The farmhouse's fierce wife is the master of the house

Chapter 527 You Are All Cute Children

Chapter 527 You Are All Cute Children

Da Shengzi was stunned when he heard Ye Xiangchun's words, and turned to look at Jingyu.

Jing Yu was also looking at Da Shengzi, and from time to time glared at Xiaobei the lynx who was tearing at his feet.

That day's genuine appearance and that bright smile made Da Shengzi's eyes stained with deeper mist.

But I have to admit that when Jing Yu first came, she was a child who refused to talk, but now it is really different.

"Am I... the same as him?" Da Shengzi didn't know what to say, but was full of doubts.

Who doesn't want a happy childhood?Who doesn't want to have the love of family?But Da Shengzi thought he would never get it again.

Ye Xiangchun nodded heavily, and said very seriously: "Your aunt and I are your closest relatives. And you, like Xiaoyu, are lovely children."

Da Shengzi's shoulders moved slightly, his not tall but strong body trembled twice, and then he plunged into Ye Xiangchun's arms and burst into tears.

Ye Xiuzhi also came over, and slowly squatted beside Da Shengzi, stroking his back and comforting him softly.

Da Shengzi cried for a long time before he stopped, but he stopped crying as if he suddenly came to his senses, wiped the tears on his face suddenly, and couldn't lift his head in embarrassment.

"I, I really hate it." Da Shengzi sniffled his nose, and when he heard himself speaking in a strong nasal voice, his face also turned red.

"Isn't that what children are like, laughing for a while. If they lose a piece of candy, they feel that they are the most miserable person in the world, but when they are given a toy, they feel extremely happy." After Ye Xiangchun finished speaking, he took Da Shengzi with one hand, Holding Jing Yu up with one hand, he said, "Let's go, let's go home. It hasn't been this lively for a long time, and it's a happy reunion."

Yes, the whole family of the Ye family is reunited again.

Jing Chen and A Shuo also made do, following behind Ye Xiangchun and Ye Xiuzhi respectively.

After a lively dinner, Ye Xiuzhi and Ye Xiangchun led Da Shengzi back home when there were not too many people in the village.

This house is really still the same, even the door is not locked.

However, those few chickens flying around are quite peaceful. They go out to look for food during the day and go back to the chicken coop by themselves at night.

Da Shengzi went into the house and lit the oil lamp, glanced at the pile of cold ashes under the stove, then at the layer of grease floating in the water tank, and sighed.

"How many days has my father and mother been gone?" The aunt wiped the table, touching the ashes on her hands.

Ye Xiuzhi said, "It's been three days at least. Some neighbors have come to visit the house, but no one has touched anything."

Da Shengzi nodded: "There is nothing valuable in my house. The money my sister-in-law gives my father every month is not enough, and the land is also sold. The only two lands left are still not in a good location, and no one buys them. "

Ye Xiangchun walked around the room, but didn't feel anything special, and was even stingy with some memories.Apart from being depressing and messy, it doesn't feel like a home at all.

Da Shengzi rummaged through the closet and found some of his previous clothes.After thinking about it, I went to the other side of the cabinet, and found that my parents hadn't taken anything away.

"I want to keep these." Da Shengzi didn't know if he was talking to himself, or talking to Ye Xiuzhi.

Then he took out the clothes of Ye Dasong and Wang Guihua one by one, and found a furoshiki to wrap them up.

Ye Xiuzhi didn't make a sound the whole time, just stood silently by the side and accompanied Da Shengzi to tidy up little by little.

(End of this chapter)

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