enough, technology is the source of happiness for salted fish.

(End of this chapter)

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