Be the god of death in the world of famous detectives

Chapter 145 Show everyone a big transformation

Chapter 145 Show everyone a big transformation
Everything is as they reasoned.

After Kudo Shinichi took down the group photo of Ikemura and his wife on the bookshelf, Mrs. Ikemura finally gave up struggling, let out a breath, and calmly narrated the truth of the matter.

Both she and Chi Cunxun remarried, and both had children with their ex before marriage. Chi Cunxun's son now lives with them, and Chi Cun Gongjiang's daughter was taken away by relatives of her husband's family for adoption.

A while ago, after his son brought back his "daughter-in-law", Ikemura Xun was surprised to find that Yoshiki Sachiko was actually the child of Mrs. Ikemura and her ex-husband. He immediately opposed the marriage very fiercely, and his excessive reaction caused Mrs. Ikemura to have doubts. .

Under her constant cross-examination, Chi Cunxun didn't say much: Mrs. Chi Cunxun's ex-husband died in prison after being framed by Chi Cunxun, so when he saw the other's daughter again, he couldn't help but feel guilty.

After hearing this, Chimura Gongjiang decided to avenge his ex-husband and planned the murder.

After Mrs. Chimura was taken away by the police, Xiaolan pushed the door open and entered, "Did you see Conan, I went to pick up the doctor at the door just now, and when he came back, he wouldn't... Shinichi?!"

Xiaolan stared at him for a few seconds, her eyes became moist.

The person she had been thinking about for a long time suddenly appeared, causing her mind to be in turmoil. Even in front of so many people, she couldn't care less about being shy, and spit out what she wanted to say:
"Where did you go?! I thought you had an accident, you know how worried I am!"

Kudo Shinichi was slumped down the cabinet, but when he heard Xiaolan's voice, he immediately tried to stand up straight again, and even made a pose, resting his forehead with one hand, comforting her with sweat:
"Don't cry, silly or not, I'm just going to deal with a tricky case, and I always talk to you, don't you have anything to worry about."

"But..." Xiaolan seemed to want to say something, but after realizing that Kudo Shinichi was panting heavily and sweating profusely, she swallowed back her complaints and approached him anxiously, "Xinyi, what's wrong with you?"

Kudo Shinichi really wanted to say "it's nothing, just a slight cold".

But just as he uttered a word, his throat tightened, and he bent over and coughed violently. Before Xiaolan could stay beside him for a few seconds, he had to run out to find a doctor.

"...", Bai Shu was shocked by the notebook in his pocket again, he took out the notebook, suppressed the urge to stuff it into the trash can, held it to give Kudo Shinichi a fan, right to cheer: very good Live, you can't die.

Hattori Heiji was the most heartbroken, only thinking that Kudo Shinichi was choking.

While patting Kudou on the back to give him peace of mind, he honestly conceded defeat to the two cheaters and continued to declare war by the way:

"This time I'm convinced that I lost, but next time it won't be so!"

At this moment, Kudo Shinichi only felt that his eardrums were swollen, and the white spots in front of his eyes were connected together. All the information from the outside world seemed to be covered with a water curtain, making it difficult to be accurately received—fortunately, Hattori Heiji's voice was loud enough.

In contrast, Kudo Shinichi moved his mouth and tried his best to finish his opinion, "There is no distinction between winners and losers in reasoning, because there is always only one truth."

"!" Hattori Heiji's eyes widened in an instant, and he was fascinated by the protagonist's classic lines. After a few seconds, he calmed down again, and pressed his hat as if feeling something.

Not caring about his reaction, Kudo Shinichi held onto the cabinet and groped his way to the door, trying to escape.

The feeling now is very similar to when it suddenly became bigger just now.

If you don't leave now and turn back into Conan under the watchful eyes of everyone, this bizarre incident is likely to be spread and attract the attention of the black organization.

At that time, everyone present will be in trouble.

"Hey, Kudo? Are you okay, why do you walk like you're floating... Are you really just a cold?"

Hattori Heiji finally saw something was wrong, and was hesitating whether to follow him to help him, when the figure beside him moved, Shiroki walked past him.


Kudo Shinichi wanted to go back to the room he had grown bigger just now, find out Conan's clothes hidden there and change into it, pretending that "Kudo Shinichi" came and left.

But just moved a few meters away, Xiaolan's voice and messy footsteps suddenly came from the corner ahead, "Doctor, hurry up, it's right here!"

Kudo Shinichi's heart tightened: Xiaolan must not see her shrinking appearance, so she must find a place to hide quickly.

The idea is good, but even with the protagonist's halo body protection, his body has finally reached its limit.

The more anxious you are, the more dizzy you become.

Just when Kudo Shinichi swayed, almost crossed the corner, and fell straight under Xiaolan's pleated skirt, there was a light click from behind diagonally.

—someone opened the toilet door in the corridor.

Immediately afterwards, the person who opened the door carried him from behind, pulled and pushed, and Kudo Shinichi fell into the toilet one by one.

The door was slammed shut again.

After sitting down on the ground, the dizziness eased, and Kudo Shinichi lay on the door panel, hearing the movement from the outside world.

Xiaolan's doubtful voice was close at hand, "Brother Zhishu? You just..."

"I wanted to go to the toilet, but when I opened the door halfway, I felt someone was inside, so I closed it again... Sigh, I don't know who is so heartless that they don't even close the door when they go to the toilet?"

"That's it." Xiaolan didn't doubt that he was there, she glanced at the door, and was about to take the doctor to the study, when suddenly, there was an extremely shrill scream from the toilet.


The three people at the door looked at each other, the doctor was baffled, Bai Shu looked innocent, Xiaolan felt that the voice was very familiar, her heart tightened, and she slammed open the toilet door, "Xinyi!"

The sturdy round doorknob was creaked by the caring Xiaolan, and Bai Shu silently pushed it half a step away, thankful that he didn't have time to lock the door just now - otherwise, wouldn't he have to pay for the lock before leaving? .

After the toilet door was opened, there was no Kudo Shinichi inside.

Conan sat on the closed toilet seat, wearing a loose shirt that was too big for a child. He wiped the sweat from his face and waved to Xiaolan, "Sister Xiaolan, what's the matter."

It is true that I am worried about Kudo Shinichi, and it is also true that I have been looking for Conan who disappeared with illness before seeing Kudo Shinichi.

Xiaolan breathed a sigh of relief, and tapped his forehead vigorously, "Where did you go! Also, what happened to the scream just now?"

"I almost tripped just now, and was frightened, so I couldn't help shouting, haha...ha."

Conan scratched his head and pretended to be stupid. On the way, he suddenly thought of something, and his back turned cold:
Xiaolan didn't see Kudo Shinichi hiding in the toilet, so even if it was Conan who came out, she wouldn't be surprised

But the one who threw himself in just now, really saw a big change and came alive!
No, think about it carefully... Seeing the uncomfortable look of "Kudo Shinichi" just now, normal people would send him to see a doctor, instead of precisely following the patient's own thoughts and hiding him in the toilet!
In the end he...

Conan couldn't help but look up at Bai Shu, but found that from this angle, the other's face was completely blocked by his small notebook that never left his body, and he couldn't see the expression.

Conan was in a complicated mood, Xiaolan looked at his face, bent down and touched his forehead, "Fortunately, it's not burning now... I'll take the doctor to see Shinichi first, let Naoki take you back to the room, Don't run around."

Bai Shu looked away from the blank notebook and stopped Xiaolan, "Shinichi Kudo said just now that he was going to deal with another case, so he has already left."

"What? But isn't he sick?" Xiaolan glanced at the door of the study.

"Brother Xinyi said he's not sick, he's just a little tired, that's why he's like that, and he's recovered now." Conan rubbed his eyes hard, his eyelids were heavy, and he insisted on talking nonsense:

"By the way, he also said, don't let other people know that this incident is related to him..."

After explaining the last sentence, Conan lost his strength and fainted to the side, and fell into Xiaolan's arms precisely amidst Xiaolan's small screams.

(End of this chapter)

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