Chapter 151
The death scene was so horrifying that Xiao Lan, who often saw corpses, couldn't help but backed away a few steps, covering her mouth, her stomach tumbling.

The other few people were equally frightened, but medical students seem to have a better ability to accept bloody scenes than ordinary people.

——After staying at the door for a while, several people ran forward to check the situation of General Da Shan, wanting to see if he could be rescued, and the two girls were no exception.

However, the result was negative, and the four quickly confirmed that Dashan would have passed away.

Kanazawa Zhikang was the oldest and the most stable. After a moment of silence, he sighed and wanted to untie the rope that bound Dashan around his body, so that his death would look better.

However, a hand blocked him, and Bai Shu blocked his hand: "Since you can't rescue, then don't destroy the scene of the crime, call the police first."

"That's right!"

A confident voice came from the door, and Kogoro Mori stuck his tongue out and yelled, "I have asked my daughter to call the police. From now on, the police and Kogoro Mori will take over here!"

"Maori Kogoro?!"

Several medical teachers looked surprised.

Although he didn't pay much attention to the detective-related information, Mori Kogoro was a celebrity after all, and several people had heard of him by accident, knowing that he was a sharp detective who specialized in solving difficult and miscellaneous cases.

So the four retreated outside the door without objection, leaving the crime scene to professionals.

At this time, Xiaolan hurried back, "Dad, the police and the ambulance both said that the snow was too deep and they couldn't come here for the time being."

"Oh, really, every time I have to trouble me, Mori Kogoro, to appear, the police have to work harder!"

Mori Kogoro skillfully borrowed a camera and asked Bai Shu to take pictures of the scene. He himself tried to widen his sleepy eyes due to drunkenness, approached the general, and tried to conduct a preliminary identification.

But soon, he suddenly realized: Isn't there some ready-made coolies?

Mori Kogoro stood up staggeringly, turned his head to look at the door: "After the photos are taken, can you please do an autopsy without destroying the scene as much as possible? The medical professors must be more professional than me."

"We're not all professors..."

Jiangnan Guobu subconsciously refuted half a sentence, but soon, she realized that this was not the point at all, so she shut her mouth and quietly went back to the room to get the tools.

Bai Shu quickly finished taking pictures of the corpse and the room, and he backed away a few steps to make room for the autopsy.

The room is quite messy:
On the safe to the right of the TV, there are several fresh scratches, as if someone attempted to break open the door.

The middle pane of the grid-like window had been shattered, and the broken glass was taped and kept from falling to the floor.

Pushing open the window and looking out, you can see two strings of footprints that come and go outside the window.

Mori Kogoro walked around, stood by the window thinking for a moment, then nodded, "I probably have some clues!"

Conan stood beside him, also raised his chin, and let out a thoughtful "huh".

Then in the next second, Kogoro Moori punched him on the head, "What are you doing!"

"...", Conan clutched the bag on his head, gave him a gloomy look, and walked away quietly.

Bai Shu withdrew his gaze from the window, stood by the small table in the center of the room, and turned to look at the medical teachers helping General Da Shan for the autopsy.

On the floor at his feet, a checkered tablecloth fell, spattered with blood.

At the same time, it can be seen that the edge of the small square table is also splattered with blood, and they are neatly broken.

——This means that when the blood splashed on the table, the table was still covered with a tablecloth.But then, the tablecloth was lifted off by someone.

In addition, there was a bloodstain spreading from the side of the table, leading directly to General Da Shan's body. He seemed to have been injured at the side of the table, and then for some reason, he desperately climbed to the side of the wall and sat up on his knees.

Conan followed Mori Kogoro to observe the surroundings, then ran to the foot of the white tree and turned around, successfully noticing many clues near the table.

Almost at the same time, he heard Toda Ginji, who was doing the autopsy, cursing in a low voice, "The murderer went too far, and let blood splash on the gold watch that Mr. Dashan is most proud of!"

Kaori Nakahara glared at him, "Everyone is dead, yet you still miss his watch?!"

Fei Tianyin'er's face flushed, and he turned into anger from embarrassment, "Who cares about it! I can't just say it casually?"

No one answered, Toda Shoji also calmed down in embarrassment, silently inspecting Dashan General's wound.

Ten minutes later, the medical team came to a conclusion, "The time of death was between one and a half hours and two hours ago, that is, between 9:10 and [-] o'clock tonight."

Bai Shu recorded their words and sighed, "It was when Mr. Dashan was watching a TV series... It's really dangerous to be alone in this kind of place."

"...", the corner of Conan's mouth twitched: This conclusion is not correct, it is not dangerous for normal people to watch TV at home.

No one noticed his strange eyes. Kanazawa Zhiyasu continued, "Mr. Dashan has many scars on his body, but the main fatal injury is in the lungs."

He pointed to the knife still stuck in the corpse, "The cause of death was suffocation caused by the two stabs in the lung."

Xiao Lan gasped, not understanding what the suffocation had to do with the knife wound, "Is it because of choking on blood?"

Bai Shu shook his head, "If the lungs are punctured, the lungs may not be able to expand, and the air cannot be breathed... This kind of death process is quite painful."

The soul at his feet nodded fiercely with tears in his eyes, and Kanazawa Zhiyasu also sighed, agreeing with this statement, "Before the teacher died, he struggled in pain for about 10-15 minutes."

Jiangnan Guobu took off his gloves, put down his tied hair, and said with a sad expression, "This is simply torture, who is so cruel?"

"It must have been done by some villain who coveted money! I already understand everything!" Mouri Kogoro showed a look of seeing through everything:

"The incident happened like this: the murderer saw the money, sneaked in through the window, attacked Mr. Dashan who was addicted to watching dramas from behind, subdued him and tied him up, and then threatened him to tell the password of the safe.

"But Mr. Dashan refused to say that the murderer stabbed him a few times in a rage, and tried to destroy the safe with a knife, but of course he failed, so in the end, he had to escape through the window in despair!"

Conan felt uncomfortable listening to this flawed reasoning, pressed his forehead, turned to the white tree next to him, and asked in a low voice, "Aren't you going to say something?"

"It seems to be something to say." Bai Shu thought for a moment, then nodded.

Just as Conan breathed a sigh of relief, he heard the people next to him clapping and clapping, saying concisely and skillfully, "Wonderful!"

"...", shut up!What about your dignity and integrity as a detective? !
(End of this chapter)

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