Chapter 116
After the others finished telling their experiences around 10 o'clock, they all went back to the room. The last two people who were asked were Shiro Konno and Akiko Sayama.

Both said they had been in the room the whole time.

The alibi given by Konno Shiro was that he had sent several emails using his computer between the end of nine o'clock and ten o'clock. The strength of this alibi was obviously not very strong.

On the other hand, Akiko Sayama's situation is easier to confirm: during that time, she called the front desk and made a reservation for the morning call service tomorrow morning.

Although if you have to find fault, you can also say that she recorded the words in advance and waited for the time to play... But even so, her alibi is the most sufficient one among this group of people
Although most of them couldn't give a solid alibi, before the murderer was identified, these people were all serious citizens, and the police couldn't take strong measures to keep them.

After asking questions, Henggou quickly sent everyone away, it was already late, and he couldn't delay others' rest.

Akiko Sayama was the last to be asked. Maeda Satoshi went somewhere, and she returned to the room alone.

Xiaolan was a bit out of temper at first and didn't dare to strike up a conversation, but considering that the two lived on the same floor after all and were still close neighbors for the time being, she finally summoned up the courage to invite Akiko Sayama to go with her.

Akiko Sayama looked at them and nodded in agreement.

"What's the matter..." When Maeda Satoshi was away, Akiko Sayama seemed to be more talkative, and her conversations returned to normal, not so cold.

She folded her arms, frowned and muttered as she walked, "That criminal policeman must think I'm the murderer, he dragged me to question for so long, obviously there are many more suspects than me!"

"No." Xiaolan comforted her helplessly.

She didn't see that the criminal police were targeting Akiko Sayama, but among the group of people, she was the only one who provided a definite alibi, and there were more things to verify, so it took longer.

The four of them entered the elevator together. Akiko Sayama raised his hand and pressed the button on the 19th floor. Suddenly, he remembered something and turned to look at Bai Shu, "I remember you said that you are 'good at solving crimes'. Are you all detectives? Can I ask, what do you think of this case?"

"Me?", Bai Shu wanted to say that he most wanted to lie down and watch... But Akiko Sayama definitely couldn't appreciate this old-fashioned joke, so in the end, he lied plainly, "I don't have a clue yet."

"Really..." Akiko Sayama tilted her head, leaned against the elevator wall, folded her arms around her chest, and put on a slightly defensive posture, not knowing what she was thinking.

Chatting with this temperamental girl is really a daunting task.

Bai Shu and Conan couldn't count on it at first glance, Xiaolan could only try to think of a topic by herself, but before she could say anything, there was a ding, and the 19th floor had arrived.

Xiao Lan immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and waved her hand with a smile, "Here, let's have a good rest for the night, the matter of the case, wait until tomorrow..."

A human-shaped shadow squeezed in from the open gap of the elevator door and covered her body,
There was a momentary silence in the elevator.

Everyone's eyes were focused on the iron door that slowly slid open, and a tall figure could be seen blocking the elevator entrance, with his head lowered, watching them silently.

The man was wearing a black robe, a tall top hat, and a white smiling mask on his face, which completely covered his face. There was sticky blood on the mask from the right eye to the corner of his mouth. In summer, it emits a faint sour and fishy smell.

——The strange baron of the night.

This was originally just a weird novel character, but until now, he has been closely linked with the horrific murder case of falling from a building.As the name popped out of their minds, the faces of the three people in the elevator turned pale.

On the mask of the strange baron, there is a twisted and strange smile. Even if he pulls out a chainsaw from his crotch the next second, buzzes and laughs wildly, and kills, no one will think it is against the law.

But he didn't move, just stood at the door, looking down at them like a sculpture.

After a while, perhaps because he felt that he had been standing still for too long, he suddenly took a step forward.

The closer the distance was, it was like a switch, and Xiaolan's force value button was suddenly pressed. She threw herself in front of her companion, and with her strength, she leaned forward and hit the strange baron's face with her slender and powerful legs.

If he changed to a more general set, he would definitely be lying on the ground with this kick, ho ho ho ho ho.

But this strange baron in the night is different. Facing the kick that almost made the wind sound, he just took a step back calmly, raised his hand and slapped obliquely, and easily resolved Xiaolan's attack. And a little handsome.

Bai Shu chuckled in his heart, as the saying goes, you can't have both handsome and waistcoat, it seems that this man is too young to understand this truth.

As soon as this hand was revealed, Xiaolan and Akiko Sayama were stunned at the same time, they both looked at the strange baron in the night at the same time, there was less fear in their eyes, and more sadness and uncertainty.

The strange baron in the night didn't know anything about their thoughts, made a face, then turned his head and ran away satisfied.

Finally, Conan also felt something was wrong.

This strange baron is too kind!
Feeling the conscience, his appearance is not bad: it is sudden enough and oppressive enough.

But look at what he did after that - standing at the door as a sculpture → getting kicked.

...and then they were about to withdraw!

So what on earth are you here for? !
Shock was nothing but shock, but when the other party ran away, Conan didn't forget to jump up and grab him, but he moved a little slowly and failed to hold him back.

After being a child for so long, Conan finally has a sense of his strength.

He was worried about blaming the baron's weird behavior, because he was afraid that they would take the opportunity to escape by taking the elevator and trying to set up a trap of "please enter the urn", so he didn't dare to chase out like before, but turned around and called for the strongest combat power, " Miss Xiaolan, hurry up!"

Conan was about to smoke, but Xiaolan didn't know why, she kept her head down and didn't move - she actually lost her mind at this critical moment.

At this time, another person suddenly rushed out of the elevator and quickly chased after the strange baron.

The two figures disappeared one after the other around the corner, and Xiaolan just woke up like a dream. She raised her head and glanced over there, her voice was weak, and she followed her in a vacant voice, "No, brother Zhishu can't beat him..."

"What?" Her voice was very low, but Conan still heard it. He looked at Xiaolan in surprise as he ran, "Sister Xiaolan, what did you just say? Do you know who that is?!"

"...", Xiaolan pursed her lips tightly, and stopped talking, but for some reason, she ran faster.

(End of this chapter)

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